Novel Technologies
DOI: 10.15154/z563-zd24 (Release 5.1)
List of Instruments
General Information
An overview of the ABCD Study® can be found at and detailed descriptions of the assessment protocols are available at ABCD Protocols. This page describes the contents of various instruments available for download. To understand the context of this information, refer to the release note Start Page.
Detailed information about the instruments, the constructs they are intended to measure, and relevant citations for each measure are provided in the following:
Bagot, K. S., Matthews, S. A., Mason, M., Squeglia, L. M., Fowler, J., Gray, K., Herting, M., May, A., Colrain, I., Godino, J., Tapert, S., Brown, S., & Patrick, K. (2018). Current, future and potential use of mobile and wearable technologies and social media data in the ABCD study to increase understanding of contributors to child health. Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 32, 121–129. Find here
Bagot, K. S., Tomko, R. L., Marshall, A. T., Hermann, J., Cummins, K., Ksinan, A., Kakalis, M., Breslin, F., Lisdahl, K. M., Mason, M., Redhead, J. N., Squeglia, L. M., Thompson, W. K., Wade, T., Tapert, S. F., Fuemmeler, B. F., & Baker, F. C. (2022). Youth screen use in the ABCD® study. Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 57, 101150. Advance online publication. Find here
Updates and Notes
Determining In-person, remote, and Hybrid for Overall Visit Type
Refer to the release note Start Page.
Instrument Descriptions
Youth Instruments
Screen Time Questionnaire
Release 5.0 Data Table: nt_y_st
Measure Description: This measure includes customized questions about the overall amount of time that the youth spends using visual media on a typical weekday and weekend day. Media activities assessed include:
- Watching TV shows or movies
- Watching videos (such as YouTube)
- Playing video games (single- or multiplayer) on a computer, console, phone or other device
- Texting on a cell phone, tablet, or computer
- Visiting social media apps like Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok
- Video chat. Seven response options were: none, < 30 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, and 4+ hours.
See Modifications since initial administration regarding substantial changes made to this measure starting at the 2-year follow-up.
ABCD Subdomain: Screen Use
Number of Variables: 198
Summary Score(s): Yes
Measurement Waves Administered: Annually since Baseline
Modifications since initial administration: From the 2-year follow-up on, response options were changed to an open format of number of hours and minutes spent on each screen usage activity. We also included the 6-item social media addiction and video game addiction questionnaires adapted from the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale (Andreassen et al, 2012). Additionally, we added customized questions about timing of screen usage around bedtime, mobile phone ownership and usage, social media accounts, and online dating. A summary of changes is contained in the table below.
Youth Screen Usage Self-Report Questionnaire modifications made by year
Youth Questions | Baseline | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Watch “or stream” TV shows or movies? (such as Hulu, Netflix or Amazon, not including videos on YouTube) | Xa | Xa | X | X# | X# | |||
Watch or stream videos or live stream (such as YouTube, Twitch)? | Xb | Xb | X | |||||
Watch or stream movies, videos or TV shows? (such as Hulu, Netflix or Amazon, YouTube, Twitch)? | X* | X* | X* | |||||
Play video games on a computer, console, phone or other device (Xbox, Play Station, iPad)? | X | X | ||||||
Play single-player video games on a computer, console, phone or other digital/mobile technology (e.g. Xbox, Play Station, iPad, AppleTV)? | Xe | Xe | Xe | X* | X* | X* | ||
Play multiplayer video games on a computer, console, phone, or other digital/mobile technology (e.g. Xbox, Play Station, iPad, AppleTV) where you can interact with others in the game? | Xf | Xf | Xf | X* | X* | X* | ||
Text on a cell phone, tablet, computer, iPod, or other electronic device (e.g., GChat, WhatsApp, Kik etc.)? | Xc | Xc | X | X | X | X* | X* | X* |
Visit social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.? | X | X | ||||||
Visit social media apps (e.g., Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc.)? (Do not include time spent editing photos or videos to post on social media.) | X | X | X | X* | X* | X* | ||
Edit photos or videos to post on social media. | X | |||||||
Video chat (Skype, FaceTime, VRchat, etc.) that is NOT for school | Xd | Xd | Xg | X | X | X* | X* | X* |
Searching or browsing the internet (e.g., using Google) that is NOT for school. | X | X | ||||||
Spend in TOTAL on a computer, phone, tablet, iPod, or other digital/mobile technology or video game? Please do NOT include time spent on school related work, but do include watching TV, shows or videos, texting or chatting, playing games, or visiting social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). | Xh | X | X | X | X | X | ||
Spend in TOTAL on school-related work on a phone, tablet, computer, or other digital/mobile technology? Please do not include time during school. | Xi | X | X | X |
aEarlier version read, “Watch TV shows or movies?”;
bEarlier version read, “Watch videos (such as YouTube)?”;
cEarlier version read, “Text on a cell phone, tablet, or computer (e.g. GChat, WhatsApp, etc.)?”;
dEarlier version read, “Video chat (Skype, Facetime, etc.)?”;
eEarlier version read, “Play single-player video games on a computer, console, phone or other device (Xbox, Play Station, iPad, AppleTV)?”;
fEarlier version read, “Play multiplayer video games on a computer, console, phone, or other device (Xbox, Play Station, iPad, AppleTV) where you can interact with others in the game?”;
gEarlier version read, “Video chat (Skype, FaceTime, VRchat, etc.)”;
hEarlier version read, “Spend in TOTAL on a computer, phone, tablet, iPod, or other device or video game? Please do NOT include time spent on school related work, but do include watching TV, shows or videos, texting or chatting, playing games, or visiting social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram).”;
iEarlier version read, “Spend in TOTAL on school-related work on a phone, tablet, computer, or other computerized device? Please do not include time during school.”
#Includes variables: screentime_1_wkdy2_hr, screentime_1_wkdy2_min, screentime_7_8_wknd_hr, screentime_7_8_wknd_min;
*Asked only for weekend days.
Notes and special considerations: None
Reference: Andreassen, C. S., Torsheim, T., Brunborg, G. S., & Pallesen, S. (2012). Development of a Facebook Addiction Scale. Psychological reports, 110(2), 501–517. Find here
EARS — Device Usage Statistics
Release 5.0 Data Table: nt_y_ears
Measure Description: Objective screen time and application use data from EARS (Ksana Health) for the passive assessment of mobile phone use. Data include measures of time spent in calls and total time spent in various app categories (e.g., Youtube, gaming, productivity, communication). These data are summary scores from the usage period.
ABCD Subdomain: Screen Use
Number of Variables: 1695
Summary Score(s): Yes
Measurement Waves Administered: 4-year follow-up
Modifications since initial administration: None
Notes and special considerations: None
Reference: Lind, M. N., Byrne, M. L., Wicks, G., Smidt, A. M., & Allen, N. B. (2018). The Effortless Assessment of Risk States (EARS) Tool: An Interpersonal Approach to Mobile Sensing. JMIR mental health, 5(3), e10334. Find here
EARS — Post-Assessment Survey
Release 5.0 Data Table: nt_y_ears_qtn
Measure Description: Questionnaire of weekday and weekend time on devices (e.g., “screen time”) for non-school activities and household rules for device and app usage. Youth and parents completed independent questionnaires with parents reporting on their youth (Parent Measure). These instruments were collected following participation in the EARS assessment of device and app usage.
ABCD Subdomain: Screen Time
Number of Variables: 22
Summary Score(s): Yes
Measurement Waves Administered: 4-year follow-up
Modifications since initial administration: None
Notes and special considerations: None
Reference: None
EARS — Device Usage Statistics (Pilot)
Release 5.0 Data Table: nt_y_ears_plt
Measure Description: Objective screen time and application use data from EARS (Ksana Health) for the passive assessment of mobile phone use. These data were collected during a pilot study of methods and compatibility of different software platforms for Device Usage Statistics. Data measures of time spent in calls and total time spent in various app categories (e.g., Youtube, gaming, productivity, communication). These data are summary scores from the usage period.
ABCD Subdomain: Screen Time
Number of Variables: 382
Summary Score(s): Yes
Measurement Waves Administered: 3-year follow-up
Modifications since initial administration: None
Notes and special considerations: As a pilot study, these data were collected at a subset of ABCD sites.
Reference: Lind, M. N., Byrne, M. L., Wicks, G., Smidt, A. M., & Allen, N. B. (2018). The Effortless Assessment of Risk States (EARS) Tool: An Interpersonal Approach to Mobile Sensing. JMIR mental health, 5(3), e10334. Find here
EARS and Vibrent — Pre/Post-Assessment Survey (Pilot)
Release 5.0 Data Table: nt_y_ears_vibr_qtn_plt
Measure Description: Pre- and post-questionnaires of weekday and weekend time on devices (e.g., “screen time”) for non-school activities and household rules for device and app usage. Youth and parents completed independent questionnaires with parents reporting on their youth Parent Measure. These data were collected during a pilot study of methods and compatibility of different software platforms for Device Usage Statistics.
ABCD Subdomain: Screen Time
Number of Variables: 59
Summary Score(s): No
Measurement Waves Administered: 3-year follow-up.
Modifications since initial administration: None
Notes and special considerations: As a pilot study, these data were collected at a subset of ABCD sites.
Reference: None
Vibrent — Device Usage Statistics (Pilot)
Release 5.0 Data Table: nt_y_vibr_plt
Measure Description: Objective screen time and application use data from Vibrent (Vibrent Health) for the passive assessment of mobile phone use. These data were collected during a pilot study of methods and compatibility of different software platforms for Device Usage Statistics. Data measures of time spent in calls and total time spent in various app categories (e.g., Youtube, gaming, productivity, communication). These data are summary scores of usage
ABCD Subdomain: Screen Time
Number of Variables: 76
Summary Score(s): Yes
Measurement Waves Administered: 3-year follow-up
Modifications since initial administration: None
Notes and special considerations: As a pilot study, these data were collected at a subset of ABCD sites.
Reference: None
Fitbit — Physical Activity (Daily)
Release 5.0 Data Table: nt_y_fitb_act_d
Measure Description: This instrument includes daily physical activity (and sedentary behavior) at the minute level based on heart rate and accelerometer data from Fitbit. These are summary data from the usage period. Raw data are available and described below.
ABCD Subdomain: Actigraphy
Number of Variables: 46
Summary Score(s): Yes
Measurement Waves Administered: 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up.
Modifications since initial administration: None
Notes and special considerations: Participants (n=508) who already had deployed devices as part of their 2-year follow-up when ABCD sites closed in mid-March 2020 were asked to continue to wear the device. Of these, 160 participants spread across 18 of ABCD’s 21 sites agreed to extend their Fitbit data collection for an additional 12 weeks. For more information about participants who provided extended-wear Fitbit data, visit the ABCD 5.0 Changes and Known Issues release note on the NIMH Data Archive. Note that this is available only to authenticated users.
Reference: Godino, J. G., Wing, D., de Zambotti, M., Baker, F. C., Bagot, K., Inkelis, S., Pautz, C., Higgins, M., Nichols, J., Brumback, T., Chevance, G., Colrain, I. M., Patrick, K., & Tapert, S. F. (2020). Performance of a commercial multi-sensor wearable (Fitbit Charge HR) in measuring physical activity and sleep in healthy children. PloS one, 15(9), e0237719. Find here
Fitbit — Physical Activity (Weekly)
Release 5.0 Data Table: nt_y_fitb_act_w
Measure Description: Weekly physical activity (and sedentary behavior) for all days with sufficient wear time for inclusion (>600 minutes of daytime wear) from Fitbit. Data include minutes in a variety of activity intensities and steps taken that are broken into weekday only, weekend only, and all days of week. These are summary data from the usage period.
ABCD Subdomain: Actigraphy
Number of Variables: 25
Summary Score(s): Yes
Measurement Waves Administered: 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up
Modifications since initial administration: None
Notes and special considerations: Participants (n=508) who already had deployed devices as part of their 2-year follow-up when ABCD sites closed in mid-March 2020 were asked to continue to wear the device. Of these, 160 participants spread across 18 of ABCD’s 21 sites agreed to extend their Fitbit data collection for an additional 12 weeks. For more information about participants who provided extended-wear Fitbit data, visit the ABCD 5.0 Changes and Known Issues release note on the NIMH Data Archive. Note that this is available only to authenticated users.
Reference: Godino, J. G., Wing, D., de Zambotti, M., Baker, F. C., Bagot, K., Inkelis, S., Pautz, C., Higgins, M., Nichols, J., Brumback, T., Chevance, G., Colrain, I. M., Patrick, K., & Tapert, S. F. (2020). Performance of a commercial multi-sensor wearable (Fitbit Charge HR) in measuring physical activity and sleep in healthy children. PloS one, 15(9), e0237719. Find here
Fitbit — Sleep (Daily)
Release 5.0 Data Table: nt_y_fitb_slp_d
Measure Description: This instrument includes sleep data for each participant night that had sufficient wear/sleep duration to achieve sleep “stages” – minimum of 180 minutes of in-bed time. Metrics include number of instances and number of minutes in each sleep stage. Data include average HR within each stage. These are summary data from the usage period. Raw data are available and described below.
ABCD Subdomain: Actigraphy
Number of Variables: 20
Summary Score(s): Yes
Measurement Waves Administered: 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up
Modifications since initial administration: None
Notes and special considerations: Participants (n=508) who already had deployed devices as part of their 2-year follow-up when ABCD sites closed in mid-March 2020 were asked to continue to wear the device. Of these, 160 participants spread across 18 of ABCD’s 21 sites agreed to extend their Fitbit data collection for an additional 12 weeks. For more information about participants who provided extended-wear Fitbit data, visit the ABCD 5.0 Changes and Known Issues release note on the NIMH Data Archive. Note that this is available only to authenticated users.
Reference: Godino, J. G., Wing, D., de Zambotti, M., Baker, F. C., Bagot, K., Inkelis, S., Pautz, C., Higgins, M., Nichols, J., Brumback, T., Chevance, G., Colrain, I. M., Patrick, K., & Tapert, S. F. (2020). Performance of a commercial multi-sensor wearable (Fitbit Charge HR) in measuring physical activity and sleep in healthy children. PloS one, 15(9), e0237719. Find here
Fitbit — Sleep (Weekly)
Release 5.0 Data Table: nt_y_fitb_slp_w
Measure Description: Sleep level aggregated to the week level for all valid days (i.e. >180 minutes of sleep time). Metrics include sum of and average number of instances and number of minutes in each sleep stage. Average HR within each stage are included. Weeks are broken into weekday only, weekend only, and all days of week. These are summary data from the usage period.
ABCD Subdomain: Actigraphy
Number of Variables: 20
Summary Score(s): Yes
Measurement Waves Administered: 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up
Modifications since initial administration: None
Notes and special considerations: Participants (n=508) who already had deployed devices as part of their 2-year follow-up when ABCD sites closed in mid-March 2020 were asked to continue to wear the device. Of these, 160 participants spread across 18 of ABCD’s 21 sites agreed to extend their Fitbit data collection for an additional 12 weeks. For more information about participants who provided extended-wear Fitbit data, visit the ABCD 5.0 Changes and Known Issues release note on the NIMH Data Archive. Note that this is available only to authenticated users.
Reference: Godino, J. G., Wing, D., de Zambotti, M., Baker, F. C., Bagot, K., Inkelis, S., Pautz, C., Higgins, M., Nichols, J., Brumback, T., Chevance, G., Colrain, I. M., Patrick, K., & Tapert, S. F. (2020). Performance of a commercial multi-sensor wearable (Fitbit Charge HR) in measuring physical activity and sleep in healthy children. PloS one, 15(9), e0237719. Find here
Fitbit — Pre/Post-Assessment Survey
Release 5.0 Data Table: nt_y_fitb_qtn
Measure Description: A customized questionnaire given to youth and parents (Parent Measure) in the Fitbit before and after the youth had worn the Fitbit. This pre-assessment survey established a self-report for youth of “baseline” of activity, sedentary behaviors, and sleep for participants in relation to their peers. The post-assessment survey form allows for comparisons of change from the pre-assessment survey of self-reported for youth, sedentary behaviors, and sleep for participants in relation to their peers.
ABCD Subdomain: Actigraphy
Number of Variables: 18
Summary Score(s): No
Measurement Waves Administered: 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up
Modifications since initial administration: None
Notes and special considerations: None
Fitbit — Pre/Post-Assessment Survey (Pilot)
Release 5.0 Data Table: nt_y_fitb_qtn_plt
Measure Description: A customized questionnaire given to youth and parents (Parent Measure) in the Fitbit before and after the youth had worn the Fitbit during the pilot testing of Fitbit. This pre-assessment survey established a self-report for youth of “baseline” of activity, sedentary behaviors, and sleep for participants in relation to their peers. The post-assessment survey form allows for comparisons of change from the pre-assessment survey of self-reported for youth, sedentary behaviors, and sleep for participants in relation to their peers.
ABCD Subdomain: Actigraphy
Number of Variables: 16
Summary Score(s): No
Measurement Waves Administered: 1-year follow-up
Modifications since initial administration: None
Notes and special considerations: As a pilot study, these data were collected at a subset of ABCD sites.
Reference: Find here
Parent Instruments
Parent Screen Time Questionnaire
Release 5.0 Data Table: nt_p_psq
Measure Description: This is a parent self-report of screentime behaviors and behavior modeling. The parent is asked about the amount of time that they themselves spend using various forms of visual media, on weekdays and weekends. Questions about screentime behavior modeling are from Tang et al. (2018).
ABCD Subdomain: Screen Time
Number of Variables: 47
Summary Score(s): No
Measurement Waves Administered: Annually since 3-year follow-up
Modifications since initial administration: None
Notes and special considerations: None
Reference: Tang, L., Darlington, G., Ma, D. W. L., Haines, J., & Guelph Family Health Study (2018). Mothers’ and fathers’ media parenting practices associated with young children’s screen-time: a cross-sectional study. BMC obesity, 5, 37. Find here
Screen Time Questionnaire on Youth
Release 5.0 Data Table: nt_p_stq
Measure Description: This parent-reported measure evaluates the overall amount of time that the youth spends using visual media (e.g. cellphone, iPad, videos), on a typical weekday and weekend day, not including time spent on school-related work.
ABCD Subdomain: Screen Time
Number of Variables: 42
Summary Score(s): No
Measurement Waves Administered: Annually since Baseline
Modifications since initial administration: From 2-year follow-up, parents also answered questions about their experiences with their child’s media use.
Notes and special considerations: None
Reference: Bagot, K. S., Matthews, S. A., Mason, M., Squeglia, L. M., Fowler, J., Gray, K., Herting, M., May, A., Colrain, I., Godino, J., Tapert, S., Brown, S., & Patrick, K. (2018). Current, future and potential use of mobile and wearable technologies and social media data in the ABCD study to increase understanding of contributors to child health. Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 32, 121–129. Find here
EARS — Parent Post-Assessment Survey
Release 5.0 Data Table: nt_p_ears_qtn
Measure Description: Parent-reported questionnaire of youth weekday and weekend time on devices (e.g., “screen time”) for non-school activities and household rules for device and app usage. Youth and parents completed independent questionnaires with parents reporting on their youth (Youth Measure). These instruments were collected following participation in the EARS assessment of device and app usage.
ABCD Subdomain: Screen Time
Number of Variables: 22
Summary Score(s): No
Measurement Waves Administered: 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up
Modifications since initial administration: None
Notes and special considerations: None
Reference: None
EARS and Vibrent — Parent Pre/Post-Assessment Survey (Pilot)
Release 5.0 Data Table: nt_p_ears_vibr_qtn_plt
Measure Description: Pre- and post-questionnaires of weekday and weekend time on devices (e.g., “screen time”) for non-school activities and household rules for device and app usage. Youth and parents completed independent questionnaires with parents reporting on their youth (Youth Measure). These data were collected during a pilot study of methods and compatibility of different software platforms for Device Usage Statistics.
ABCD Subdomain: Screen Time
Number of Variables: 59
Summary Score(s): No
Measurement Waves Administered: 1-year follow-up
Modifications since initial administration: None
Notes and special considerations: As a pilot study, these data were collected at a subset of ABCD sites.
Reference: None
Fitbit — Parent Pre/Post-Assessment Survey
Release 5.0 Data Table: nt_p_fitb_qtn
Measure Description: A customized questionnaire given to youth and parents (Parent Measure) in the Fitbit before and after the youth had worn the Fitbit. This pre-assessment survey established a parent-report for youth of “baseline” of activity, sedentary behaviors, and sleep for participants in relation to their peers. The post-assessment survey form allows for comparisons of change from the pre-assessment survey of parent-reported for youth, sedentary behaviors, and sleep for participants in relation to their peers.
ABCD Subdomain: Actigraphy
Number of Variables: 50
Summary Score(s): No
Measurement Waves Administered: 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up
Modifications since initial administration: None
Notes and special considerations: None
Reference: None
Fitbit — Parent Pre/Post-Assessment Survey (Pilot)
Release 5.0 Data Table: nt_p_fitb_qtn_plt
Measure Description: A customized questionnaire given to youth and parents (Parent Measure) in the Fitbit before and after the youth had worn the Fitbit during the pilot testing of Fitbit. This pre-assessment survey established a parent-report for youth of “baseline” of activity, sedentary behaviors, and sleep for participants in relation to their peers. The post-assessment survey form allows for comparisons of change from the pre-assessment survey of parent-reported for youth, sedentary behaviors, and sleep for participants in relation to their peers.
ABCD Subdomain: Actigraphy
Number of Variables: 24
Summary Score(s): No
Measurement Waves Administered: 1-year follow-up
Modifications since initial administration: None
Notes and special considerations: As a pilot study, these data were collected at a subset of ABCD sites.
Reference: None
Fitbit Raw Data
The description of Fitbit Physical Activity (Daily) are here and Fitbit Sleep (Daily) data are here. To download these raw data, follow the instructions at the NDA ABCD page.
Details of data in Physical Activity raw data files
Daily Activity METs (metabolic equivalents) – used to estimate exercise intensity.
Variable Name | Description |
Wear_Time | |
METs | MET value (All MET values are multiplied by 10. Please divide by 10 to get accurate MET values). Value range is 1 to 88. |
Daily Intensity – Time spent in one of four intensity categories
Variable Name | Description |
Wear_Time | |
Intensity | Intensity value for the given minute (0 = Sedentary, 1 = Light, 2 = Moderate, 3 = Very Active) |
Calories – Calories burned
Variable Name | Description |
Wear_Time | |
Calories | Total number of estimated calories burned |
Steps – Number of Steps
Variable Name | Description |
Wear_Time | |
Steps | Number of steps |
Heart rate
Variable Name | Description |
Wear_Time | Date and time of measurement (minute resolution) |
Value | Measured heart rate |
Details of data in Sleep raw data files
Sleep – Sleep classification
Variable Name | Description |
Wear_Time | Date and time of measurement (minute resolution) |
value | Sleep state (1 = Asleep, 2 = Restless, 3 = Awake) |
logId | Unique log ID in Fitbit’s system for the sleep record |
Sleep Stage – Sleep stages and wakefulness
Variable Name | Description |
LogId | Unique log ID in Fitbit’s system for the sleep record |
pGUID | Participant ID |
Wear_Time | Date and time of measurement (30-second resolution) |
Level | Sleep stage for the time interval (wake, light, deep, rem) |
ShortWakes | Reported as “wake” if part of a short wake is detected. Short wakes are awakenings that last less than 180 seconds. Commonly used for visual distinction, but “physiologically equivalent” to longer wakes. |
SleepStage | Combined Level and ShortWakes for true sleep stage time series. |
Screentime Raw Data
EARS — Device Usage Statistics Raw Data
Description of data
The description of EARS — Device Usage Statistics are here. Each participant and each event will have one to multiple files describing smart phone screen usage. The following describes the various tables that may be present. To download these raw data, follow the instructions at the NDA ABCD page.
Application usage data
The application usage files take the following form APPUSAGE_data_[Participant ID]_[hex ID code]_[date]_[time]
Variable Name | Description |
id_file | File ID number |
epoch_usagewindow_start | App usage epoch start (device clock time) |
epoch_usagewindow_end | App usage epoch end (device clock time) |
epoch_lastused | App epoch last used (device clock time) |
id_app | Description of app |
n_foreground_ms | Time in foreground (ms) |
timezone | Time zone (GMT) |
Application header data
The application usage files take the following form APPUSAGE_header_[Participant ID]_[hex ID code]_[date]_[time]
Variable Name | Description |
id_file | File ID number |
filepath | File location on participant’s device |
filesize_bytes | Size of data file (bytes) |
modelName | Device manufacturer |
modelNumber | Device model number |
osVersion | Device OS version |
appVersion | EARS app version |
timezone | Time zone (GMT) |
studyVersion | Version of the study |
n_datapoint | Data point number |
Key Input Timestamps data
The application usage files take the following form KeyInputTimestamps_data_[Participant ID]_[hex ID code]_[date]_[time]
Variable Name | Description |
id_file | File ID number |
epoch_keystroke | Keystroke epoch (device clock time) |
id_app | Name of app |
val_gmtoffset_sec | GMT time zone offset (sec) |
timezone | Time zone (GMT) |
Key Input Timestamps header data
The application usage files take the following form KeyInputTimestamps_header_[Participant ID]_[hex ID code]_[date]_[time]
Variable Name | Description |
id_file | File ID number |
filepath | File location on participant’s device |
filesize_bytes | Size of data file (bytes) |
modelName | Device manufacturer |
modelNumber | Device model number |
osVersion | Device OS version |
appVersion | EARS app version |
timezone | Time zone (GMT) |
studyVersion | Version of the study |
n_datapoint | Data point number |
App usage data for session
The application usage files take the following form NDAR_INV[Participant ID]_APPUSAGE_usageLog_[date]_[time]
Variable Name | Description |
id_app | Name of app |
epoch_usagewindow_start | App usage window start (device clock time) |
epoch_usagewindow_end | App usage window end (device clock time) |
timezone | Time zone (GMT) |
tm_usagewindow_start | Date and time of usage window start |
tm_usagewindow_end | Date and time of usage window end |
n_foreground_ms | Time app in foreground (ms) |
id_participant | Participant ID |
Key Input Timestamps data for session
The application usage files take the following form NDAR_INV[Participant ID]_KeyInputTimestamps_session_[date]_[time]
Variable Name | Description |
id_app | Name of app |
epoch_session_start | App usage epoch start (device clock time) |
epoch_session_end | App usage epoch end (device clock time) |
timezone | Time zone (GMT) |
tm_session_start | Date and time of session start |
tm_session_end | Date and time of session end |
amt_keyboard_session_sec | Keyboard usage in session (sec) |
n_record_session | Number of records in session |
id_participant | Participant ID |
Pilot Study – EARS Screentime Raw Data
Description of data
During planning for the rollout of a real-time screen time use app, ABCD performed pilot testing using two app platforms; EARS from Ksana Health and Vibrent from Vibrent Health. The following describes the data available from the pilot study of the EARS app. To download these raw data, follow the instructions at the NDA ABCD page.
Details of variables in the raw data files
Variable Name | Description |
collection_id | NDA collection ID (not useful for analyses) |
abcd_mte01_id | NDA table record number (not useful for analyses) |
dataset_id | NDA dataset ID (not useful for analyses) |
subjectkey | NDA Global Unique Identifier (GUID) (not useful for analyses) |
src_subject_id | Participant ID |
interview_date | Date of testing |
interview_age | Age in months at testing |
sex | Sex at birth |
eventname | ABCD event (wave) description |
mt_pil_pguid | Participant ID |
mt_pil_ears_act_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Game - Action (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_act_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Game - Action (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_act_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Action (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_act_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Action (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_act_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Action (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_act_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Action (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_adv_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Game - Adventure (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_adv_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Game - Adventure (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_adv_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Adventure (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_adv_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Adventure (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_adv_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Adventure (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_adv_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Adventure (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_app_dur_avg | Average per Day duration across all apps (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_app_dur_tot | Total duration across all apps (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_app_dur_wday_avg | Average per Weekday Day duration across all apps (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_app_dur_wend_avg | Average per Weekend Day duration across all apps (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_app_dur_wend_tot | Total weekend duration across all apps (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_app_open_cnt | Total number of times apps were opened across all apps over duration (count) |
mt_pil_ears_app_open_cnt_avg | Average per Day number of times apps were opened across all apps (count) |
mt_pil_ears_app_unique_cnt | Total number of unique apps used over duration (count) |
mt_pil_ears_app_unique_cnt_avg | Average per day number of unique apps used over duration (count) |
mt_pil_ears_app_wday_dur_tot | Total weekday duration across all apps (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_arc_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Game - Arcade (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_arc_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Game - Arcade (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_arc_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Arcade (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_arc_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Arcade (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_arc_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Arcade (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_arc_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Arcade (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_art_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Art & Design (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_art_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Art & Design (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_art_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Art & Design (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_art_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Art & Design (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_artdes_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Art & Design (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_artdes_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Art & Design (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_beau_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Beauty (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_beau_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Beauty (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_beau_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Beauty (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_beau_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Beauty (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_beau_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Beauty (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_beau_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Beauty (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_biz_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Business (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_biz_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Business (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_biz_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Business (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_biz_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Business (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_biz_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Business (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_biz_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Business (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_book_goog_avg | Average daily durationGoogle Play Store category: Books & Reference (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_book_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Books & Reference (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_book_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Books & Reference (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_book_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Books & Reference (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_book_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Books & Reference (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_book_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Books & Reference (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_brd_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Game - Board (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_brd_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Game - Board (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_brd_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Board (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_brd_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Board (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_brd_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Board (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_brd_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Board (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_call_abcd_avg | Average per Day duration (minutes) ABCD single-app category: Phone Calls |
mt_pil_ears_call_abcd_tot | Total duration (minutes) ABCD single-app category: Phone Calls |
mt_pil_ears_call_abcd_wend_avg | Average per Weekend Day duration (minutes) ABCD single-app category: Phone Calls |
mt_pil_ears_call_abcd_wend_tot | Total weekend duration (minutes) ABCD single-app category: Phone Calls |
mt_pil_ears_call_open_cnt | Total number of times phone call app opened over duration (count) |
mt_pil_ears_call_open_cnt_avg | Average Day number of times phone call app opened (count) |
mt_pil_ears_card_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Game - Card (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_card_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Game - Card (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_card_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Card (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_card_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Card (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_card_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Card (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_card_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Card (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_cas_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Game - Casino (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_cas_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Game - Casino (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_cas_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Casino (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_cas_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Casino (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_cas_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Casino (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_cas_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Casino (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_com_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Comics (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_com_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Comics (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_com_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Comics (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_com_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Comics (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_com_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Comics (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_com_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Comics (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_comm_abcd_avg | Average per Day duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Communications |
mt_pil_ears_comm_abcd_tot | Total duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Communications |
mt_pil_ears_comm_abcd_wday_avg | Average per Weekday Day duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Communications |
mt_pil_ears_comm_abcd_wday_tot | Total weekday duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Communications |
mt_pil_ears_comm_abcd_wend_avg | Average per Weekend Day duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Communications |
mt_pil_ears_comm_abcd_wend_tot | Total weekend duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Communications |
mt_pil_ears_comm_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Communications (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_comm_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Communications (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_comm_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Communications (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_comm_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Communications (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_comm_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Communications (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_comm_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Communications (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_csl_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Game - Casual (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_csl_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Game - Casual (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_csl_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Casual (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_csl_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Casual (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_csl_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Casual (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_csl_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Casual (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_date_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Dating (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_date_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Dating (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_date_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Dating (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_date_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Dating (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_date_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Dating (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_date_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Dating (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_ed_game_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Game - Educational (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_edgamgoog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Game - Educational (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_edgamgoog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Educational (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_edgamgoog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Educational (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_edgamgoog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Educational (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_edgamgoog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Educational (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_educ_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Education (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_educ_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Education (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_educ_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Education (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_educ_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Education (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_educ_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Education (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_educ_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Education (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_ent_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Entertainment (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_ent_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Entertainment (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_ent_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Entertainment (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_ent_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Entertainment (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_ent_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Entertainment (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_ent_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Entertainment (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_evnt_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Events (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_evnt_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Events (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_evnt_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Events (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_evnt_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Events (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_evnt_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Events (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_evnt_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Events (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_fin_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Finance (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_fin_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Finance (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_fin_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Finance (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_fin_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Finance (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_fin_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Finance (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_fin_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Finance (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_food_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Food & Drink (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_food_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Food & Drink (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_food_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Food & Drink (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_food_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Food & Drink (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_food_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Food & Drink (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_food_goog_wend_tot | Total daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Food & Drink (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_game_abcd_avg | Average per Day duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Gaming |
mt_pil_ears_game_abcd_tot | Total duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Gaming |
mt_pil_ears_game_abcd_wday_avg | Average per Weekday Day duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Gaming |
mt_pil_ears_game_abcd_wday_tot | Total weekday duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Gaming |
mt_pil_ears_game_abcd_wend_avg | Average per Weekend Day duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Gaming |
mt_pil_ears_game_abcd_wend_tot | Total weekend duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Gaming |
mt_pil_ears_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Music & Audio (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Music & Audio (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_hlth_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Health & Fitness (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_hlth_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Health & Fitness (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_hlth_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Health & Fitness (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_hlth_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Health & Fitness (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_hlth_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Health & Fitness (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_hlth_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Health & Fitness (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_home_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: House & Home (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_home_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: House & Home (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_home_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: House & Home (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_home_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: House & Home (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_home_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: House & Home (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_home_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: House & Home (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_lengthdays | Number of days during usage tracking period with at least 1 upload (days) |
mt_pil_ears_lengthdays_wday | Number of weekday days during usage tracking period with at least 1 upload (days) |
mt_pil_ears_lengthdays_wend | Number of weekdend days during usage tracking period with at least 1 upload (days) |
mt_pil_ears_lib_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Libraries & Demo (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_lib_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Libraries & Demo (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_lib_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Libraries & Demo (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_lib_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Libraries & Demo (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_lib_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Libraries & Demo (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_lib_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Libraries & Demo (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_ls_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Lifestyle (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_ls_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Lifestyle (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_ls_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Lifestyle (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_ls_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Lifestyle (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_ls_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Lifestyle (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_ls_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Lifestyle (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_maps_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Maps & Navigation (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_maps_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Maps & Navigation (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_maps_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Maps & Navigation (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_maps_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Maps & Navigation (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_maps_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Maps & Navigation (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_maps_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Maps & Navigation (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_med_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Medical (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_med_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Medical (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_med_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Medical (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_med_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Medical (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_med_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Medical (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_med_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Medical (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_mus_abcd_avg | Average per Day duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Music |
mt_pil_ears_mus_abcd_tot | Total duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Music |
mt_pil_ears_mus_abcd_wday_avg | Average per Weekday Day duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Music |
mt_pil_ears_mus_abcd_wday_tot | Total weekday duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Music |
mt_pil_ears_mus_abcd_wend_avg | Average per Weekend Day duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Music |
mt_pil_ears_mus_abcd_wend_tot | Total weekend duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Music |
mt_pil_ears_mus_game_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Game - Music (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_mus_game_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Game - Music (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_mus_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Music & Audio (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_mus_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Music & Audio (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_mus_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Music (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_mus_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Music & Audio (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_mus_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Music & Audio (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_musgamgoog_wday_av | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Music (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_musgamgoog_wend_av | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Music (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_musgamgoog_wend_to | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Music (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_news_abcd_avg | Average per Day duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: News |
mt_pil_ears_news_abcd_tot | Total duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: News |
mt_pil_ears_news_abcd_wday_avg | Average per Weekday Day duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: News |
mt_pil_ears_news_abcd_wday_tot | Total weekday duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: News |
mt_pil_ears_news_abcd_wend_avg | Average per Weekend Day duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: News |
mt_pil_ears_news_abcd_wend_tot | Total weekend duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: News |
mt_pil_ears_news_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: News & Magazines (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_news_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: News & Magazines (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_news_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: News & Magazines (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_news_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: News & Magazines (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_news_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: News & Magazines (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_news_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: News & Magazines (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_phon_abcd_wday_avg | Average per Weekday Day duration (minutes) ABCD single-app category: Phone Calls |
mt_pil_ears_phon_abcd_wday_tot | Total weekday duration (minutes) ABCD single-app category: Phone Calls |
mt_pil_ears_pic_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Photography (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_pic_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Photography (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_pic_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Photography (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_pic_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Photography (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_pic_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Photography (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_pic_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Photography (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_prnt_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Parenting (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_prnt_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Parenting (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_prnt_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Parenting (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_prnt_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Parenting (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_prnt_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Parenting (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_prnt_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Parenting (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_prod_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Productivity (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_prod_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Productivity (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_prod_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Productivity (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_prod_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Productivity (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_prod_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Productivity (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_prod_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Productivity (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_prs_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Personalization (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_prs_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Personalization (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_prs_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Personalization (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_prs_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Personalization (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_prs_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Personalization (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_prs_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Personalization (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_puz_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Game - Puzzle (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_puz_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Game - Puzzle (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_puz_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Puzzle (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_puz_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Puzzle (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_puz_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Puzzle (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_puz_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Puzzle (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_race_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Game - Racing (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_race_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Game - Racing (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_race_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Racing (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_race_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Racing (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_race_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Racing (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_race_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Racing (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_read_abcd_avg | Average per Day duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Reading |
mt_pil_ears_read_abcd_tot | Total duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Reading |
mt_pil_ears_read_abcd_wday_avg | Average per Weekday Day duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Reading |
mt_pil_ears_read_abcd_wday_tot | Total weekday duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Reading |
mt_pil_ears_read_abcd_wend_avg | Average per Weekend Day duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Reading |
mt_pil_ears_read_abcd_wend_tot | Total weekend duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Reading |
mt_pil_ears_rp_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Game - Role Playing (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_rp_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Game - Role Playing (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_rp_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Role Playing (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_rp_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Role Playing (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_rp_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Role Playing (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_rp_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Role Playing (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_scrn_dur_avg | Average per Day duration (minutes) screen-on when not on an app (e.g., systems app; if screen on while charging) |
mt_pil_ears_scrn_dur_tot | Total duration (minutes) screen-on when not on an app (e.g., systems app; if screen on while charging) |
mt_pil_ears_scrn_dur_wday_avg | Average per Weekday Day duration (minutes) screen-on when not on an app (e.g., systems app; if screen on while charging) |
mt_pil_ears_scrn_dur_wday_tot | Total duration (minutes) screen-on weekday when not on an app (e.g., systems app; if screen on while charging) |
mt_pil_ears_scrn_dur_wend_avg | Average per Weekend Day duration (minutes) screen-on when not on an app (e.g., systems app; if screen on while charging) |
mt_pil_ears_scrn_dur_wend_tot | Total duration (minutes) screen-on weekend when not on an app (e.g., systems app; if screen on while charging) |
mt_pil_ears_scrn_on_cnt | Total number of times screen is turned on over total duration (count) |
mt_pil_ears_scrn_on_cnt_avg | Average per Day number of times screen is turned on (count) |
mt_pil_ears_shop_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Shopping (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_shop_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Shopping (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_shop_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Shopping (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_shop_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Shopping (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_shop_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Shopping (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_shop_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Shopping (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_sim_goog_avg | Average daily duration duration Google Play Store category: Game - Simulation (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_sim_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Game - Simulation (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_sim_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Simulation (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_sim_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Simulation (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_sim_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Simulation (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_sim_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Simulation (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_sms_abcd_avg | Average per Day duration (minutes) ABCD single-app category: SMS Messages |
mt_pil_ears_sms_abcd_tot | Total duration (minutes) ABCD single-app category: SMS Messages |
mt_pil_ears_sms_abcd_wday_avg | Average per Weekday Day duration (minutes) ABCD single-app category: SMS Messages |
mt_pil_ears_sms_abcd_wday_tot | Total weekday duration (minutes) ABCD single-app category: SMS Messages |
mt_pil_ears_sms_abcd_wend_avg | Average per Weekend Day duration (minutes) ABCD single-app category: SMS Messages |
mt_pil_ears_sms_abcd_wend_tot | Total weekend duration (minutes) ABCD single-app category: SMS Messages |
mt_pil_ears_sms_open_cnt | Total number of times sms message app opened over duration (count) |
mt_pil_ears_sms_open_cnt_avg | Average Day number of times sms message app opened (count) |
mt_pil_ears_soc_abcd_avg | Average per Day duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Social Media |
mt_pil_ears_soc_abcd_tot | Total duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Social Media |
mt_pil_ears_soc_abcd_wday_avg | Average per Weekday Day duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Social Media |
mt_pil_ears_soc_abcd_wday_tot | Total weekday duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Social Media |
mt_pil_ears_soc_abcd_wend_avg | Average per Weekend Day duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Social Media |
mt_pil_ears_soc_abcd_wend_tot | Total weekend duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Social Media |
mt_pil_ears_soc_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Social (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_soc_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Social (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_soc_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Social (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_soc_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Social (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_soc_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Social (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_soc_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Social (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_sprt_game_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Game - Sports (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_sprt_game_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Game - Sports (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_sprt_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Sports (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_sprt_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Sports (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_sprt_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Sports (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_sprt_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Sports (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_sprt_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Sports (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_sprt_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Sports (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_sprtggog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Sports (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_sprtgamgog_wday_to | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Sports (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_sprtgamgog_wend_av | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Sports (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_sprtgamgog_wend_to | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Sports (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_stg_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Game - Strategy (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_stg_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Game - Strategy (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_stg_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Strategy (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_stg_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Strategy (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_stg_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Strategy (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_stg_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Strategy (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_strm_abcd_avg | Average per Day duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Streaming |
mt_pil_ears_strm_abcd_tot | Total duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Streaming |
mt_pil_ears_strm_abcd_wday_avg | Average per Weekday Day duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Streaming |
mt_pil_ears_strm_abcd_wday_tot | Total weekday duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Streaming |
mt_pil_ears_strm_abcd_wend_avg | Average per Weekend Day duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Streaming |
mt_pil_ears_strm_abcd_wend_tot | Total weekend duration (minutes) ABCD composite category: Streaming |
mt_pil_ears_tls_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Tools (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_tls_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Tools (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_tls_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Tools (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_tls_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Tools (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_tls_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Tools (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_tls_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Tools (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_triv_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Game - Trivia (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_triv_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Game - Trivia (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_triv_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Trivia (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_triv_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Trivia (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_triv_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Trivia (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_triv_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Trivia (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_trvl_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Travel & Local (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_trvl_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Travel & Local (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_trvl_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Travel & Local (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_trvl_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Travel & Local (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_trvl_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Travel & Local (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_trvl_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Travel & Local (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_usetracking_end | End of usage tracking period |
mt_pil_ears_usetracking_start | Start of usage tracking period |
mt_pil_ears_veh_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Auto & Vehicles (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_veh_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Auto & Vehicles (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_veh_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Auto & Vehicles (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_veh_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Auto & Vehicles (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_veh_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Auto & Vehicles (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_veh_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Auto & Vehicles (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_vid_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Video Players & Editors (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_vid_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Video Players & Editors (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_vid_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Video Players & Editors (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_vid_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Video Players & Editors (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_vid_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Video Players & Editors (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_vid_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Video Players & Editors (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_word_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Game - Word (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_word_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Game - Word (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_word_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Word (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_word_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Game - Word (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_word_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Word (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_word_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Game - Word (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_wthr_goog_avg | Average daily duration Google Play Store category: Weather (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_wthr_goog_tot | Total duration Google Play Store category: Weather (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_wthr_goog_wday_avg | Average daily Weekday duration Google Play Store category: Weather (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_wthr_goog_wday_tot | Total weekday duration Google Play Store category: Weather (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_wthr_goog_wend_avg | Average daily Weekend duration Google Play Store category: Weather (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_wthr_goog_wend_tot | Total weekend duration Google Play Store category: Weather (minutes) |
mt_pil_ears_yt_abcd_avg | Average per Day duration (minutes) ABCD single-app category: YouTube |
mt_pil_ears_yt_abcd_tot | Total duration (minutes) ABCD single-app category: YouTube |
mt_pil_ears_yt_abcd_wday_avg | Average per Weekday Day duration (minutes) ABCD single-app category: YouTube |
mt_pil_ears_yt_abcd_wday_tot | Total weekday duration (minutes) ABCD single-app category: YouTube |
mt_pil_ears_yt_abcd_wend_avg | Average per Weekend Day duration (minutes) ABCD single-app category: YouTube |
mt_pil_ears_yt_abcd_wend_tot | Total weekend duration (minutes) ABCD single-app category: YouTube |
collection_title | Title of NDA collection |
Pilot Study – Vibrent Screentime Raw Data
Description of data
During planning for the rollout of a real-time screen time use app, ABCD performed pilot testing using two app platforms; EARS from Ksana Health and Vibrent from Vibrent Health. The following describes the data available from the pilot study of the Vibrent app. To download these raw data, follow the instructions at the NDA ABCD page.
Details of variables in the raw data files
Variable Name | Description |
collection_id | NDA collection ID (not useful for analyses) |
abcd_mte01_id | NDA table record number (not useful for analyses) |
dataset_id | NDA dataset ID (not useful for analyses) |
subjectkey | NDA Global Unique Identifier (GUID) (not useful for analyses) |
src_subject_id | Participant ID |
interview_date | Date of testing |
interview_age | Age in months at testing |
sex | Sex at birth |
eventname | ABCD event (wave) description |
mt_pil_pguid | Participant ID |
mt_pilot_vib_device | Type of device |
mt_pilot_vib_os | Device operating system |
mt_pilot_vib_phonecall_total | Total time (minutes) used for a standard phone call |
mt_pilot_vib_usage_tot | Total time (minutes) applications in use |
mt_pilot_vib_usage_wkday_tot | Total time (minutes) applications in use on a weekday |
mt_pilot_vib_usage_wkend_tot | Total time (minutes) applications in use on a weekend |
mt_pilot_vib_screenon_total | Total time (minutes) the screen is on |
mt_pilot_vib_lengthdays | Total number of days of data collected |
mt_pilot_vib_lastupload_date | Last Uploaded (yyyy:mm:dd ::hh:mm) |
mt_pilot_vib_dataused_mb | Data used by Vibrent app |
mt_pilot_vib_inccalls | Amount of time (minutes) used on calls that were received |
mt_pilot_vib_outgocalls | Amount of time (minutes) used on calls the participant made |
mt_pilot_vib_youtube | Total minutes using Youtube |
mt_pilot_vib_game | App category: Gaming (a composite of gaming categories (e.g., Action; Arcade) compiled by Vibrent). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_socialcomm | App category: social & communication (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_streaming | App category: streaming (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_productivity | App category: productivity (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_weather | App category: weather (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_daydream | App category: daydream (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_artdesign | App category: art & design (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_vehicles | App category: auto & vehicles (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_beauty | App category: beauty (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_books | App category: books & reference (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_business | App category: business (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_comics | App category: comics (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_communication | App category: communication (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_dating | App category: dating (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_education | App category: education (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_entertainment | App category: entertainment (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_events | App category: events (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_finance | App category: finance (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_food | App category: food & drink (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_healthfitness | App category: health & fitness (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_house | App category: house & home (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_libraries | App category: libraries & demo (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_lifestyle | App category: lifestyle (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_maps | App category: maps & navigation (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_medical | App category: medical (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_musicaudio | App category: music & audio (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_news | App category: news & magazine (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_parenting | App category: parenting (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_personalisation | App category: personalisation (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_photo | App category: photography (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_shopping | App category: shopping (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_social | App category: social (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_sports | App category: sports (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_tools | App category: tool (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_travel | App category: travel & local (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_video | App category: video players & editors (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_wearos | App category: wear OS by Google (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_action_game | App category: action (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_vib_adventure_game | App category: adventure (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_arcade_game | App category: arcade (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_board_game | App category: board (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_card_game | App category: card (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_casino_game | App category: casino (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_casual_game | App category: casual (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_education_game | App category: educational (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_music_game | App category: music (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_puzzle_game | App category: puzzle (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_racing_game | App category: racing (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_roleplaying_game | App category: role playing (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_simulation_game | App category: simulation (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_strategy_game | App category: strategy (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_trivia_game | App category: trivia (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_word_game | App category: word (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_5andup_game | App category: Ages 5 & under (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_6to8_game | App category: Ages 6 to 8 (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_9andup_game | App category: Ages 9 & over (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_popcharacters_game | App category: popular characters (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_actionadv_game | App category: action & adventure (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_brain_game | App category: brain games (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_creativity_game | App category: creativity (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_musicandvideo_game | App category: music and video (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
mt_pilot_pretend_game | App category: pretend play (as labeled by Google Playstore). Total minutes |
collection_title | collection_title |