DOI: 10.15154/z563-zd24 (Release 5.1)
List of Instruments
Name of Instrument | Subdomain | Table Name |
Tabulated Data | ||
Genetic Principal Components & Relatedness | Relatedness | gen_y_pihat |
Twin Zygosity Rating | Relatedness | gen_y_zygrat |
General Information
An overview of the ABCD Study® can be found at and detailed descriptions of the assessment protocols are available at ABCD Protocols. This page describes the contents of various instruments available for download. To understand the context of this information, refer to the release note Start Page.
This document contains information on zygosity, genetic and genetic derived data that is available for the ABCD sample for the 5.0 data release. In these release notes we describe both tabulated data that is available in release tables listed above, in addition to bulk genetic data that contains the following:
- Curated genotyping data from Smokescreen array - set of PLINK files containing 11,666 unique subjects at ~500k variants
- Imputed data based on TOPMED reference panel - set of PLINK files containing all imputed genotype data for 11,666 unique subjects at ~300 million variants
- Genetic relatedness and \(\hat{\pi}\) estimates across the full sample using methods correcting ancestry background
- Genetic principal component weights to enable projection of other samples to ABCD genetic PC space
For compressive details of quality control steps performed and a description of the genetic data within the ABCD sample please refer to and cite the following work:
Chun Chieh Fan, Robert Loughnan, Sylia Wilson, John K. Hewitt & ABCD Genetic Working Group Behavior Genetics (2023). Genotype Data and Derived Genetic Instruments of Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study® for Better Understanding of Human Brain Development. Behavior Genetics, 53, 159-168. Find here
Consideration of Population Descriptors
The use of population descriptors in genetic research can often be varied and inconsistent. We encourage users to review the following report for consideration of appropriate population descriptors for their analysis:
Committee on the Use of Race, Ethnicity, and Ancestry as Population Descriptors in Genomics Research; Board on Health Sciences Policy; Committee on Population; Health and Medicine Division; Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education; National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2023). Using Population Descriptors in Genetics and Genomics Research: A New Framework for an Evolving Field. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US) PMID: 36989389. Find here
Updates and Notes
In September, 2022, the ABCD DAIRC received a new batch of genotype data and updated the release accordingly. Here are some changes in the current data release:
Additional 567 samples were genotyped and passed QC
Subject ID issues from release 3.0 were fixed
Genetic principal components and genetic relatedness estimates were re-derived using methods specifically developed for genetic samples exhibiting large ancestral diversity and high genetic relatedness.
logRR and BAF are no longer provided due to failure to call CNV on the sex-chromosomes
There are some errors in the rel_relationship and rel_family_id variables, in cases where there are irresolvable inconsistencies between these variables and familial relationships derived from genetic data, we recommend to use the genetic_zygosity variables.
The inconsistencies fall into three groups:
- half siblings - these individuals do not meet the genetic relatenedness threshold (0.35) to be included in the tabular data of genetic_zygosity variables (this corresponds to about 60% of the cases). - missing genetic data (this corresponds to about 20% of the described cases).
- unresolvable inconsistencies between rel_relationship and genetic data i.e. genetic relatedness = 0. In these cases it’s best to go with what is indicated by genetic_zygosity variables. We have picked up one or two errors with the genetics but we consider the rel_family_id variables to be less trustworthy and have really only left them there for legacy reasons. (This corresponds to about 20% of the cases.)
Instrument Descriptions (Tabulated Data)
Youth Instruments
Twin Zygosity Rating
Release 5.0 Data Table: gen_y_zygrat
Measure Description: The Twin Zygosity Rating study characterized photos of twins on physical characteristics to estimate zygosity.
ABCD Classification: Genetic
Number of Variables: 28
Summary Score(s): Yes
Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline
Modifications since initial administration: None
Notes and special considerations: None
Non-tabulated Genetic Data
For extraction of single genetic variants, users can use tools like bed-reader for python and snpStats for R to parse plink bed files described below. For generation of polygenic scores we have found that PRScs has shown the best performance in ABCD data:
Ahern, J., Thompson, W., Fan, C.C. et al. Comparing Pruning and Thresholding with Continuous Shrinkage Polygenic Score Methods in a Large Sample of Ancestrally Diverse Adolescents from the ABCD Study®. Behav Genet 53, 292–309 (2023).
Plink files described do not contain family relatedness or sex information. For family relatedness please refer to “GENESIS Derived Genetic Principal Component Weights and Relatedness Estimates” section below, for sex please refer to demo_sex_v2
in abcd_p_demo
Smokescreen Binarized PLINK Files
Files: * ABCD_202209.updated.nodups.curated.cleaned_indivs.bed
* ABCD_202209.updated.nodups.curated.cleaned_indivs.fam
* ABCD_202209.updated.nodups.curated.cleaned_indivs.bim
Measure Description: After dish quality control and profile checks, genotypes were called using Axiom Analysis Suite (apt version 2.11) on raw intensities from the Affymetrix Smokescreen array. Based on the Best Practices Analysis Workflow by Thermo Fisher, classification passed the final SNP quality controls were recommended, resulting in ~590K recommended probe sets in each genotyping batch. Blood and Saliva DNA samples were genotyped separately.We include one genotype result for each subject, using whichever sample has the best QC metrics (call rates and missingness). For release 5.0, there were nine genotyping batches, spanning across 149 plates (See
in downloaded files). After obtaining the genotype batch, we mapped the probesets to SNPs using annotations derived from genome build hg19. After the mapping, we merged all nine batches into one study cohort and then performed additional study level QC to include missingness less than 10% in the SNP level, and less than 20% in the sample level. 515,270 variants and 11,666 people passed filters and QC. The subsequent imputation and relatedness inferences were based on the final curated genotype data. The batch information can be found in
ABCD Classification: Genetic
Genome Build: hg19
Number of variants: ~500k
Number of individuals: 11,666
Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline
Modifications since initial release: Genotyping of missing individuals from previous data releases due to sample mix up or failing quality control measures.
Notes and special considerations: None
Baurley, J.W., Edlund, C.K., Pardamean, C.I. et al. (2016) Smokescreen: a targeted genotyping array for addiction research. BMC Genomics 17, 145.
Imputed PLINK Files using TOPMED imputation panel
Files: * merged_chroms.bed
* merged_chroms.fam
* merged_chroms.bim
Measure Description: The curated genotype data was used for the imputation, using the bioinformatic pipelines and recommendations of TOPMED Server, with TOPMED reference panel. The processing streams can be found at: Post processing steps to convert from .vcf
files to binary PLINK files and assign RSID numbers removed triallelic variants from these files.
The TOPMED imputation scores and post-imputation quality report can be found on
ABCD Classification: Genetic
Genome Build: GRCh38
Number of variants: ~300 million
Number of individuals: 11,666
Measurement Waves Administered: Baseline
Modifications since initial release: Genotyping of missing individuals from previous data releases due to sample mix up or failing quality control measures. Previously these files were shared as vcf files, they are now available as binarized PLINK files with labeled RSID numbers for variants when available.
Notes and special considerations: None
Das, S., Forer, L., Schönherr, S., Sidore, C., Locke, A. E., Kwong, A., Vrieze, S. I., Chew, E. Y., Levy, S., McGue, M., Schlessinger, D., Stambolian, D., Loh, P.-R., Iacono, W. G., Swaroop, A., Scott, L. J., Cucca, F., Kronenberg, F., Boehnke, M., … Fuchsberger, C. (2016). Next-generation genotype imputation service and methods. Nature Genetics, 48(10), 1284–1287
Loh, P.-R., Danecek, P., Palamara, P. F., Fuchsberger, C., A Reshef, Y., K Finucane, H., Schoenherr, S., Forer, L., McCarthy, S., Abecasis, G. R., Durbin, R., & L Price, A. (2016). Reference-based phasing using the Haplotype Reference Consortium panel. Nature Genetics, 48(11), 1443–1448