Mental Health

DOI: 10.15154/z563-zd24 (Release 5.1)


February 8, 2025

List of Instruments

Name of Instrument Subdomain Table Name
Youth Instruments
KSADS - Symptoms & Diagnoses Broad Psychopathology mh_y_ksads_ss
Brief Problem Monitor (ASEBA) Broad Psychopathology mh_y_bpm
KSADS - Background Items Psychosocial mh_y_ksads_bg
KSADS - Depressive Disorders (Indiv. Questions) Mood mh_y_ksads_dep
KSADS - Bipolar and Related Disorders (Indiv. Questions) Mood mh_y_ksads_bip
KSADS - Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (Indiv. Questions) Mood mh_y_ksads_dmdd
7-Up Mania Inventory Mood mh_y_7up
KSADS - Conduct Disorders (Indiv. Questions) Externalizing mh_y_ksads_cd
KSADS - Eating Disorders (Indiv. Questions) Eating mh_y_ksads_ed
KSADS - Generalized Anxiety Disorder (Indiv. Questions) Anxiety mh_y_ksads_gad
KSADS - Social Anxiety Disorder (Indiv. Questions) Anxiety mh_y_ksads_sad
KSADS - Suicidality (Indiv. Questions) Harm mh_y_ksads_si
KSADS - Sleep Problems (Indiv. Questions) Sleep mh_y_ksads_slp
Behavioral Inhibition / Behavioral Approach System Scales (BIS/BAS) Temperament/Personality mh_y_bisbas
Modified Urgency, Premeditation, Perseverance, Sensation Seeking, Positive Urgency, Impulsive Behavior Scale for Children (UPPS; Short Version; PhenX) Temperament/Personality mh_y_upps
Cyberbullying Social mh_y_cbb
NIH Toolbox Positive Affect Emotion mh_y_poa
Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) Emotion mh_y_erq
Life Events (PhenX) Stress mh_y_le
Other Resilience Peers mh_y_or
Peer Experience Questionnaire Peers mh_y_peq
Prodromal Psychosis Scale Psychosis mh_y_pps
Parent Instruments
Adult Behavior Checklist on Other Parent (ABCL; ASEBA) (Parent) Broad Psychopathology mh_p_abcl
Adult Self Report (ASR; ASEBA) (Parent) Broad Psychopathology mh_p_asr
Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL; ASEBA) (Parent) Broad Psychopathology mh_p_cbcl
KSADS - Symptoms & Diagnoses Broad Psychopathology mh_p_ksads_ss
Family History (Parent) Broad Psychopathology mh_p_fhx
KSADS - Background Items (Parent) Psychosocial mh_p_ksads_bg
KSADS - Autism Spectrum Disorder (Indiv. Questions)(Parent) Autism Spectrum mh_p_ksads_asd
KSADS - Depressive Disorders (Indiv.Questions)(Parent) Mood mh_p_ksads_dep
KSADS - Bipolar and Related Disorders (Indiv. Questions) (Parent) Mood mh_p_ksads_bp
KSADS - Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (Indiv. Questions)(Parent) Mood mh_p_ksads_dmdd
General Behavior Inventory - Mania (Parent) Mood mh_p_gbi
KSADS - Psychotic Disorders (Indiv. Questions)(Parent) Psychosis mh_p_ksads_psy
KSADS - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Indiv. Questions)(Parent) Externalizing mh_p_ksads_adhd
KSADS - Oppositional Defiant Disorder (Indiv. Questions)(Parent) Externalizing mh_p_ksads_odd
KSADS - Conduct Disorders (Indiv. Questions) (Parent) Externalizing mh_p_ksads_cd
KSADS - Eating Disorders (Indiv. Questions) (Parent) Eating mh_p_ksads_ed
KSADS - Generalized Anxiety Disorder (Indiv. Questions)(Parent) Anxiety mh_p_ksads_gad
KSADS - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Indiv. Questions) (Parent) Anxiety mh_p_ksads_ocd
KSADS - Panic Disorder (Indiv. Questions) (Parent) Anxiety mh_p_ksads_pd
KSADS - Specific Phobia Disorder (Indiv. Questions) (Parent) Anxiety mh_p_ksads_phb
KSADS - Agoraphobia (Indiv. Questions) (Parent) Anxiety mh_p_ksads_ago
KSADS - Social Anxiety Disorder (Indiv. Questions) (Parent) Anxiety mh_p_ksads_sad
KSADS - Separation Anxiety (Indiv. Questions) (Parent) Anxiety mh_p_ksads_sep
KSADS - Suicidality (Indiv. Questions)(Parent) Harm mh_p_ksads_si
KSADS - Homicidality (Indiv. Questions)(Parent) Harm mh_p_ksads_hi
KSADS - Sleep Problems (Indiv. Questions)(Parent) Sleep mh_p_ksads_slp
Difficulty in Emotion Regulation (Parent) Emotion mh_p_ders
Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire (Parent) Temperament/Personality mh_p_eatq
KSADS - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Indiv. Questions) (Parent) Stress mh_p_ksads_ptsd
Life Events (PhenX) (Parent) Stress mh_p_le
Perceived Stress Scale (Parent) Stress mh_p_pss
Short Social Responsiveness Scale (Parent) Social mh_p_ssrs
Teacher Instrument
Brief Problem Monitor (ASEBA) Broad Psychopathology mh_t_bpm

General Information

An overview of the ABCD Study® can be found at and detailed descriptions of the assessment protocols are available at ABCD Protocols. This page describes the contents of various instruments available for download. To understand the context of this information, refer to the release note Start Page.

Detailed information about the instruments, the constructs they are intended to measure, and relevant citations for each measure are provided in the following:

Barch DM, Albaugh MD, Avenevoli S, Chang L, Clark DB, Glantz MD, Hudziak JJ, Jernigan TL, Tapert SF, Yurgelun-Todd D, Alia-Klein N, Potter AS, Paulus MP, Prouty D, Zucker RA, Sher KJ. Demographic, physical and mental health assessments in the adolescent brain and cognitive development study: Rationale and description. Dev Cogn Neurosci. 2018 Aug;32:55-66. doi: 10.1016/j.dcn.2017.10.010. Epub 2017 Nov 3. PMID: 29113758; PMCID: PMC5934320. Find here

Barch DM, Albaugh MD, Baskin-Sommers A, Bryant BE, Clark DB, Dick AS, Feczko E, Foxe JJ, Gee DG, Giedd J, Glantz MD, Hudziak JJ, Karcher NR, LeBlanc K, Maddox M, McGlade EC, Mulford C, Nagel BJ, Neigh G, Palmer CE, Potter AS, Sher KJ, Tapert SF, Thompson WK, Xie L. Demographic and mental health assessments in the adolescent brain and cognitive development study: Updates and age-related trajectories. Dev Cogn Neurosci. 2021 Dec;52:101031. doi: 10.1016/j.dcn.2021.101031. Epub 2021 Oct 29. PMID: 34742018; PMCID: PMC8579129. Find here

Updates and Notes

Release 5.1 Update

EATING DISORDERS: The mental health workgroup did an extensive review of the criteria used for all of the eating disorder diagnoses in KSADS.  We believe that the current criteria are more restrictive than necessary, and thus underestimate the rates of all eating disorder diagnoses.  Thus, we believe that users should not use these diagnoses from the 5.1 or 5.0 release.  Instead, any users who want to use 5.0 or 5.1 eating disorders information should use the symptom data to create their own diagnoses.  We believe that this concern applies to all prior releases of Eating Disorder diagnoses. The mental health workgroup will work with the KSADS group over the next several months to modify these diagnoses for the 6.0 release. There were also new fields included in the 5.1 data. 

  • mh_p_ksads_ss
    • Diagnosis - Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder, Atypical Anorexia Nervosa (F50.8), Past
      • ksads_13_971_p
      • ksads2_13_999_p
    • Diagnosis - Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder, Binge Eating Disorder (of low frequency or limited duration) (F50.8), Past
      • ksads_13_972_p
      • ksads2_13_1000_p
  • mh_y_ksads_ss
    • Diagnosis - Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder, Atypical Anorexia Nervosa (F50.8), Past

      • ksads_13_971_t
      • ksads2_13_999_t
    • Diagnosis - Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder, Binge Eating Disorder (of low frequency or limited duration) (F50.8), Past

      • ksads_13_972_t
      • ksads2_13_1000_t

The following codes are used for symptoms and diagnoses in the KSADS:

1 = present
0 = absent
888 = Question not asked due to primary question response (branching logic)
555 = Not administered in the assessment

KSADS-COMP Changes 1.0 to 2.0

  • Branching algorithm for the screen interview and supplement items changed, so that if a threshold level response is provided to a given symptom, the interview moves to the next item.  The past item is only queried if subthreshold responses are given to the current item.  This streamlines the assessment for subjects.

  • Additional questions were added to the end of the supplements to determine the patterning of symptoms within each diagnostic category, if more than one episode of a disorder occurred, and if disorder is current, in partial remission, full remission, or a past episode.  This refined episode classifications.

  • Information was added to the diagnostic algorithms to determine if a child was on medication for that diagnosis (e.g., ADHD).  Diagnostic classifications were added to reflect this, e.g., current diagnosis, asymptomatic on medication or partial remission on medication.

  • The probe for the hallucinations item was made more rigorous and requires hallucinatory-like experiences to occur during the day while the youth is going about their daily activities. The majority of false positive self-administered KSADS-COMP psychotic disorder screen positives came from youth who only had these experiences at nighttime before going to bed, with these cases ruled out in the clinician-administered KSADS-COMP. 

  • Additional false positive screens into the psychotic disorders supplement came from youth who reported paranoid ideation. This item has been moved from the screen to the supplement to avoid children with bullying experiences or youth who live in dangerous neighborhoods from unnecessarily screening into the psychotic disorders section. 

  • Bipolar Disorder screen – moved item about hypersexuality to the supplement to minimize false positive screens.

  • OCD was another diagnosis that youth screened into the supplement more often with the self-administered KSADS-COMP than the clinician administered KSADS-COMP. To reduce the number of youth entering the OCD supplement unnecessarily the following changes were made: 

    1. a screen item was added to capture duration of OCD-like symptoms, with sufficient duration (more than half the days of the week) required to meet entry criteria for completing the OCD supplement; and 
    2. the obsessive thoughts about sex item was removed from the screen as the greatest number of false screen-positives was youth who reported excessive thoughts about sex – a common experience among adolescents. Item moved to supplement.
    3. the wording of the initial probe for obsession (1.11.1.q1) was revised to include wording about thoughts being “unwelcome, distressing and senseless” 
  • Additional diagnostic categories derived in 2.0 that that were not available in 1.0 include: schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, schizophreniform disorder, and autism spectrum disorder (parent report only)

  • Back button added

Diagnostic Algorithm Errors Detected and Updated in 2021:

Diagnoses Modifications Required
Major Depression/Persistent Depression Disorder Including impairment in the diagnostic criteria
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder Including onset before the age of 10 in the diagnostic criteria
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder Other specified bipolar disorder added as rule out for DMDD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Requiring impairment in functioning in two, not one domain
Agoraphobia Including duration of illness 6 months or more
Enuresis/Encopresis Including minimum ages for diagnoses
Anorexia Including duration of illness 3 months or more
Autism – Criterion A Requiring the presence of all three criterion A symptoms for the disorder

Additional Diagnostic Algorithm Error Detected 2023 (update pending)

Diagnoses Modifications Required
Oppositional Defiant Disorder Current disorder had allowed for presence of current or past symptoms – current diagnosis will be updated such that only current symptoms can be counted toward current diagnosis.

Following shows the correspondence between variable names for youth/parent/KSADS1/2 and the diagnoses:

Conduct Disorder Diagnosis KSADS 1 (Parent) KSADS 2 (Parent) KSADS 1 (Youth) KSADS 2 (Youth) Note
Adjustment Disorder Adjustment Disorder ksads2_26_796_p ksads2_26_796_t only KSADS 2
Agoraphobia Agoraphobia (F40.00) PRESENT ksads_6_859_p ksads2_6_817_p ksads_6_859_t ksads2_6_817_t
Agoraphobia Agoraphobia (F40.00) PAST ksads_6_860_p ksads2_6_818_p ksads_6_860_t ksads2_6_818_t
Agoraphobia Other Specified Anxiety Disorder (Agoraphobia, impairment, does not meet full criteria), F41.8 ksads_6_908_p ksads2_6_868_p ksads_6_908_t ksads2_6_868_t
Alcohol Use Disorder Alcohol Use Disorder Present ksads_19_891_p ksads2_19_849_p ksads_19_891_t ksads2_19_849_t
Alcohol Use Disorder Alcohol Use Disorder Past ksads_19_892_p ksads2_19_850_p ksads_19_892_t ksads2_19_850_t
Alcohol Use Disorder Unspecified Alcohol-Related Disorder, present (F10.99) ksads_19_895_p ksads2_19_853_p ksads_19_895_t ksads2_19_853_t
Alcohol Use Disorder Unspecified Alcohol-Related Disorder, past (F10.99) ksads_19_896_p ksads2_19_854_p ksads_19_896_t ksads2_19_854_t
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Present ksads_14_853_p ksads2_14_809_p ksads_14_853_t ksads2_14_809_t
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Past ksads_14_854_p ksads2_14_810_p ksads_14_854_t ksads2_14_810_t
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, IN PARTIAL REMISSION ksads_14_855_p ksads2_14_811_p ksads_14_855_t ksads2_14_811_t
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Unspecified Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (F90.9) ksads_14_856_p ksads_14_856_t only KSADS 1
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, IN FULL REMISSION ksads2_14_812_p ksads2_14_812_t only KSADS 2
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Other Specified Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (F90.8) ksads2_14_813_p ksads2_14_813_t only KSADS 2
Autism Spectrum Disorders Autism Spectrum Disorder (F84.0) ksads2_18_861_p ksads2_18_861_t only KSADS 2
Autism Spectrum Disorders Probable Autism Spectrum Disorder (F84.0) ksads2_18_862_p ksads2_18_862_t only KSADS 2
Autism Spectrum Disorders Other Specified Neurodevelopmental Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, full criteria not met (F88.0) ksads2_18_863_p ksads2_18_863_t only KSADS 2
Bipolar Disorders Bipolar I Disorder, current episode manic (F31.1x) ksads_2_830_p ksads2_2_798_p ksads_2_830_t ksads2_2_798_t
Bipolar Disorders Bipolar I Disorder, current episode depressed, F31.3x ksads_2_831_p ksads2_2_799_p ksads_2_831_t ksads2_2_799_t
Bipolar Disorders Bipolar II Disorder, currently hypomanic  F31.81 ksads_2_835_p ksads2_2_801_p ksads_2_835_t ksads2_2_801_t
Bipolar Disorders Bipolar I Disorder, currently hypomanic F31.0 ksads_2_832_p ksads_2_832_t only KSADS 1
Bipolar Disorders Bipolar I Disorder, most recent past episode manic (F31.1x) ksads_2_833_p ksads_2_833_t only KSADS 1
Bipolar Disorders Bipolar I Disorder, most recent past episode depressed (F31.1.3x) ksads_2_834_p ksads_2_834_t only KSADS 1
Bipolar Disorders Bipolar II Disorder, Currently Depressed F31.81 ksads_2_836_p ksads2_2_931_p ksads_2_836_t ksads2_2_931_t
Bipolar Disorders Bipolar II Disorder, most recent past hypomanic  F31.81 ksads_2_837_p ksads_2_837_t only KSADS 1
Bipolar Disorders Unspecified Bipolar and Related Disorder, current  (F31.9) ksads_2_838_p ksads_2_838_t only KSADS 1
Bipolar Disorders Unspecified Bipolar and Related Disorder, PAST (F31.9) ksads_2_839_p ksads_2_839_t only KSADS 1
Bipolar Disorders Bipolar I Disorder, most recent episode (manic/depressed/mixed) (F31.9) ksads2_2_800_p ksads2_2_800_t only KSADS 2
Bipolar Disorders Bipolar II Disorder, most recent episode (hypomanic/depressed/mixed)  (F31.81) ksads2_2_802_p ksads2_2_802_t only KSADS 2
Bipolar Disorders Other Specified Bipolar and Related Disorder (F31.9) Meets criteria for Bipolar II disorder except duration criteria ksads2_2_803_p ksads2_2_803_t only KSADS 2
Bipolar Disorders Other Specified Bipolar and Related Disorder (F31.9) Meets criteria for Bipolar II disorder except never had major depressive episode ksads2_2_932_p ksads2_2_932_t only KSADS 2
Bipolar Disorders Other Specified Bipolar and Related Disorder (F31.9) Recurrent manic or hypomanic episodes of shorter duration than minimum criteria ksads2_2_933_p ksads2_2_933_t only KSADS 2
Bipolar Disorders Bipolar II Disorder, Currently Depressed (in partial remission) F31.81 ksads2_2_936_p ksads2_2_936_t only KSADS 2
Bipolar Disorders Bipolar I Disorder, Currently Depressed (in partial remission) F31.3x ksads2_2_937_p ksads2_2_937_t only KSADS 2
Conduct Disorder Conduct Disorder, present childhood onset (F91.1) ksads_16_897_p ksads2_16_855_p ksads_16_897_t ksads2_16_855_t
Conduct Disorder Conduct Disorder, present adolescent onset (F91.2) ksads_16_898_p ksads2_16_856_p ksads_16_898_t ksads2_16_856_t
Conduct Disorder Conduct Disorder, past, childhood onset (F91.1) ksads_16_899_p ksads2_16_857_p ksads_16_899_t ksads2_16_857_t
Conduct Disorder Conduct Disorder, past, adolescent onset (F91.2) ksads_16_900_p ksads2_16_858_p ksads_16_900_t ksads2_16_858_t
DMDD Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD) Current (F34.8) ksads_3_848_p ksads2_3_804_p ksads_3_848_t ksads2_3_804_t
Depressive Disorders Major Depressive Disorder Present ksads_1_840_p ksads2_1_790_p ksads_1_840_t ksads2_1_790_t
Depressive Disorders Major Depressive Disorder, Current, in Partial Remission (F32.4) ksads_1_841_p ksads2_1_791_p ksads_1_841_t ksads2_1_791_t
Depressive Disorders Major Depressive Disorder, Past (F32.9) ksads_1_842_p ksads2_1_792_p ksads_1_842_t ksads2_1_792_t
Depressive Disorders Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia) PRESENT F34.1 ksads_1_843_p ksads2_1_793_p ksads_1_843_t ksads2_1_793_t
Depressive Disorders Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia) In Partial Remission F34.1 ksads_1_844_p ksads2_1_794_p ksads_1_844_t ksads2_1_794_t
Depressive Disorders Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia) PAST F34.1 ksads_1_845_p ksads2_1_795_p ksads_1_845_t ksads2_1_795_t
Depressive Disorders Unspecified Depressive Disorder Current (F32.9) ksads_1_846_p ksads_1_846_t only KSADS 1
Depressive Disorders Unspecified Depressive Disorder PAST (F32.9) ksads_1_847_p ksads_1_847_t only KSADS 1
Depressive Disorders Other Specified Depressive Disorder (F32.8) ksads2_1_797_p ksads2_1_797_t only KSADS 2
Drug Use Disorders Cannabis Use Disorder Present ksads_20_871_p ksads2_20_829_p ksads_20_871_t ksads2_20_829_t
Drug Use Disorders Stimulant Use Disorder Present:  Amphetamine-type substance ksads_20_872_p ksads2_20_830_p ksads_20_872_t ksads2_20_830_t
Drug Use Disorders Sedative, Hypnotic or Anxiolytic Use Disorder Present ksads_20_873_p ksads2_20_831_p ksads_20_873_t ksads2_20_831_t
Drug Use Disorders Stimulant Use Disorder Present: Cocaine ksads_20_874_p ksads2_20_832_p ksads_20_874_t ksads2_20_832_t
Drug Use Disorders Opiod Use Disorder Present ksads_20_875_p ksads2_20_833_p ksads_20_875_t ksads2_20_833_t
Drug Use Disorders Inhalant Use Disorder Present ksads_20_878_p ksads2_20_835_p ksads_20_878_t ksads2_20_835_t
Drug Use Disorders Other Drugs Use Disorder Present ksads_20_879_p ksads2_20_837_p ksads_20_879_t ksads2_20_837_t
Drug Use Disorders Cannabis Use Disorder Past ksads_20_880_p ksads2_20_838_p ksads_20_880_t ksads2_20_838_t
Drug Use Disorders Stimulant Use Disorder Past:  Amphetamine-type substance ksads_20_881_p ksads2_20_839_p ksads_20_881_t ksads2_20_839_t
Drug Use Disorders Sedative, Hypnotic or Anxiolytic Use Disorder Past ksads_20_882_p ksads2_20_840_p ksads_20_882_t ksads2_20_840_t
Drug Use Disorders Stimulant Use Disorder Past: Cocaine ksads_20_883_p ksads2_20_841_p ksads_20_883_t ksads2_20_841_t
Drug Use Disorders Opiod Use Disorder Past ksads_20_884_p ksads2_20_842_p ksads_20_884_t ksads2_20_842_t
Drug Use Disorders Inhalant Use Disorder Past ksads_20_887_p ksads2_20_844_p ksads_20_887_t ksads2_20_844_t
Drug Use Disorders Other Drugs Use Disorder Past ksads_20_888_p ksads2_20_846_p ksads_20_888_t ksads2_20_846_t
Drug Use Disorders Substance Use Disorder CURRENT ksads_20_889_p ksads2_20_847_p ksads_20_889_t ksads2_20_847_t
Drug Use Disorders Substance Use Disorder PAST ksads_20_890_p ksads2_20_848_p ksads_20_890_t ksads2_20_848_t
Drug Use Disorders Unspecified Substance Related Disorder, Present (F10.99) ksads_20_893_p ksads2_20_851_p ksads_20_893_t ksads2_20_851_t
Drug Use Disorders Unspecified Substance Related Disorder, Past (F10.99) ksads_20_894_p ksads2_20_852_p ksads_20_894_t ksads2_20_852_t
Drug Use Disorders Hallucinogen Use Disorder Present ksads_20_876_p ksads2_20_834_p ksads_20_876_t ksads2_20_834_t
Drug Use Disorders PCP Use Disorder Present ksads_20_877_p ksads2_20_986_p ksads_20_877_t ksads2_20_986_t
Drug Use Disorders Hallucinogen Use Disorder Past ksads_20_885_p ksads2_20_843_p ksads_20_885_t ksads2_20_843_t
Drug Use Disorders PCP Use Disorder Past ksads_20_886_p ksads2_20_987_p ksads_20_886_t ksads2_20_987_t
Drug Use Disorders Tobacco Use Disorder Present ksads2_20_836_p ksads2_20_836_t only KSADS 2
Drug Use Disorders Tobacco Use Disorder Past ksads2_20_845_p ksads2_20_845_t only KSADS 2
Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa (F50.02)  Binge eating/purging subtype, PRESENT ksads_13_929_p ksads2_13_890_p ksads_13_929_t ksads2_13_890_t
Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa (F50.02)  Binge eating/purging subtype, PRESENT, IN PARTIAL REMISSION ksads_13_930_p ksads2_13_891_p ksads_13_930_t ksads2_13_891_t
Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa (F50.02) Binge eating/purging subtype, PAST ksads_13_931_p ksads2_13_892_p ksads_13_931_t ksads2_13_892_t
Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa (F50.01)  Restricting subtype, PRESENT ksads_13_932_p ksads2_13_893_p ksads_13_932_t ksads2_13_893_t
Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa (F50.01)  Restricting subtype, PRESENT, IN PARTIAL REMISSION ksads_13_933_p ksads2_13_894_p ksads_13_933_t ksads2_13_894_t
Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa (F50.01) Restricting subtype,PAST ksads_13_934_p ksads2_13_895_p ksads_13_934_t ksads2_13_895_t
Eating Disorders Bulimia Nervosa (F50.2) PRESENT ksads_13_935_p ksads2_13_896_p ksads_13_935_t ksads2_13_896_t
Eating Disorders Bulimia Nervosa (F50.2) PAST ksads_13_936_p ksads2_13_897_p ksads_13_936_t ksads2_13_897_t
Eating Disorders Bulimia Nervosa Partial Remission Present ksads_13_937_p ksads2_13_898_p ksads_13_937_t ksads2_13_898_t
Eating Disorders Binge-Eating Disorder (F50.8) CURRENT ksads_13_938_p ksads2_13_899_p ksads_13_938_t ksads2_13_899_t
Eating Disorders Binge-Eating Disorder (F50.8) PAST ksads_13_940_p ksads2_13_900_p ksads_13_940_t ksads2_13_900_t
Eating Disorders Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder, Anorexia Nervosa, current, does not meet full criteria (F50.8) ksads_13_941_p ksads2_13_901_p ksads_13_941_t ksads2_13_901_t
Eating Disorders Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder, Atypical Anorexia Nervosa (F50.8), Past ksads_13_971_p ksads2_13_999_p ksads_13_971_t ksads2_13_999_t
Eating Disorders Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, current, does not meet full criteria (F50.8) ksads_13_942_p ksads2_13_902_p ksads_13_942_t ksads2_13_902_t
Eating Disorders Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, PAST, does not meet full criteria (F50.8) ksads_13_943_p ksads2_13_903_p ksads_13_943_t ksads2_13_903_t
Eating Disorders Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder, Binge Eating Disorder, present, does not meet full criteria (F50.8) ksads_13_944_p ksads2_13_904_p ksads_13_944_t ksads2_13_904_t
Eating Disorders Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder, Binge Eating Disorder (of low frequency or limited duration) (F50.8), Past ksads_13_972_p ksads2_13_1000_p ksads_13_972_t ksads2_13_1000_t
Eating Disorders Binge-Eating Disorder (F50.8) current, in partial remission ksads_13_939_p ksads_13_939_t only KSADS 1
Generalized Anxiety Disorder Generalized Anxiety Disorder –Present (F41.1) ksads_10_869_p ksads2_10_827_p ksads_10_869_t ksads2_10_827_t
Generalized Anxiety Disorder Generalized Anxiety Disorder –Past (F41.1) ksads_10_870_p ksads2_10_828_p ksads_10_870_t ksads2_10_828_t
Generalized Anxiety Disorder Other Specified Anxiety Disorder (Generalized Anxiety Disorder, impairment, does not meet minimum duration) F41.8 ksads_10_913_p ksads2_10_873_p ksads_10_913_t ksads2_10_873_t
Generalized Anxiety Disorder Other Specified Anxiety Disorder (Generalized Anxiety Disorder, impairment, does not meet minimum duration), PAST,  F41.8 ksads_10_914_p ksads2_10_874_p ksads_10_914_t ksads2_10_874_t
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder –Present (F42) ksads_11_917_p ksads2_11_877_p ksads_11_917_t ksads2_11_877_t
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder –Past (F42) ksads_11_918_p ksads2_11_878_p ksads_11_918_t ksads2_11_878_t
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Other Specified Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorder, present , does not meet full criteria (F42) ksads_11_919_p ksads2_11_879_p ksads_11_919_t ksads2_11_879_t
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Other Specified Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorder, past, does not meet full criteria (F42) ksads_11_920_p ksads2_11_880_p ksads_11_920_t ksads2_11_880_t
Oppositional Defiant Disorder Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Present F91.3 ksads_15_901_p ksads2_15_859_p ksads_15_901_t ksads2_15_859_t
Oppositional Defiant Disorder Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Past F91.3 ksads_15_902_p ksads2_15_860_p ksads_15_902_t ksads2_15_860_t
Panic Disorder Panic Disorder (F41.0) PRESENT ksads_5_857_p ksads2_5_814_p ksads_5_857_t ksads2_5_814_t
Panic Disorder Panic Disorder (F41.0) PAST ksads_5_858_p ksads2_5_816_p ksads_5_858_t ksads2_5_816_t
Panic Disorder Other Specified Anxiety Disorder (Panic Disorder, impairment, does not meet full criteria), F41.8 ksads_5_906_p ksads2_5_866_p ksads_5_906_t ksads2_5_866_t
Panic Disorder Other Specified Anxiety Disorder, PAST, (Panic Disorder, impairment, does not meet full criteria), F41.8 ksads_5_907_p ksads2_5_867_p ksads_5_907_t ksads2_5_867_t
Panic Disorder Panic Disorder (F41.0) PRESENT, in partial remission ksads2_5_815_p ksads2_5_815_t only KSADS 2
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Other Specified Trauma-and Stressor-Related Disorder, present (PTSD, impairment, does not meet full criteria (F43.8) ksads_21_923_p ksads2_21_884_p ksads_21_923_t ksads2_21_884_t
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Other Specified Trauma-and Stressor-Related Disorder, PAST, PTSD, impairment, does not meet full criteria (F43.8) ksads_21_924_p ksads2_21_885_p ksads_21_924_t ksads2_21_885_t
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder PRESENT (F43.10) ksads_21_921_p ksads2_21_881_p ksads_21_921_t ksads2_21_881_t
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder PAST (F43.10) ksads_21_922_p ksads2_21_883_p ksads_21_922_t ksads2_21_883_t
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder PRESENT (F43.10), In Partial Remission ksads2_21_882_p ksads2_21_882_t only KSADS 2
Psychosis Unspecified Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorder F29 (Current) ksads_4_851_p ksads_4_851_t only KSADS 1
Psychosis Unspecified Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorder F29 (Past) ksads_4_852_p ksads_4_852_t only KSADS 1
Psychosis Schizophrenia (F20.9) ksads2_4_805_p ksads2_4_805_t only KSADS 2
Psychosis Schizophreniform Disorder (F20.81) ksads2_4_806_p ksads2_4_806_t only KSADS 2
Psychosis Schizoaffective Disorder (F25.0) (F25.1) ksads2_4_807_p ksads2_4_807_t only KSADS 2
Psychosis Other Specified Psychotic Disorder, does not meet full criteria F28 (Current) ksads2_4_808_p ksads2_4_808_t only KSADS 2
Selective Mutism Selective Mutism (F94.0) PRESENT ksads_25_865_p ksads2_25_823_p ksads_25_865_t ksads2_25_823_t
Selective Mutism Selective Mutism (F94.0) PAST ksads_25_866_p ksads2_25_824_p ksads_25_866_t ksads2_25_824_t
Selective Mutism Other Specified Anxiety Disorder (Selective Mutism, , does not meet minimum duration) F41.8 ksads_25_915_p ksads2_25_875_p ksads_25_915_t ksads2_25_875_t
Selective Mutism Other Specified Anxiety Disorder (Selective Mutism, does not meet minimum duration), PAST ,F41.8 ksads_25_916_p ksads2_25_876_p ksads_25_916_t ksads2_25_876_t
Separation Anxiety Separation Anxiety Disorder (F93.00) PRESENT ksads_7_861_p ksads2_7_819_p ksads_7_861_t ksads2_7_819_t
Separation Anxiety Separation Anxiety Disorder (F93.00) PAST ksads_7_862_p ksads2_7_820_p ksads_7_862_t ksads2_7_820_t
Separation Anxiety Other Specified Anxiety Disorder (Separation Anxiety Disorder, impairment, does not meet full criteria), F41.8 ksads_7_909_p ksads2_7_869_p ksads_7_909_t ksads2_7_869_t
Separation Anxiety Other Specified Anxiety Disorder (Separation Anxiety Disorder, impairment, does not meet full criteria) PAST, F41.8 ksads_7_910_p ksads2_7_870_p ksads_7_910_t ksads2_7_870_t
Social Anxiety Social Anxiety Disorder (F40.10) PRESENT ksads_8_863_p ksads2_8_821_p ksads_8_863_t ksads2_8_821_t
Social Anxiety Social Anxiety Disorder (F40.10) PAST ksads_8_864_p ksads2_8_822_p ksads_8_864_t ksads2_8_822_t
Social Anxiety Other Specified Anxiety Disorder (Social Anxiety Disorder, impairment, does not meet minimum duration) F41.8 ksads_8_911_p ksads2_8_871_p ksads_8_911_t ksads2_8_871_t
Social Anxiety Other Specified Anxiety Disorder (Social Anxiety Disorder, impairment, does not meet minimum duration), PAST,  F41.8 ksads_8_912_p ksads2_8_872_p ksads_8_912_t ksads2_8_872_t
Suicidality Self Injurious Behavior without suicidal intent Present ksads_23_945_p ksads2_23_905_p ksads_23_945_t ksads2_23_905_t
Suicidality Suicidal ideation Passive Present ksads_23_946_p ksads2_23_906_p ksads_23_946_t ksads2_23_906_t
Suicidality Suicidal ideation Active non-specific Present ksads_23_947_p ksads2_23_907_p ksads_23_947_t ksads2_23_907_t
Suicidality Suicidal ideation Active method Present ksads_23_948_p ksads2_23_908_p ksads_23_948_t ksads2_23_908_t
Suicidality Suicidal ideation Active intent Present ksads_23_949_p ksads2_23_909_p ksads_23_949_t ksads2_23_909_t
Suicidality Suicidal ideation Active plan Present ksads_23_950_p ksads2_23_910_p ksads_23_950_t ksads2_23_910_t
Suicidality Preparatory Actions toward imminent Suicidal behavior Present ksads_23_951_p ksads2_23_911_p ksads_23_951_t ksads2_23_911_t
Suicidality Interrupted Attempt Present ksads_23_952_p ksads2_23_912_p ksads_23_952_t ksads2_23_912_t
Suicidality Aborted Attempt Present ksads_23_953_p ksads2_23_913_p ksads_23_953_t ksads2_23_913_t
Suicidality Suicide Attempt Present ksads_23_954_p ksads2_23_914_p ksads_23_954_t ksads2_23_914_t
Suicidality No suicidal ideation or behavior Present ksads_23_955_p ksads2_23_915_p ksads_23_955_t ksads2_23_915_t
Suicidality Self Injurious Behavior without suicidal intent Past ksads_23_956_p ksads2_23_916_p ksads_23_956_t ksads2_23_916_t
Suicidality Suicidal ideation Passive Past ksads_23_957_p ksads2_23_917_p ksads_23_957_t ksads2_23_917_t
Suicidality Suicidal ideation Active non-specific Past ksads_23_958_p ksads2_23_918_p ksads_23_958_t ksads2_23_918_t
Suicidality Suicidal ideation Active method Past ksads_23_959_p ksads2_23_919_p ksads_23_959_t ksads2_23_919_t
Suicidality Suicidal ideation Active intent Past ksads_23_960_p ksads2_23_920_p ksads_23_960_t ksads2_23_920_t
Suicidality Suicidal ideation Active plan Past ksads_23_961_p ksads2_23_921_p ksads_23_961_t ksads2_23_921_t
Suicidality Preparatory Actions toward imminent Suicidal behavior Past ksads_23_962_p ksads2_23_922_p ksads_23_962_t ksads2_23_922_t
Suicidality Interrupted Attempt Past ksads_23_963_p ksads2_23_923_p ksads_23_963_t ksads2_23_923_t
Suicidality Aborted Attempt Past ksads_23_964_p ksads2_23_924_p ksads_23_964_t ksads2_23_924_t
Suicidality Suicide Attempt Past ksads_23_965_p ksads2_23_925_p ksads_23_965_t ksads2_23_925_t
Suicidality No past suicidal ideation or behavior Past ksads_23_966_p ksads2_23_926_p ksads_23_966_t ksads2_23_926_t

Important information about the KSADS in Release 5.0

In May of 2021, the KSADS-COMP originators did a review of diagnostic criteria used in the programming algorithms and found several errors that likely led to overestimates of diagnoses for several disorders. The needed modifications are: a) include impairment in the diagnostic criteria for Major Depression and Persistent Depressive Disorder; b) include onset before age 10 in the diagnostic criteria for Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorders; c) require impairment in two domains, not just one, for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder; d) require an illness duration of 6 months or more for Agoraphobia; e) include an illness duration of three months or longer for Anorexia; and f) include the presence of all three criterion A symptoms for Autism (relevant to the 2.0 version). Prior releases of ABCD Study data in these diagnostic domains were impacted by these issues (i.e. Release 4.0 and before). KSADS-COMP completed these modifications and the corrected diagnostic data from these categories is included in Release 5.0.

We switched to the KSADS 2.0 at the 3-year follow-up for both parent and youth report as this updated version incorporates several improved features, including better assessments of Autism Spectrum and Psychotic disorders. These KSADS tables include both data from 1.0 and 2.0 for the same variables in the same columns for ease of analysis. Suicide in the 4-year follow-up and beyond is only asking about current and not lifetime.

The Conduct Disorder module of the KSADS was modified such that all youth are asked all the potential behavioral indicators of Conduct Disorder (except the sexual conduct symptom), and the Callous and Unemotional trait questions are asked of any youth who endorse one or more Conduct Disorder indicators.

Important Information about the Youth Delinquency Scale & Policing items

Statistical analyses of the Youth 10 Item Delinquency Scale revealed evidence of significant race/culture bias in this measure. The ABCD Mental Health Workgroup and the ABCD Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Workgroup 1 that oversees equitable and inclusive methods and assessments proposed not to release these data or a summary score for Release 4.0 onwards. The ABCD Steering Committee approved this proposal. These data no longer appear in ABCD Annual Data Releases. Furthermore, the decision was made to discontinue administration of the Youth 10 item Delinquency Scale starting at the 4-year follow-up. Note that the question from the Delinquency Scale about police contact is now contained in the Culture & Environment workgroup, instead of the Mental Health workgroup.

Together with changes in the KSADS Conduct Disorder module above, we believe these modifications reduce redundancy across measures in the ABCD dataset and ensure that a broader set of behaviors relevant to delinquency are assessed.


Note that some of the items in the Life Events Scale ((e.g., school shooter, not having a home, deportation or hospitalization of a parent, foster care, seeing or hearing people being shot, hit, etc. in the neighborhood) were added at later waves and are not available at earlier waves.

Instrument Descriptions

Youth Instruments

Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Aged Children (KSADS-COMP)

The KSADS is a semi-structured interview to measure current and past symptoms of mood, anxiety, psychotic, and disruptive behavior disorders, among others, in children ages 6-18 years old. It was designed to promote earlier diagnosis of mental disorders in children in a way that incorporates reports by both the child and parent. The KSADS-COMP is a computerized version of the KSADS. It is administered in diagnostic category modules described below.

We switched to the KSADS 2.0 at the 3-year follow-up for both parent and youth report as this updated version incorporates several improved features, including better assessments of Autism Spectrum and Psychotic disorders. These KSADS tables include both data from 1.0 and 2.0 for the same variables in the same columns for ease of analysis.

Townsend, L, Kobak, K., Kearney, C., Milham, M., Andreotti, C., Escalera, J., Alexander, L., Gill, M.K., Birmaher, B., Sylvester, R., Rice, D., Deep, A., Kaufman, J. (2020).  Development of Three Web-Based Computerized Versions of the Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (KSADS-COMP) Child Psychiatric Diagnostic Interview: Preliminary Validity Data. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Feb;59(2):309-325. doi:10.1016/j.jaac. PMID: 31108163.

Kaufman, J., Kobak, K., Birmaher, B., & de Lacy, N. (2021). KSADS-COMP Perspectives on Child Psychiatric Diagnostic Assessment and Treatment Planning. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 60(5), 540–542. Find here

KSADS - Symptoms & Diagnoses

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_y_ksads_ss

Measure Description: DSM-V based symptoms and diagnoses based on the responses to individual questions.

ABCD Subdomain: Broad Psychopathology

Measurement Waves Administered: Annually since Baseline

Modifications since initial administration: The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: None

KSADS - Background Items

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_y_ksads_bg

Measure Description: Assesses school, family, and social relations.

ABCD Subdomain: Psychosocial

Number of Variables: 60

Summary Score(s): No

Measurement Waves Administered: Annually since Baseline

Modifications since initial administration: The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations:

At 3-year follow-up, the 2-step method for assessing gender identity was added to the background items first asking sex assigned at birth, followed by current gender identity. All measures in the ABCD protocol were revised to eliminate the use of binary gender classifications in the fall of 2020 (see Potter et al., 2022). To this end, “another gender (e.g. nonbinary)” was added to all responses consisting of gender options. Gender-specific data is duplicated in table gish_y_gi.

At 4-year follow-up, the “gay or bisexual” background item was followed up with an item asking youth to describe their sexual orientation. Response options were branched from the response to the original item such that the data is recorded as 3 separate items with 3 separate responses. Refer to data dictionary. Sexuality-specific data is duplicated in table gish_y_sex.

Multi-Informant analysis - some items in the Youth KSADS Background Survey have parent-reported counterparts.

KSADS - Depressive Disorders (Indiv. Questions)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_y_ksads_dep

Measure Description: Assesses Major Depressive Disorder, Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia), Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD), Other Specified Depressive Disorder.

ABCD Subdomain: Mood

Number of Variables: 91

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline, 2-year follow-up; 4-year follow-up.

Modifications since initial administration: The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: None

KSADS - Conduct Disorders (Indiv. Questions)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_y_ksads_cd

Measure Description: Assesses Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder.

ABCD Subdomain: Externalizing

Number of Variables: 265

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: The Conduct Disorder module of the KSADS was modified such that all youth are asked all the potential behavioral indicators of Conduct Disorder (except the sexual conduct symptom), and the Callous and Unemotional trait questions are asked of any youth who endorse one or more Conduct Disorder indicators.

The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up. Notes and special considerations: None

KSADS - Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (Indiv. Questions)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_y_ksads_dmdd

Measure Description: Assesses non-episodic irritability and frequent severe temper outbursts.

ABCD Subdomain: Mood

Number of Variables: 11

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration:The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: None

KSADS - Eating Disorders (Indiv. Questions)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_y_ksads_ed

Measure Description: Assesses Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder.

ABCD Subdomain: Eating

Number of Variables: 88

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: None

KSADS - Generalized Anxiety Disorder (Indiv. Questions)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_y_ksads_gad

Measure Description: Assesses Generalized Anxiety Disorder

ABCD Subdomain: Anxiety

Number of Variables: 54

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline, 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations:

KSADS - Social Anxiety Disorder (Indiv. Questions)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_y_ksads_sad

Measure Description: Assesses Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, Separation Anxiety Disorder, Specific Phobia, Social Anxiety Disorder, Other Specified Anxiety Disorder.

ABCD Subdomain: Anxiety

Number of Variables: 56

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline, 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration:The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: None

KSADS - Suicidality (Indiv. Questions)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_y_ksads_si

Measure Description: Assesses Suicidality.

ABCD Subdomain: Harm

Number of Variables: 39

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Annually since Baseline

Modifications since initial administration:The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: Suicide in the 4-year follow-up and beyond is only asking about current and not lifetime.

KSADS - Sleep Problems (Indiv. Questions)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_y_ksads_slp

Measure Description: Assesses Sleep Problems.

ABCD Subdomain: Sleep

Summary Score(s): Yes

Number of Variables: 5

Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline, 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: None

7-Up Mania Inventory

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_y_7up

Measure Description: Assesses youth mania symptoms.

Number of Variables: 11

Summary Score(s): No

Measurement Waves Administered: 1-year follow-up, 3-year follow-up, Expected future assessment at 5-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: None

Notes and special considerations: None

Reference: Youngstrom EA, Murray G, Johnson SL, Findling RL. The 7 up 7 down inventory: a 14-item measure of manic and depressive tendencies carved from the General Behavior Inventory. Psychol Assess. 2013 Dec;25(4):1377-83. doi: 10.1037/a0033975. Epub 2013 Aug 5. PMID: 23914960; PMCID: PMC3970320. Find here

Behavioral Inhibition / Behavioral Approach System Scales (BIS/BAS)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_y_bisbas

Measure Description: A self-report questionnaire designed to measure two motivational systems: the behavioral inhibition system (BIS), which corresponds to motivation to avoid aversive outcomes, and the behavioral activation system (BAS), which corresponds to motivation to approach goal-oriented outcomes. Participants respond to each item using a 4-point Likert scale: 1 (very true for me), 2 (somewhat true for me), 3 (somewhat false for me), and 4 (very false for me). The scale has four subscales that were derived via factor analysis. One subscale corresponds to the BIS. Seven items contribute to this score (e.g., “Criticism or scolding hurts me quite a bit”). The remaining three subscales correspond to three components of BAS. BAS Drive measures the motivation to follow one’s goals. Four items contribute to this score (e.g., “When I want something I usually go all-out to get it”). BAS Reward Responsiveness measures the sensitivity to pleasant reinforcers in the environment. Four items contribute to this score (e.g., “It would excite me to win a contest”). BAS Fun Seeking measures the motivation to find novel rewards spontaneously. Five items contribute to this score (e.g., “I crave excitement and new sensations”).

ABCD Subdomain: Temperament/Personality

Number of Variables: 42

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline, 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: None

Notes and special considerations: None

References: PhenX. Carver CS, White TL. Behavioral inhibition, behavioral activation, and affective responses to impending reward and punishment: The BIS/BAS Scales. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1994;67:319-33. Find here

Pagliaccio D, Luking KR, Anokhin AP, Gotlib IH, Hayden EP, Olino TM, Peng CZ, Hajcak G, Barch DM. Revising the BIS/BAS Scale to study development: Measurement invariance and normative effects of age and sex from childhood through adulthood. Psychol Assess. 2016 Apr;28(4):429-42. doi: 10.1037/pas0000186. Epub 2015 Aug 24. PMID: 26302106; PMCID: PMC4766059. Find here

Brief Problem Monitor (ASEBA)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_y_bpm

Measure Description: Normed multi-informant monitoring of children’s functioning. This is the youth self-report. The BPM’s Internalizing (INT), Attention Problems (ATT), Externalizing (EXT), and Total Problems (TOT) scales comprise items from the ASEBA Youth Self-Report (YSR). The items, scales, and norms are based on decades of research and practical experience, as summarized in the BPM Manual (Achenbach, McConaughy, Ivanova, & Rescorla, 2017).

ABCD Subdomain: Broad Psychopathology

Number of Variables: 48

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Annually since the 1-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: None

Notes and special considerations: None

Reference: Achenbach, T. M. (2009). The Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA): Development, Findings, Theory, and Applications. Burlington, VT: University of Vermont Research Center for Children, Youth, & Families. Find here


Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_y_cbb

Measure Description: This instrument assesses whether a youth has experienced or perpetrated cyberbullying, including information about whether it occurred in the past year and the frequency.

ABCD Subdomain: Social

Number of Variables: 10

Summary Score(s): No

Measurement Waves Administered: Annually since 2-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: None

Notes and special considerations: None

Reference: Stewart RW, Drescher CF, Maack DJ, Ebesutani C, Young J. The Development and Psychometric Investigation of the Cyberbullying Scale. J Interpers Violence. 2014 Aug;29(12):2218-2238. doi: 10.1177/0886260513517552. Epub 2014 Jan 14. PMID: 24424252. Find here

Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_y_erq

Measure Description: The ERQ uses items with a 5-point Likert scale to measure children’s tendencies to engage in two specific emotion regulation strategies: reappraisal (reframing the meaning of a situation; a prototypically adaptive strategy) and suppression (inhibiting emotional expression; a prototypically maladaptive strategy).

ABCD Subdomain: Emotion

Number of Variables: 9

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Annually since 3-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: None

Notes and special considerations: None

References: Gullone, E., & Taffe, J. (2012). The Emotion Regulation Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents (ERQ-CA): a psychometric evaluation. Psychological assessment, 24(2), 409–417. Find here

Gross, J. J., & John, O. P. (2003). Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ). APA PsycTests. Find here

Garnefski, N., Rieffe, C., Jellesma, F., Terwogt, M. M., & Kraaij, V. (2007). Cognitive emotion regulation strategies and emotional problems in 9–11-year-old children: The development of an instrument. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 16, 1–9. Find here

Life Events (PhenX)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_y_le

Measure Description: The Adverse Life Events Scale is a self- or proxy-administered, 25-item questionnaire that reports events experienced during the previous year over which the child had little or no control. The respondent reviews the list of items and indicates which events have occurred. If endorsed, follow-up questions are shown for additional details about the event.

ABCD Subdomain: Stress

Number of Variables: 146 (key questions & follow-up)

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Annually since 1-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: None

Notes and special considerations: Some of the items in the Life Events Scale (e.g., school shooter, not having a home, deportation or hospitalization of parent, foster care, seeing or hearing people being shot, hit, etc. in the neighborhood) were added at later waves and are not available at earlier waves.

References: Tiet, Q.Q., Bird, H.R., et al., 2001. Relationship between specific adverse life events and psychiatric disorders. J. Abnorm. Child Psychol. 29 (2), 153–164. Find here

Grant, K.E., Compas, B.E., et al., 2004. Stressors and child and adolescent psychopathology: measurement issues and prospective effects. J. Clin. Child Adolesc. Psychol. 33 (2), 412–425. Find here

Other Resilience

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_y_or

Measure Description: A short survey on number of peers.

ABCD Subdomain: Peers

Number of Variables: 12

Summary Score(s): No

Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline, then annually since 2-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: None

Notes and special considerations: None

Reference: Barch DM, Albaugh MD, Avenevoli S, Chang L, Clark DB, Glantz MD, Hudziak JJ, Jernigan TL, Tapert SF, Yurgelun-Todd D, Alia-Klein N, Potter AS, Paulus MP, Prouty D, Zucker RA, Sher KJ. Demographic, physical and mental health assessments in the adolescent brain and cognitive development study: Rationale and description. Dev Cogn Neurosci. 2018 Aug;32:55-66. Find here

Peer Experience Questionnaire

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_y_peq

Measure Description: Assesses whether the youth has either experienced overt, relational or reputational victimization from peers or perpetrated overt, relational or reputational aggression towards peers.

ABCD Subdomain: Peers

Number of Variables: 37

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Annually since 2-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: None

Notes and special considerations: None

References: De Los Reyes, A. & Prinstein, M. J. (2004). Applying depression-distortion hypotheses to the assessment of peer victimization in adolescents. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 33, 325-335. Find here

Prinstein, M. J., Boergers, J., & Vernberg, E. M. (2001). Overt and relational aggression in adolescents: Social-psychological functioning of aggressors and victims. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 30, 477-489. Find here

NIH Toolbox Positive Affect

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_y_poa

Measure Description: This measure evaluates feelings of contentment, happiness, enthusiasm, joy, and excitement in the past week.

ABCD Subdomain: Emotion

Number of Variables: 13

Summary Score(s): No

Measurement Waves Administered: 1-year follow-up, 3-year follow-up; Expected future assessment at 5-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: None

Notes and special considerations: None

References: Gershon, R.C., Wagster, M.V., et al., 2013. NIH toolbox for assessment of neurological and behavioral function. Neurology 80 (11 Suppl. 3), S2–6. Find here

Salsman, J.M., Butt, Z., et al., 2013. Emotion assessment using the NIH toolbox. Neurology 80 (11 Suppl. 3), S76–86. Find here

Prodromal Psychosis Scale

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_y_pps

Measure Description: The Prodromal Questionnaire–Brief Child Version may be a useful measure of early risk for psychotic disorders and is associated with several familial, cognitive, and emotional factors related to psychotic symptoms in older populations.

ABCD Subdomain: Psychosis

Number of Variables: 76

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Annually since Baseline

Modifications since initial administration: None

Notes and special considerations: None

References: Karcher NR, Barch DM, Avenevoli S, Savill M, Huber RS, Simon TJ, Leckliter IN, Sher KJ, Loewy RL. Assessment of the Prodromal Questionnaire-Brief Child Version for Measurement of Self-reported Psychotic like Experiences in Childhood. JAMA Psychiatry. 2018 Aug 1;75(8):853-861. Find here

Loewy, R.L., Bearden, C.E., et al., 2005. The prodromal questionnaire (PQ): preliminary validation of a self-report screening measure for prodromal and psychotic syndromes. Schizophr. Res. 79 (1), 117–125. Find here

Ising, H.K., Veling, W., et al., 2012. The validity of the 16-item version of the Prodromal Questionnaire (PQ-16) to screen for ultra high risk of developing psychosis in the general help-seeking population. Schizophr. Bull. 38 (6), 1288–1296. Find here

Therman, S., Lindgren, M., et al., 2014. Predicting psychosis and psychiatric hospital care among adolescent psychiatric patients with the Prodromal Questionnaire. Schizophr. Res. 158 (1–3), 7–10. Find here

Modified Urgency, Premeditation, Perseverance, Sensation Seeking, Positive Urgency, Impulsive Behavior Scale for Children (UPPS; Short Version; PhenX)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_y_upps

Measure Description: The UPPS contains 20 self-administered questions that are scored on multiple subscales (urgency, premeditation, perseverance, sensation seeking, and positive urgency).

ABCD Subdomain: Temperament/Personality

Number of Variables: 35

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline, 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: None

Notes and special considerations: There are a small number of cases where 1 or 2 items were missing and a summary score was computed without compensation. The number of items missing are in the output, so users can recompute the value as an average of the number of items answered if they would like.

References: Cyders, M.A., Smith, G.T., et al., 2007. Integration of impulsivity and positive mood to predict risky behavior: development and validation of a measure of positive urgency. Psychol. Assess. 19 (1), 107–118. Find here

Whiteside, S.P., Lynam, D.R., et al., 2005. Validation of the UPPS impulsive behaviour scale: a four-factor model of impulsivity. Eur. J. Pers. 19 (7), 559–574. Find here

Parent Instruments

Adult Behavior Checklist on Other Parent (ABCL; ASEBA) (Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_abcl

Measure Description: This ASEBA instrument is completed by the primary parent about the other parent (if applicable) and provides dimensional measures of parental psychopathology.

ABCD Subdomain: Broad Psychopathology

Number of Variables: 208

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: None

Notes and special considerations: None

Reference: Achenbach, T. M. (2009). The Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA): Development, Findings, Theory, and Applications. Burlington, VT: University of Vermont Research Center for Children, Youth, & Families. Find here

Adult Self Report (ASR; ASEBA) (Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_asr

Measure Description: This ASEBA instrument reports parent self-reported psychopathological syndromes.

ABCD Subdomain: Broad Psychopathology

Number of Variables: 218

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline, 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: None

Notes and special considerations: None

Reference: Achenbach, T. M. (2009). The Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA): Development, Findings, Theory, and Applications. Burlington, VT: University of Vermont Research Center for Children, Youth, & Families. Find here

Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL; ASEBA) (Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_cbcl

Measure Description: This parent-report ASEBA instrument assess youth dimensional psychopathological syndromes Dimensional and adaptive functioning

ABCD Subdomain: Broad Psychopathology

Number of Variables: 201

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Annually since Baseline

Modifications since initial administration: None

Notes and special considerations: ASEBA recommends not using summary scores for participants with more than 8 missing items. Based on ASEBA scoring,the DSM and subscale measures have a range >= 50. The three CBCL Internalizing, Externalizing, and Total Problem scales have a full T-score range with a mean = 50 and SD = 10.

Reference: Achenbach, T. M. (2009). The Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA): Development, Findings, Theory, and Applications. Burlington, VT: University of Vermont Research Center for Children, Youth, & Families. Find here

Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Aged Children (KSADS-COMP)

The KSADS-COMP is a computerized version of the KSADS given to parents about their youth participant.

We switched to the KSADS 2.0 at the 3-year follow-up for both parent and youth report as this updated version incorporates several improved features, including better assessments of Autism Spectrum and Psychotic disorders. These KSADS tables include both data from 1.0 and 2.0 for the same variables in the same columns for ease of analysis.

KSADS - Symptoms & Diagnoses

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_ksads_ss

Measure Description: DSM-V based symptoms and diagnoses based on the parent responses to individual questions about their youth participant.

ABCD Subdomain: Broad Psychopathology

Number of Variables: 1905

Measurement Waves Administered: Annually since Baseline

Modifications since initial administration:The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: None

KSADS - Background Items (Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_ksads_bg (Baseline) & mh_p_ksads_bg_l (Follow-up assessments)

Measure Description: Parent assessment of their youth participant’s school, family, and social relations.

ABCD Subdomain: Psychosocial

Number of Variables: 184

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Annually since Baseline

Modifications since initial administration: The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: Two tables are provided for the Background Items; one for Baseline and one for longitudinal assessments.

Gender- and sexuality-specific data is duplicated in tables gish_p_gi and gish_p_sex, respectively.

Multi-Informant analysis - some items in the Parent KSADS Background Survey have youth-reported counterparts.

KSADS - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Indiv. Questions) (Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_ksads_adhd

Measure Description: Parent assessment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Other Specified Unspecified Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder for their youth participant.

ABCD Subdomain: Externalizing

Number of Variables: 93

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Annually since Baseline

Modifications since initial administration: The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: None

KSADS - Autism Spectrum Disorder (Indiv. Questions)(Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_ksads_asd

Measure Description: Parent assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder for their youth participant.

ABCD Subdomain: Autism Spectrum

Number of Variables: 20

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline, 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: None

KSADS - Depressive Disorders (Indiv. Questions)(Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_ksads_dep

Measure Description: Parent assessment of Major Depressive Disorder, Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia), Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD), Other Specified Depressive Disorder for their youth participant.

ABCD Subdomain: Mood

Number of Variables: 91

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline, 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: None

KSADS - Psychotic Disorders (Indiv. Questions)(Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_ksads_psy

Measure Description: Parent assessment of Schizophrenia, Other Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorder, Hallucinations, and Delusions for their youth participant.

ABCD Subdomain: Psychosis

Number of Variables: 83

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Annually since Baseline

Modifications since initial administration: The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: None

KSADS - Oppositional Defiant Disorder (Indiv. Questions)(Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_ksads_odd

Measure Description: Parent assessment of Oppositional Defiant Disorder for their youth participant.

ABCD Subdomain: Externalizing

Number of Variables: 35

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline, 1-year follow-up, 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: None

KSADS - Conduct Disorders (Indiv. Questions)(Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_ksads_cd

Measure Description: Parent assessment of Conduct Disorder for their youth participant.

ABCD Subdomain: Externalizing

Number of Variables: 274

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Annually since Baseline

Modifications since initial administration: The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: If a behavior is endorsed, grade the behavior onset in is queried. The grades offered as response options are branched off the age. However, response options were limited to fairly typical grade levels for each age, so participants who are quite ahead or behind typical grades for their age are not offered all response options. For example, for age, response options are 8th grade and lower grades. For age 18, response options are K-12. Very few respondents did not see their grade as a response option; those who did not see their grade were instructed to select the closest grade.

KSADS - Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (Indiv. Questions)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_ksads_dmdd

Measure Description: Parent assessment of non-episodic irritability and frequent severe temper outbursts for their youth participant.

ABCD Subdomain: Mood

Number of Variables: 11

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline, 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: None

KSADS - Eating Disorders (Indiv. Questions)(Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_ksads_ed

Measure Description: Parent assessment of Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder for their youth participant.

ABCD Subdomain: Eating

Number of Variables: 88

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Annually since Baseline

Modifications since initial administration: The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: None

KSADS - Generalized Anxiety Disorder (Indiv. Questions)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_ksads_gad

Measure Description: Parent assessment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder for their youth participant.

ABCD Subdomain: Anxiety

Number of Variables: 54

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline, 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: None

KSADS - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Indiv. Questions)(Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_ksads_ocd

Measure Description: Parent assessment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Other Specified Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorder for their youth participant.

ABCD Subdomain: Anxiety

Number of Variables: 84

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline, 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: None

KSADS - Panic Disorder (Indiv. Questions)(Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_ksads_pd

Measure Description: Parent assessment of Panic Disorder for their youth participant.

ABCD Subdomain: Anxiety

Number of Variables: 40

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline, 2-year and 4-year follow-ups. Future expected assessment at 6-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: None

KSADS - Specific Phobia Disorder (Indiv. Questions)(Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_ksads_phb

Measure Description: Parent assessment of Specific Phobia Disorder for their youth participant.

ABCD Subdomain: Anxiety

Number of Variables: 48

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline, 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: None

KSADS - Agoraphobia Disorder (Indiv. Questions)(Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_ksads_ago

Measure Description: Parent assessment of Agoraphobia Disorder for their youth participant.

ABCD Subdomain: Anxiety

Number of Variables: 40

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline, 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: None

KSADS - Social Anxiety Disorder (Indiv. Questions)(Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_ksads_sad

Measure Description: Parent assessment of Social Anxiety Disorder and Other Specified Anxiety Disorder for their youth participant.

ABCD Subdomain: Anxiety

Number of Variables: 56

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline, 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: None

KSADS - Separation Anxiety Disorder (Indiv. Questions)(Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_ksads_sep

Measure Description: Parent assessment of Separation Anxiety Disorder for their youth participant.

ABCD Subdomain: Anxiety

Number of Variables: 40

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline, 2-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: None

KSADS - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Indiv. Questions)(Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_ksads_ptsd

Measure Description: Parent assessment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Other Specified Trauma-and Stressor-Related Disorder, and the various Adjustment Disorders for their youth participant.

ABCD Subdomain: Stress

Number of Variables: 17

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline, 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: None

KSADS - Suicidality (Indiv. Questions)(Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_ksads_si

Measure Description: Parent assessment of Suicidality for their youth participant.

ABCD Subdomain: Harm

Number of Variables: 39

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline, 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration:The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: Suicide in the 4-year follow-up and beyond is only asking about current and not lifetime.

KSADS - Homicidality (Indiv. Questions)(Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_ksads_hi

Measure Description: Parent assessment of Homicidality for their youth participant.

ABCD Subdomain: Harm

Number of Variables: 8

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline, 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: None

KSADS - Sleep Problems (Indiv. Questions) (Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_ksads_slp

Measure Description: Parent assessment of Sleep Problems for their youth participant.

ABCD Subdomain: Sleep

Number of Variables: 5

Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline, 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: The KSADS 2.0 was administered beginning in the 3-year follow-up.

Notes and special considerations: None

Difficulty in Emotion Regulation (Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_ders

Measure Description: Assesses the youth participant’s emotion regulation across multiple domains, including awareness and acceptance of emotions, ability to engage in goal-directed behavior and refrain from impulsive behavior, and access to effective emotion regulation strategies.

ABCD Subdomain: Emotion

Number of Variables: 30

Summary Score(s): No

Measurement Waves Administered: Annually since 3-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: None

Notes and special considerations: None

References: Bardeen, J. R., Fergus, T. A., Hannan, S. M., & Orcutt, H. K. (2016). Addressing psychometric limitations of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale through item modification. Journal of Personality Assessment. Find here

Bunford, N., Dawson, A. E., Evans, S. W., Ray, A. R., Langberg, J. M., Owens, J. S., DuPaul, G. J., & Allan, D. M. (2020). The Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale-Parent Report: A Psychometric Investigation Examining Adolescents With and Without ADHD. Assessment, 27(5), 921–940. Fine here

Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire (Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_eatq

Measure Description: The Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire (EATQ-R; parent version), completed by a caregiver on the youth, assesses children and adolescents (9-15 years old) on 8 basic dimensions of temperament (Activation, Affiliation, Attention, Fear, Frustration, Surgency, Inhibitory Control, , and Shyness), 2 dimensions of behavior (Aggression and Depressive Mood), and three higher-order scales based responses to these primary scales (Effort Control, Surgency, and Negative Affect).

ABCD Subdomain: Temperament/Personality

Number of Variables: 108

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: 2-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: None

Notes and special considerations: None

Reference: Latham MD, Dudgeon P, Yap MBH, Simmons JG, Byrne ML, Schwartz OS, Ivie E, Whittle S, Allen NB. Factor Structure of the Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire-Revised. Assessment. 2020 Oct;27(7):1547-1561. doi: 10.1177/1073191119831789. Epub 2019 Feb 21. PMID: 30788984. Find here

Family History (Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_fhx

Measure Description: Family history of psychopathology and substance use.

ABCD Subdomain: Broad Psychopathology

Number of Variables: 1861

Summary Score(s): No

Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline

Modifications since initial administration: None

Notes and special considerations:

  • “Missing” or blank responses can mean different things depending on how questions were answered. Specifically, a missing response could mean:

  • Nothing is known about any biological relative (famhx_1=0) so follow-up questions are not asked. For example, a participant indicates that they don’t know about any of the youth’s biological relatives (famhx_1 = 0) and consequently items assessing depression in father and in their paternal uncles (and all other relatives) are blank and could be considered as missing.

  • The respondent indicates that no biological relative had that particular type of problem so follow-up questions are not asked. For example, a participant indicates that they know about their biological relatives (famhx_1 = 1) but that none of them had depression (fam_history_6_yes_no = 0). In this case the blank response (for the relatives who exist: see next example) can be assumed to indicate the absence of depression (i.e., a zero).

  • The relative does not exist. For example, the participant has 1 paternal uncle so response to paternal uncle 2 is left blank. Note that the number and type of biological relatives can be found in variables famhx_1a_p – to– fhx_3h_older_p.

  • The Research Assistant did not administer questions pertaining to all biological relatives because they thought respondents answered questions only for those relatives whom they believed were affected. That is, the respondent had knowledge of the biological relatives, had indicated that one or more relatives had the problem being assessed, but was asked to respond only to questions about relatives they knew were affected, rather than indicating “no problems” for those relatives who were not affected. For example, a respondent was asked about problems due to alcohol (e.g., marital separation or divorce) only for the affected relative. The respondent has knowledge of the youth’s biological relatives, one or more relatives is believed to have a problem due to alcohol, but there is no endorsement of “no problems” for the father (famhx4a_p__0), no endorsement of any specific problem (famhx4a_p_1famhx4a_p__6), and no endorsement of “don’t know” (famhx4a_p_999). In this example, one can presume the absence of a problem related to alcohol in the father.

Missing Variables in fhxp102 and fhxp201 due to name truncation error

The following variables are missing in the mh_p_fhx table because the element name did not exactly match our internal name (e.g., two underscore characters rather than three as in q5k_full_sib_young1_drugs__999 vs. q5k_full_sib_young1_drugs___999).

Variable Name

References: Brown SA, Brumback T, Tomlinson K, Cummins K, Thompson WK, Nagel BJ, De Bellis MD, Hooper SR, Clark DB, Chung T, Hasler BP, Colrain IM, Baker FC, Prouty D, Pfefferbaum A, Sullivan EV, Pohl KM, Rohlfing T, Nichols BN, Chu W, Tapert SF. The National Consortium on Alcohol and NeuroDevelopment in Adolescence (NCANDA): A Multisite Study of Adolescent Development and Substance Use. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2015 Nov;76(6):895-908. doi: 10.15288/jsad.2015.76.895. PMID: 26562597; PMCID: PMC4712659. Find here

Rice JP, Reich T, Bucholz KK, Neuman RJ, Fishman R, Rochberg N, Hesselbrock VM, Nurnberger JI Jr, Schuckit MA, Begleiter H. Comparison of direct interview and family history diagnoses of alcohol dependence. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1995 Aug;19(4):1018-23. doi: 10.1111/j.1530-0277.1995.tb00983.x. PMID: 7485811. Find here

General Behavior Inventory - Mania (Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_gbi

Measure Description: Parent assessment of mania symptoms in their youth participant.

ABCD Subdomain: Mood

Number of Variables: 14

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline, 1-year follow-up, 2-year follow-up, 4-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: None

Notes and special considerations: None

Reference: Youngstrom, E.A., Frazier, T.W., et al., 2008. Developing a 10-item mania scale from the Parent General Behavior Inventory for children and adolescents. J. Clin. Psychiatry 69 (5), 831–839. Find here

Life Events (PhenX) (Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_le

Measure Description: Parent assessment that reports events experienced during the previous year over which the youth participant had little or no control. The parent reviews the list of items and indicates which events have occurred. If endorsed, follow-up questions are shown for additional details about the event.

ABCD Subdomain: Stress

Number of Variables: 141

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: Annually since 1-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: None

Notes and special considerations: Some of the items in the Life Events Scale (e.g., school shooter, not having a home, deportation or hospitalization of parent, foster care, seeing or hearing people being shot, hit, etc. in the neighborhood) were added at later waves and are not available at earlier waves.

References: Tiet, Q.Q., Bird, H.R., et al., 2001. Relationship between specific adverse life events and psychiatric disorders. J. Abnorm. Child Psychol. 29 (2), 153–164. Find here

Grant, K.E., Compas, B.E., et al., 2004. Stressors and child and adolescent psychopathology: measurement issues and prospective effects. J. Clin. Child Adolesc. Psychol. 33 (2), 412–425. Find here

Perceived Stress Scale (Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_pss

Measure Description: A 10-item parent report of the parent’s perception of stress feelings and thoughts over the past month.

ABCD Subdomain: Stress

Number of Variables: 12

Summary Score(s): No

Measurement Waves Administered: 3-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: None

Notes and special considerations: None

Reference: Cohen, S., Kamarck, T., & Mermelstein, R. (1983). A global measure of perceived stress. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 24, 385-396. Find here

Short Social Responsiveness Scale (Parent)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_p_ssrs

Measure Description: Identifies the presence and severity of social impairment within the autism spectrum.

ABCD Subdomain: Social

Number of Variables: 15

Summary Score(s): Yes

Measurement Waves Administered: 1-yr follow-up; Expected future assessment at 5-year follow-up

Modifications since initial administration: None

Notes and special considerations: The Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) was originally developed as a screener (Constantino, 2011; Constantino, Przybeck, Friesen, & Todd, 2000; Constantino & Todd, 2000, 2003; Constantino et al., 2003, 2004), and so the behaviors it measures are relevant but not specific to autism spectrum disorder (ASD). As a result, scores at least partially reflect certain characteristics, such as problem behaviors and low IQ, that cannot be uniformly considered at the individual level as symptoms of ASD (Aldridge, Gibbs, Schmidhofer, & Williams, 2012; Hus, Bishop, Gotham, Huerta, & Lord, 2013; Norris & Lecavalier, 2010). Further, the results of several studies suggest that the population-level distribution of the construct measured by the SRS in individuals without ASD is not continuous, but rather a mixture of at least two non-normal distributions (Kaat & Farmer, 2017).

Practically, these features suggest at least three precautions. First, the influence of non-ASD characteristics (e.g. problem behaviors and low IQ) is most relevant when there is no clinical concern of ASD for the subject of the ratings, as there is a significant possibility that the scores reflect the non-ASD characteristics, rather than ASD symptoms. Second, for individuals where ASD is a clinical concern, interpretation of scores should consider problem behaviors, language level, and IQ. Third, the interpretation of the raw score as an indicator of ASD symptom severity in people without ASD should take into consideration the concerns raised above.

Note that severe autism was an exclusion criterion during recruitment for the ABCD Study.


Aldridge, F. J., Gibbs, V. M., Schmidhofer, K., & Williams, M. (2012). Investigating the clinical usefulness of the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) in a tertiary level, autism spectrum disorder specific assessment clinic. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 42(2), 294–300. Find here

Constantino J. N. (2011). The quantitative nature of autistic social impairment. Pediatric research, 69(5 Pt 2), 55R–62R. Find here

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Teacher Instrument

Brief Problem Monitor (ASEBA)

Release 5.0 Data Table: mh_t_bpm

Measure Description: ASEBA measure of teacher-reported internalizing, externalizing, and attention problems in the youth participant.

ABCD Subdomain: Broad Psychopathology

Number of Variables: 52

Summary Score(s): No

Measurement Waves Administered: Annually since Baseline

Modifications since initial administration: None

Notes and special considerations: None

Reference: Achenbach, T. M. (2009). The Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA): Development, Findings, Theory, and Applications. Burlington, VT: University of Vermont Research Center for Children, Youth, & Families. Find here