Supplementary Imaging Tables
DOI: 10.15154/z563-zd24 (Release 5.1)
General Information
An overview of the ABCD Study® can be found at and detailed descriptions of the assessment protocols are available at ABCD Protocols. This page describes the contents of various instruments available for download. To understand the context of this information, refer to the release notes Start Page and Imaging Overview.
This supplementary material features region of interest (ROI) names and descriptions for subcortical regions (aseg), cortical parcels (Desikan, Destrieux and Gordon), and fiber tracts (AtlasTrack); task fMRI contrasts of conditions (MID, SST, and nBack); names and descriptions of RSI measures.
ROI names and descriptions
Desikan: Cortical regions defined by anatomical parcellation (aparc) of the Desikan atlas included in sMRI, dMRI, and fMRI analyses
Desikan, R.S., Segonne, F., Fischl, B., Quinn, B.T., Dickerson, B.C., Blacker, D., Buckner, R.L., Dale, A.M., Maguire, R.P., Hyman, B.T., Albert, M.S., Killiany, R.J. (2006) An automated labeling system for subdividing the human cerebral cortex on MRI scans into gyral based regions of interest. Neuroimage, 31:968-80.
ROI name | Description |
cortdesikan_banksstslh | banks of superior temporal sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_caudalanteriorcingulatelh | caudalanteriorcingulate (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_caudalmiddlefrontallh | caudalmiddlefrontal (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_cuneuslh | cuneus (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_entorhinallh | entorhinal (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_fusiformlh | fusiform (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_inferiorparietallh | inferiorparietal (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_inferiortemporallh | inferiortemporal (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_isthmuscingulatelh | isthmuscingulate (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_lateraloccipitallh | lateraloccipital (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_lateralorbitofrontallh | lateralorbitofrontal (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_linguallh | lingual (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_medialorbitofrontallh | medialorbitofrontal (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_middletemporallh | middletemporal (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_parahippocampallh | parahippocampal (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_paracentrallh | paracentral (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_parsopercularislh | parsopercularis (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_parsorbitalislh | parsorbitalis (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_parstriangularislh | parstriangularis (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_pericalcarinelh | pericalcarine (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_postcentrallh | postcentral (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_posteriorcingulatelh | posteriorcingulate (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_precentrallh | precentral (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_precuneuslh | precuneus (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_rostralanteriorcingulatelh | rostralanteriorcingulate (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_rostralmiddlefrontallh | rostralmiddlefrontal (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_superiorfrontallh | superiorfrontal (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_superiorparietallh | superiorparietal (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_superiortemporallh | superiortemporal (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_supramarginallh | supramarginal (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_frontalpolelh | frontalpole (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_temporalpolelh | temporalpole (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_transversetemporallh | transversetemporal (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_insulalh | insula (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_banksstsrh | banks of superior temporal sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_caudalanteriorcingulaterh | caudalanteriorcingulate (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_caudalmiddlefrontalrh | caudalmiddlefrontal (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_cuneusrh | cuneus (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_entorhinalrh | entorhinal (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_fusiformrh | fusiform (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_inferiorparietalrh | inferiorparietal (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_inferiortemporalrh | inferiortemporal (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_isthmuscingulaterh | isthmuscingulate (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_lateraloccipitalrh | lateraloccipital (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_lateralorbitofrontalrh | lateralorbitofrontal (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_lingualrh | lingual (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_medialorbitofrontalrh | medialorbitofrontal (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_middletemporalrh | middletemporal (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_parahippocampalrh | parahippocampal (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_paracentralrh | paracentral (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_parsopercularisrh | parsopercularis (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_parsorbitalisrh | parsorbitalis (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_parstriangularisrh | parstriangularis (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_pericalcarinerh | pericalcarine (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_postcentralrh | postcentral (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_posteriorcingulaterh | posteriorcingulate (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_precentralrh | precentral (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_precuneusrh | precuneus (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_rostralanteriorcingulaterh | rostralanteriorcingulate (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_rostralmiddlefrontalrh | rostralmiddlefrontal (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_superiorfrontalrh | superiorfrontal (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_superiorparietalrh | superiorparietal (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_superiortemporalrh | superiortemporal (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_supramarginalrh | supramarginal (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_frontalpolerh | frontalpole (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_temporalpolerh | temporalpole (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_transversetemporalrh | transversetemporal (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_insularh | insula (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_mean.lh | mean (left hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_mean.rh | mean (right hemisphere) |
cortdesikan_mean | mean (bilateral) |
cortdesikan_total.lh | total (left hemisphere - area and volume) |
cortdesikan_total.rh | total (right hemisphere - area and volume) |
cortdesikan_total | total (bilateral - area and volume) |
Destrieux: Cortical regions defined by anatomical parcellation (aparc2) of the Destrieux atlas included in sMRI, dMRI, and fMRI analyses
Destrieux C, Fischl B, Dale A, Halgren E. (2010) Automatic parcellation of human cortical gyri and sulci using standard anatomical nomenclature. Neuroimage. 2010 Oct 15;53(1):1-15.
ROI Name | Description |
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.frontomargin.lh | fronto-marginal gyrus and sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.occipital.inf.lh | inferior occipital gyrus and sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.paracentral.lh | paracentral lobule and sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.subcentral.lh | subcentral gyrus and sulci (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.transv.frontopol.lh | transverse frontopolar gyri and sulci (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.ant.lh | anterior part of the cingulate gyrus and sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.mid.ant.lh | middle-anterior part of the cingulate gyrus and sulcus (left hemisphere) | | middle-posterior part of the cingulate gyrus and sulcus (left hemisphere) | | posterior-dorsal part of the cingulate gyrus (left hemisphere) | | posterior-ventral part of the cingulate gyrus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.cuneus.lh | cuneus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.front.inf.opercular.lh | opercular part of the inferior frontal gyrus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.front.inf.orbital.lh | orbital part of the inferior frontal gyrus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.front.inf.triangul.lh | triangular part of the inferior frontal gyrus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.front.middle.lh | middle frontal gyrus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.front.sup.lh | superior frontal gyrus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.ins.lg.and.s.cent.ins.lh | long insular gyrus and central sulcus of the insula (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.insular.short.lh | short insular gyri (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.occipital.middle.lh | middle occipital gyrus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.occipital.sup.lh | superior occipital gyrus (left hemisphere) | | lateral occipito-temporal gyrus (left hemisphere) | | lingual gyrus (left hemisphere) | | parahippocampal gyrus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.orbital.lh | orbital gyri (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.pariet.inf.angular.lh | angular gyrus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.pariet.inf.supramar.lh | supramarginal gyrus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.parietal.sup.lh | superior parietal lobule (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.postcentral.lh | postcentral gyrus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.precentral.lh | precentral gyrus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.precuneus.lh | precuneus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.rectus.lh | gyrus rectus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.subcallosal.lh | subcallosal gyrus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.temp.sup.g.t.transv.lh | anterior transverse temporal gyrus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.temp.sup.lateral.lh | lateral aspect of the superior temporal gyrus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.temp.sup.plan.polar.lh | planum polare of the superior temporal gyrus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.temp.sup.plan.tempo.lh | planum temporale (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.temporal.inf.lh | inferior temporal gyrus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.temporal.middle.lh | middle temporal gyrus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_lat.fis.ant.horizont.lh | horizontal ramus of the anterior segment of the lateral sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_lat.fis.ant.vertical.lh | vertical ramus of the anterior segment of the lateral sulcus (left hemisphere) | | posterior ramus of the lateral sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_pole.occipital.lh | occipital pole (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_pole.temporal.lh | temporal pole (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.calcarine.lh | calcarine sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.central.lh | central sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.cingul.marginalis.lh | marginal branch of the cingulate sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.circular.insula.ant.lh | anterior segment of the circular sulcus of the insula (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.circular.insula.inf.lh | inferior segment of the circular sulcus of the insula (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.circular.insula.sup.lh | superior segment of the circular sulcus of the insula (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.collat.transv.ant.lh | anterior transverse collateral sulcus (left hemisphere) | | posterior transverse collateral sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.front.inf.lh | inferior frontal sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.front.middle.lh | middle frontal sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.front.sup.lh | superior frontal sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.interm.prim.jensen.lh | sulcus intermedius primus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.intrapariet.and.p.trans.lh | intraparietal sulcus and transverse parietal sulci (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.oc.middle.and.lunatus.lh | middle occipital sulcus and lunatus sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.oc.sup.and.transversal.lh | superior occipital sulcus and transverse occipital sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.occipital.ant.lh | anterior occipital sulcus and preoccipital notch (left hemisphere) | | lateral occipito-temporal sulcus (left hemisphere) | | medial occipito-temporal sulcus and lingual sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.orbital.lateral.lh | lateral orbital sulcus (left hemisphere) | | medial orbital sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.orbital.h.shaped.lh | orbital sulci (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.parieto.occipital.lh | parieto-occipital sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.pericallosal.lh | s.pericallosal (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.postcentral.lh | postcentral sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.precentral.inf.part.lh | inferior part of the precentral sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.precentral.sup.part.lh | superior part of the precentral sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.suborbital.lh | suborbital sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.subparietal.lh | subparietal sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.temporal.inf.lh | inferior temporal sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.temporal.sup.lh | superior temporal sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.temporal.transverse.lh | transverse temporal sulcus (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.frontomargin.rh | fronto-marginal gyrus and sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.occipital.inf.rh | inferior occipital gyrus and sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.paracentral.rh | paracentral lobule and sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.subcentral.rh | subcentral gyrus and sulci (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.transv.frontopol.rh | transverse frontopolar gyri and sulci (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.ant.rh | anterior part of the cingulate gyrus and sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.mid.ant.rh | middle-anterior part of the cingulate gyrus and sulcus (right hemisphere) | | middle-posterior part of the cingulate gyrus and sulcus (right hemisphere) | | posterior-dorsal part of the cingulate gyrus (right hemisphere) | | posterior-ventral part of the cingulate gyrus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.cuneus.rh | cuneus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.front.inf.opercular.rh | opercular part of the inferior frontal gyrus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.front.inf.orbital.rh | orbital part of the inferior frontal gyrus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.front.inf.triangul.rh | triangular part of the inferior frontal gyrus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.front.middle.rh | middle frontal gyrus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.front.sup.rh | superior frontal gyrus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.ins.lg.and.s.cent.ins.rh | long insular gyrus and central sulcus of the insula (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.insular.short.rh | short insular gyri (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.occipital.middle.rh | middle occipital gyrus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.occipital.sup.rh | superior occipital gyrus (right hemisphere) | | lateral occipito-temporal gyrus (right hemisphere) | | lingual gyrus (right hemisphere) | | parahippocampal gyrus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.orbital.rh | orbital gyri (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.pariet.inf.angular.rh | angular gyrus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.pariet.inf.supramar.rh | supramarginal gyrus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.parietal.sup.rh | superior parietal lobule (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.postcentral.rh | postcentral gyrus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.precentral.rh | precentral gyrus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.precuneus.rh | precuneus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.rectus.rh | gyrus rectus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.subcallosal.rh | subcallosal gyrus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.temp.sup.g.t.transv.rh | anterior transverse temporal gyrus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.temp.sup.lateral.rh | lateral aspect of the superior temporal gyrus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.temp.sup.plan.polar.rh | planum polare of the superior temporal gyrus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.temp.sup.plan.tempo.rh | planum temporale (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.temporal.inf.rh | inferior temporal gyrus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_g.temporal.middle.rh | middle temporal gyrus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_lat.fis.ant.horizont.rh | horizontal ramus of the anterior segment of the lateral sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_lat.fis.ant.vertical.rh | vertical ramus of the anterior segment of the lateral sulcus (right hemisphere) | | posterior ramus of the lateral sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_pole.occipital.rh | occipital pole (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_pole.temporal.rh | temporal pole (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.calcarine.rh | calcarine sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.central.rh | central sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.cingul.marginalis.rh | marginal branch of the cingulate sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.circular.insula.ant.rh | anterior segment of the circular sulcus of the insula (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.circular.insula.inf.rh | inferior segment of the circular sulcus of the insula (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.circular.insula.sup.rh | superior segment of the circular sulcus of the insula (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.collat.transv.ant.rh | anterior transverse collateral sulcus (right hemisphere) | | posterior transverse collateral sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.front.inf.rh | inferior frontal sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.front.middle.rh | middle frontal sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.front.sup.rh | superior frontal sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.interm.prim.jensen.rh | sulcus intermedius primus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.intrapariet.and.p.trans.rh | intraparietal sulcus and transverse parietal sulci (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.oc.middle.and.lunatus.rh | middle occipital sulcus and lunatus sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.oc.sup.and.transversal.rh | superior occipital sulcus and transverse occipital sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.occipital.ant.rh | anterior occipital sulcus and preoccipital notch (right hemisphere) | | lateral occipito-temporal sulcus (right hemisphere) | | medial occipito-temporal sulcus and lingual sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.orbital.lateral.rh | lateral orbital sulcus (right hemisphere) | | medial orbital sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.orbital.h.shaped.rh | orbital sulci (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.parieto.occipital.rh | parieto-occipital sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.pericallosal.rh | s.pericallosal (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.postcentral.rh | postcentral sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.precentral.inf.part.rh | inferior part of the precentral sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.precentral.sup.part.rh | superior part of the precentral sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.suborbital.rh | suborbital sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.subparietal.rh | subparietal sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.temporal.inf.rh | inferior temporal sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.temporal.sup.rh | superior temporal sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_s.temporal.transverse.rh | transverse temporal sulcus (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_mean.lh | mean (left hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_mean.rh | mean (right hemisphere) |
cort.destrieux_mean | mean (bilateral) |
cort.destrieux_total.lh | total (left hemisphere - area and volume) |
cort.destrieux_total.rh | total (right hemisphere - area and volume) |
cort.destrieux_total | total (bilateral - area and volume) |
Subcortical: Subcortical regions labeled by automated segmentation (aseg) included in sMRI, dMRI, and fMRI analyses
Fischl, B., Salat, D.H., Busa, E., Albert, M., Dieterich, M., Haselgrove, C., van der Kouwe, A., Killiany, R., Kennedy, D., Klaveness, S., Montillo, A., Makris, N., Rosen, B., Dale, A.M. (2002) Whole brain segmentation: automated labeling of neuroanatomical structures in the human brain. Neuron, 33:341-55.
ROI name | Description |
subcortaseg_cerebralwhitematterlh | cerebral white matter (left hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_cerebralcortexlh | cerebral cortex (left hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_lateralventriclelh | lateral ventricle (left hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_inflatventlh | inferior lateral ventricle (left hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_cerebellumwhitematterlh | cerebellum white matter (left hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_cerebellumcortexlh | cerebellum cortex (left hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_thalamusproperlh | thalamus proper (left hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_caudatelh | caudate (left hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_putamenlh | putamen (left hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_pallidumlh | pallidum (left hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_hippocampuslh | hippocampus (left hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_amygdalalh | amygdala (left hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_lesionlh | lesions (left hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_accumbensarealh | accumbens area (left hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_ventraldclh | ventral DC (left hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_cerebralwhitematterrh | cerebral white matter (right hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_cerebralcortexrh | cerebral cortex (right hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_lateralventriclerh | lateral ventricle (right hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_inflatventrh | inferior lateral ventricle (right hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_cerebellumwhitematterrh | cerebellum white matter (right hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_cerebellumcortexrh | cerebellum cortex (right hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_thalamusproperrh | thalamus proper (right hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_caudaterh | caudate (right hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_putamenrh | putamen (right hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_pallidumrh | pallidum (right hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_hippocampusrh | hippocampus (right hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_amygdalarh | amygdala (right hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_lesionrh | lesions (right hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_accumbensarearh | accumbens area (right hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_ventraldcrh | ventral DC (right hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_wmhypointensities | wm hypointensities |
subcortaseg_wmhypointensitieslh | wm hypointensities (right hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_wmhypointensitiesrh | wm hypointensities (right hemisphere) |
subcortaseg_ccposterior | CC Posterior |
subcortaseg_ccmidposterior | CC Mid_Posterior |
subcortaseg_cccentral | CC Central |
subcortaseg_ccmidanterior | CC Mid_Anterior |
subcortaseg_ccanterior | CC Anterior |
subcortaseg_latventricles | lateral ventricles |
subcortaseg_3rdventricle | 3rd ventricle |
subcortaseg_4thventricle | 4th ventricle |
subcortaseg_allventricles | all ventricles |
subcortaseg_csf | csf |
subcortaseg_brainstem | brain stem |
subcortaseg_wholebrain | whole brain |
subcortaseg_brainmaskvolume | brain mask volume |
subcortaseg_brainsegmentationvolume | brain segmentation volume * |
subcortaseg_intracranialvolume | intracranial volume |
(i.e. estimated total intracranial volume) * | |
subcortaseg_supratentorialvolume | supratentorial volume * |
subcortaseg_subcorticalgrayvolume | subcortical gray volume * |
Fuzzy Clustering: Cortical regions defined by genetically derived parcellation (fuzzy) in sMRI, dMRI, and fMRI analyses
Chen CH, Gutierrez ED, Thompson W, Panizzon MS, Jernigan TL, Eyler LT, Fennema-Notestine C, Jak AJ, Neale MC, Franz CE, Lyons MJ, Grant MD, Fischl B, Seidman LJ, Tsuang MT, Kremen WS, Dale AM. (2012) Hierarchical genetic organization of human cortical surface area. Science. 2012 Mar 30;335(6076):1634-6.
ROI name | Description |
cortfuzzy2_frontallh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 2 clusters - frontal cortex (left hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy2_posteriorlh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 2 clusters - posterior cortex (left hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy4_frontallh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 4 clusters - frontal cortex (left hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy4_occipitallh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 4 clusters - occipital cortex (left hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy4_temporallh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 4 clusters - temporal cortex (left hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy4_parietallh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 4 clusters - parietal cortex (left hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy12_centrallh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - central cortex (left hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy12_occipitallh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - occipital cortex (left hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy12_posterolateraltemporallh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - posterolateraltemporal cortex (left hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy12_superiorparietallh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - superiorparietal cortex (left hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy12_orbitofrontallh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - orbitofrontal cortex (left hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy12_superiortemporallh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - superiortemporal cortex (left hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy12_inferiorparietallh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - inferiorparietal cortex (left hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy12_dorsomedialfrontallh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - dorsomedialfrontal cortex (left hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy12_anteromedialtemporallh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - anteromedialtemporal cortex (left hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy12_precuneuslh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - precuneus cortex (left hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy12_dorsolateralprefrontallh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - dorsolateralprefrontal cortex (left hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy12_parsopercularislh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - parsopercularis cortex (left hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy2_frontalrh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 2 clusters - frontal cortex (right hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy2_posteriorrh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 2 clusters - posterior cortex (right hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy4_frontalrh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 4 clusters - frontal cortex (right hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy4_occipitalrh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 4 clusters - occipital cortex (right hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy4_temporalrh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 4 clusters - temporal cortex (right hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy4_parietalrh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 4 clusters - parietal cortex (right hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy12_centralrh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - central cortex (right hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy12_occipitalrh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - occipital cortex (right hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy12_posterolateraltemporalrh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - posterolateraltemporal cortex (right hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy12_superiorparietalrh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - superiorparietal cortex (right hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy12_orbitofrontalrh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - orbitofrontal cortex (right hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy12_superiortemporalrh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - superiortemporal cortex (right hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy12_inferiorparietalrh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - inferiorparietal cortex (right hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy12_dorsomedialfrontalrh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - dorsomedialfrontal cortex (right hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy12_anteromedialtemporalrh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - anteromedialtemporal cortex (right hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy12_precuneusrh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - precuneus cortex (right hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy12_dorsolateralprefrontalrh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - dorsolateralprefrontal cortex (right hemisphere) |
cortfuzzy12_parsopercularisrh | Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - parsopercularis cortex (right hemisphere) |
AtlasTrack: Fiber tracts automatically labeled by AtlasTrack
Note: Except for Fmaj, Fmin, and CC, all tracts are separately labeled for left and right hemispheres.
Hagler, D.J., Jr., Ahmadi, M.E., Kuperman, J., Holland, D., McDonald, C.R., Halgren, E., Dale, A.M. (2009) Automated white-matter tractography using a probabilistic diffusion tensor atlas: Application to temporal lobe epilepsy. Hum Brain Mapp, 30:1535-47.
Abbrev | Fiber Name | Connected Brain Regions |
Fx | fornix | hippocampus & mammillary nuclei of hypothalamus |
CgC | cingulate cingulum | cingulate gyrus & entorhinal cortex (cingulate portion) |
CgH | parahippocampal cingulum | cingulate gyrus & entorhinal cortex (parahippocampal portion) |
CST | corticospinal tract (pyramidal tract) | motor cortex & spinal cord |
ATR | anterior thalamic radiations | thalamus & frontal lobe |
UNC | uncinate | inferior frontal lobe & anterior temporal lobe |
ILF | inferior longitudinal fasciculus | occipital lobe & temporal lobe |
IFO | inferior frontal occipital fasciculus | occipital lobe & frontal lobe |
Fmaj | forceps major | left occipital cortex & right occipital cortex |
Fmin | forceps minor | left prefrontal cortex & right prefrontal cortex |
CC | corpus callosum | left cortex & right cortex |
SLF | superior longitudinal fasciculus | temporal and parietal lobes & frontal lobe |
tSLF | temporal superior longitudinal fasciculus (arcuate fasciculus) | temporal lobe & frontal lobe |
pSLF | parietal superior longitudinal fasciculus | parietal lobe & frontal lobe |
SCS | superior corticostriate | superior cortex & striatum |
fSCS | frontal superior corticostriate | superior frontal cortex & striatum |
pSCS | parietal superior corticostriate | superior parietal cortex & striatum |
SIFC | striatal inferior frontal cortex tract | inferior frontal cortex & striatum |
IFSFC | inferior frontal to superior frontal cortical tract | inferior frontal cortex & superior frontal cortex |
Gordon parcels: ROI labels and network membership of cortical parcels defined based on resting-state functional connectivity
Gordon, E.M., Laumann, T.O., Adeyemo, B., Huckins, J.F., Kelley, W.M., Petersen, S.E. (2016) Generation and Evaluation of a Cortical Area Parcellation from Resting-State Correlations. Cereb Cortex. 2016 Jan;26(1):288-303. Epub 2014 Oct 14.
ROI label | Community | Surface area (mm2) | Centroid (MNI) | Nearest Destrieux Parcel |
ctx-lh-gp1 | Default | 1412 | -11.2 -52.4 36.5 | S_subparietal |
ctx-lh-gp2 | SMhand | 377 | -18.8 -48.7 65 | G_parietal_sup |
ctx-lh-gp3 | SMmouth | 437 | -51.8 -7.8 38.5 | G_precentral |
ctx-lh-gp4 | Default | 369 | -11.7 26.7 57 | G_front_sup |
ctx-lh-gp5 | Visual | 871 | -18.4 -85.5 21.6 | S_oc_sup_and_transversal |
ctx-lh-gp6 | Default | 1084 | -47.2 -58 30.8 | S_temporal_sup |
ctx-lh-gp7 | FrontoParietal | 91 | -38.1 48.8 10.5 | G_front_middle |
ctx-lh-gp8 | Visual | 487 | -16.8 -60.1 -5.4 | G_oc-temp_med-Lingual |
ctx-lh-gp9 | FrontoParietal | 95 | -55.9 -47.7 -9.3 | S_temporal_inf |
ctx-lh-gp10 | Auditory | 180 | -32 -29.3 15.6 | Lat_Fis-post |
ctx-lh-gp11 | None | 125 | -29.3 5.3 -27.4 | G_temp_sup-Plan_polar |
ctx-lh-gp12 | CinguloParietal | 134 | -6.1 -26 28.5 | S_pericallosal |
ctx-lh-gp13 | RetrosplenialTemporal | 267 | -14.4 -57.8 18.4 | S_parieto_occipital |
ctx-lh-gp14 | RetrosplenialTemporal | 247 | -8.8 -49.8 4.2 | S_calcarine |
ctx-lh-gp15 | Visual | 1660 | -11.3 -83.2 3.9 | S_calcarine |
ctx-lh-gp16 | Visual | 89 | -22 -58.1 1.5 | S_calcarine |
ctx-lh-gp17 | Visual | 44 | -9.6 -58 3 | G_oc-temp_med-Lingual |
ctx-lh-gp18 | None | 128 | -29 -35.9 -8.3 | Unknown |
ctx-lh-gp19 | None | 60 | -18.5 -39.2 -1.1 | Unknown |
ctx-lh-gp20 | Visual | 142 | -16.7 -46 -3.7 | S_calcarine |
ctx-lh-gp21 | CinguloOperc | 551 | -16.6 -36.1 42.7 | S_cingul-Marginalis |
ctx-lh-gp22 | CinguloOperc | 508 | -9.4 -0.1 42.9 | G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post |
ctx-lh-gp23 | VentralAttn | 272 | -3.8 12.1 64.6 | G_front_sup |
ctx-lh-gp24 | FrontoParietal | 282 | -5.5 29.3 44 | G_front_sup |
ctx-lh-gp25 | Default | 201 | -5.6 42.2 35.1 | G_front_sup |
ctx-lh-gp26 | Default | 121 | -1.7 -17.7 39.1 | G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post |
ctx-lh-gp27 | CinguloOperc | 293 | -8.4 14.6 33.8 | G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant |
ctx-lh-gp28 | CinguloOperc | 68 | -9 25.3 27.7 | G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant |
ctx-lh-gp29 | Salience | 105 | -10 33.9 21.5 | G_and_S_cingul-Ant |
ctx-lh-gp30 | SMhand | 49 | -10.7 -47.5 60.3 | G_precuneus |
ctx-lh-gp31 | SMhand | 344 | -15.6 -33.1 66.1 | S_central |
ctx-lh-gp32 | SMhand | 116 | -10.9 -29.3 69.5 | S_central |
ctx-lh-gp33 | SMhand | 60 | -6.6 -20.4 74.2 | G_and_S_paracentral |
ctx-lh-gp34 | CinguloOperc | 268 | -8 -8.7 62.9 | G_front_sup |
ctx-lh-gp35 | SMhand | 241 | -10.8 -41.1 64.9 | G_and_S_paracentral |
ctx-lh-gp36 | SMhand | 349 | -5 -28.2 60.4 | G_and_S_paracentral |
ctx-lh-gp37 | SMhand | 150 | -5.4 -15.9 48.8 | G_front_sup |
ctx-lh-gp38 | SMhand | 517 | -35.8 -29.7 54.5 | S_central |
ctx-lh-gp39 | SMmouth | 142 | -41.5 -12.5 50.4 | S_central |
ctx-lh-gp40 | CinguloOperc | 98 | -42.1 -4.5 47.3 | S_precentral-sup-part |
ctx-lh-gp41 | DorsalAttn | 346 | -27.3 -6.8 46.3 | S_precentral-sup-part |
ctx-lh-gp42 | DorsalAttn | 95 | -27.3 1.9 52.9 | S_front_sup |
ctx-lh-gp43 | DorsalAttn | 114 | -19.8 6.4 55.7 | S_front_sup |
ctx-lh-gp44 | Default | 519 | -19.5 30.1 45.5 | S_front_sup |
ctx-lh-gp45 | SMhand | 388 | -36.8 -22.8 61.9 | G_precentral |
ctx-lh-gp46 | SMhand | 111 | -20.5 -24.9 64.5 | S_central |
ctx-lh-gp47 | SMhand | 320 | -23.4 -13.8 64.2 | S_precentral-sup-part |
ctx-lh-gp48 | SMhand | 125 | -17.2 -8.6 67.9 | G_front_sup |
ctx-lh-gp49 | DorsalAttn | 137 | -21.3 -0.2 62.7 | S_front_sup |
ctx-lh-gp50 | SMhand | 177 | -28.6 -44.7 61.7 | S_postcentral |
ctx-lh-gp51 | DorsalAttn | 317 | -31.1 -48.9 47.1 | S_intrapariet_and_P_trans |
ctx-lh-gp52 | DorsalAttn | 181 | -42.9 -45 43 | S_intrapariet_and_P_trans |
ctx-lh-gp53 | SMmouth | 855 | -51.5 -11.9 29.7 | S_central |
ctx-lh-gp54 | SMhand | 94 | -54.1 -21.3 40.8 | S_postcentral |
ctx-lh-gp55 | DorsalAttn | 189 | -51.7 -30.9 39.9 | S_postcentral |
ctx-lh-gp56 | SMhand | 319 | -35.2 -35.3 42 | S_postcentral |
ctx-lh-gp57 | SMhand | 206 | -27.5 -37.2 61.4 | S_postcentral |
ctx-lh-gp58 | SMhand | 228 | -47.2 -31.4 54.8 | G_postcentral |
ctx-lh-gp59 | SMmouth | 108 | -46.1 -17.8 52.7 | G_postcentral |
ctx-lh-gp60 | VentralAttn | 51 | -44.8 -54 14.6 | S_temporal_sup |
ctx-lh-gp61 | VentralAttn | 72 | -51.6 -55.9 11.4 | S_temporal_sup |
ctx-lh-gp62 | VentralAttn | 1211 | -48.1 -40 2.4 | S_temporal_sup |
ctx-lh-gp63 | CinguloOperc | 401 | -57.7 -40.6 35.8 | G_pariet_inf-Supramar |
ctx-lh-gp64 | Auditory | 70 | -46.3 -41.4 25.9 | Lat_Fis-post |
ctx-lh-gp65 | Auditory | 58 | -35.8 -33.5 19.9 | Lat_Fis-post |
ctx-lh-gp66 | Auditory | 318 | -52.7 -20.6 5.4 | S_temporal_transverse |
ctx-lh-gp67 | Auditory | 134 | -59.6 -38.5 16.5 | G_temp_sup-Plan_tempo |
ctx-lh-gp68 | Auditory | 185 | -58.7 -29.9 11.1 | G_temp_sup-Plan_tempo |
ctx-lh-gp69 | Auditory | 88 | -40.6 -38.3 14.5 | Lat_Fis-post |
ctx-lh-gp70 | Auditory | 78 | -33.7 -21.8 9.9 | S_circular_insula_inf |
ctx-lh-gp71 | CinguloOperc | 258 | -38.7 -16 -5.3 | S_circular_insula_inf |
ctx-lh-gp72 | CinguloOperc | 314 | -39.1 -1.6 -12.2 | S_circular_insula_inf |
ctx-lh-gp73 | None | 435 | -33.6 17.2 -31.5 | Pole_temporal |
ctx-lh-gp74 | DorsalAttn | 213 | -43.6 36.3 8.5 | S_front_inf |
ctx-lh-gp75 | VentralAttn | 231 | -50 20.8 10.6 | Lat_Fis-ant-Vertical |
ctx-lh-gp76 | CinguloOperc | 406 | -37.7 2.9 11.7 | S_circular_insula_sup |
ctx-lh-gp77 | Auditory | 178 | -37.2 -14 19.4 | S_circular_insula_sup |
ctx-lh-gp78 | FrontoParietal | 388 | -40.3 50.4 -4.8 | G_orbital |
ctx-lh-gp79 | VentralAttn | 139 | -47.2 39 -9.1 | G_front_inf-Triangul |
ctx-lh-gp80 | VentralAttn | 558 | -29.1 20.5 -14 | G_orbital |
ctx-lh-gp81 | CinguloOperc | 114 | -36.6 1.4 6.4 | S_circular_insula_sup |
ctx-lh-gp82 | CinguloOperc | 97 | -37.3 8.9 -0.9 | G_insular_short |
ctx-lh-gp83 | Salience | 78 | -32.5 17.2 -7.8 | S_circular_insula_ant |
ctx-lh-gp84 | CinguloOperc | 421 | -28.8 23.7 8.4 | S_circular_insula_sup |
ctx-lh-gp85 | VentralAttn | 119 | -44.3 33.2 -7.2 | Lat_Fis-ant-Horizont |
ctx-lh-gp86 | VentralAttn | 111 | -45.4 28.8 0.8 | G_front_inf-Triangul |
ctx-lh-gp87 | DorsalAttn | 429 | -20.4 -64.6 51.4 | G_parietal_sup |
ctx-lh-gp88 | DorsalAttn | 260 | -25.8 -65 32.2 | S_intrapariet_and_P_trans |
ctx-lh-gp89 | CinguloParietal | 118 | -12.7 -64.9 31.8 | S_parieto_occipital |
ctx-lh-gp90 | Visual | 187 | -13.7 -77.4 26.6 | S_parieto_occipital |
ctx-lh-gp91 | DorsalAttn | 259 | -9.9 -56.9 59.8 | G_precuneus |
ctx-lh-gp92 | DorsalAttn | 81 | -7.1 -63.7 54.9 | G_precuneus |
ctx-lh-gp93 | CinguloParietal | 215 | -10.9 -73.4 42.9 | G_parietal_sup |
ctx-lh-gp94 | Default | 486 | -39.3 -73.9 38.3 | G_pariet_inf-Angular |
ctx-lh-gp95 | DorsalAttn | 112 | -30 -74.1 36.1 | G_pariet_inf-Angular |
ctx-lh-gp96 | FrontoParietal | 195 | -34.1 -61 42.4 | S_intrapariet_and_P_trans |
ctx-lh-gp97 | Visual | 619 | -31.3 -84.2 9 | S_oc_middle_and_Lunatus |
ctx-lh-gp98 | Visual | 200 | -34.2 -86.6 -0.5 | G_occipital_middle |
ctx-lh-gp99 | Visual | 344 | -43.4 -67.6 9.7 | S_occipital_ant |
ctx-lh-gp100 | DorsalAttn | 1019 | -46.2 -57.7 -7.9 | G_temporal_inf |
ctx-lh-gp101 | CinguloOperc | 130 | -59.8 -4.1 8.8 | G_and_S_subcentral |
ctx-lh-gp102 | Auditory | 84 | -52.2 -14.1 15.2 | G_and_S_subcentral |
ctx-lh-gp103 | CinguloOperc | 219 | -55.1 -32.3 23 | G_pariet_inf-Supramar |
ctx-lh-gp104 | Auditory | 235 | -50.6 -22.4 19.2 | G_and_S_subcentral |
ctx-lh-gp105 | CinguloOperc | 317 | -58.8 -23.9 31 | G_pariet_inf-Supramar |
ctx-lh-gp106 | DorsalAttn | 494 | -45.2 2.7 32.4 | S_precentral-inf-part |
ctx-lh-gp107 | DorsalAttn | 76 | -34.7 5.6 34 | S_precentral-inf-part |
ctx-lh-gp108 | FrontoParietal | 87 | -43 19.4 33.5 | G_front_middle |
ctx-lh-gp109 | FrontoParietal | 275 | -40.2 23.6 23.3 | S_front_inf |
ctx-lh-gp110 | DorsalAttn | 179 | -37.6 38.4 17.2 | S_front_inf |
ctx-lh-gp111 | CinguloOperc | 190 | -51.8 -0.6 5 | G_front_inf-Opercular |
ctx-lh-gp112 | CinguloOperc | 375 | -48.6 7.5 11.1 | S_precentral-inf-part |
ctx-lh-gp113 | DorsalAttn | 80 | -41.6 8.7 22.2 | S_precentral-inf-part |
ctx-lh-gp114 | Default | 86 | -27.5 53.6 0 | G_and_S_frontomargin |
ctx-lh-gp115 | None | 110 | -23.4 61 -6.8 | G_and_S_frontomargin |
ctx-lh-gp116 | Default | 539 | -5.9 54.8 -11.3 | G_rectus |
ctx-lh-gp117 | Default | 308 | -6.8 38.2 -9.4 | G_and_S_cingul-Ant |
ctx-lh-gp118 | None | 45 | -31.8 2.6 -16.8 | G_insular_short |
ctx-lh-gp119 | None | 111 | -34.7 35.6 -9.6 | S_orbital-H_Shaped |
ctx-lh-gp120 | None | 348 | -22.5 32.1 -13.6 | S_orbital-H_Shaped |
ctx-lh-gp121 | None | 122 | -23.8 52.2 -12.8 | S_orbital-H_Shaped |
ctx-lh-gp122 | None | 236 | -17.3 46.6 -17.9 | G_orbital |
ctx-lh-gp123 | None | 212 | -13.3 24 -16.4 | S_orbital_med-olfact |
ctx-lh-gp124 | None | 111 | -8.9 45.5 -20.8 | S_orbital_med-olfact |
ctx-lh-gp125 | None | 87 | -2.5 33.8 -26.2 | G_rectus |
ctx-lh-gp126 | Default | 142 | -63.2 -28.7 -7.2 | G_temporal_middle |
ctx-lh-gp127 | Default | 776 | -53.1 -11.4 -16 | S_temporal_sup |
ctx-lh-gp128 | None | 500 | -53.2 -13 -29.2 | G_temporal_inf |
ctx-lh-gp129 | None | 538 | -44.6 9 -37 | Pole_temporal |
ctx-lh-gp130 | RetrosplenialTemporal | 376 | -33.8 -33.2 -15.4 | S_oc- temp_med_and_Lingual |
ctx-lh-gp131 | Visual | 297 | -28.8 -58.8 -9.1 | S_oc- temp_med_and_Lingual |
ctx-lh-gp132 | Visual | 201 | -34.4 -63.9 -15.7 | G_oc-temp_lat-fusifor |
ctx-lh-gp133 | None | 155 | -55.1 -39.6 -16.2 | G_temporal_inf |
ctx-lh-gp134 | None | 142 | -32 -3.9 -45.2 | Pole_temporal |
ctx-lh-gp135 | None | 176 | -38.6 -13 -26.9 | S_collat_transv_ant |
ctx-lh-gp136 | Visual | 314 | -34.3 -43.8 -21.6 | G_oc-temp_lat-fusifor |
ctx-lh-gp137 | Visual | 483 | -5.4 -88 18.6 | G_cuneus |
ctx-lh-gp138 | Visual | 142 | -8.6 -77.5 -3.5 | G_oc-temp_med-Lingual |
ctx-lh-gp139 | Visual | 230 | -41.2 -72.1 -5.9 | G_and_S_occipital_inf |
ctx-lh-gp140 | Visual | 353 | -25.2 -97.2 -7.9 | Pole_occipital |
ctx-lh-gp141 | Visual | 541 | -22.6 -81.7 -11.7 | G_and_S_occipital_inf |
ctx-lh-gp142 | None | 221 | -20.5 -12.6 -23.7 | Unknown |
ctx-lh-gp143 | RetrosplenialTemporal | 156 | -22.5 -37.1 -15 | G_oc-temp_med-Parahip |
ctx-lh-gp144 | None | 205 | -22 -21.9 -17.4 | Unknown |
ctx-lh-gp145 | Default | 178 | -15.9 48.6 37.2 | G_front_sup |
ctx-lh-gp146 | Default | 273 | -19.5 56.3 27.5 | G_front_middle |
ctx-lh-gp147 | CinguloOperc | 55 | -26.6 46.8 20.9 | S_front_middle |
ctx-lh-gp148 | FrontoParietal | 194 | -21.3 63.1 1.9 | G_and_S_transv_frontopol |
ctx-lh-gp149 | FrontoParietal | 106 | -28.6 50.9 10.1 | S_front_middle |
ctx-lh-gp150 | Default | 685 | -6.5 54.7 18.1 | G_front_sup |
ctx-lh-gp151 | Default | 151 | -15.7 64.7 13.7 | G_front_sup |
ctx-lh-gp152 | Default | 177 | -6 44.9 6.3 | G_and_S_cingul-Ant |
ctx-lh-gp153 | CinguloOperc | 162 | -28.8 38.3 28.2 | S_front_middle |
ctx-lh-gp154 | Default | 105 | -26.2 26.6 38.8 | S_front_sup |
ctx-lh-gp155 | DorsalAttn | 151 | -35.7 33.1 32 | G_front_middle |
ctx-lh-gp156 | Default | 139 | -29.3 16.8 50.7 | G_front_middle |
ctx-lh-gp157 | Default | 352 | -41.7 16.1 47.5 | G_front_middle |
ctx-lh-gp158 | VentralAttn | 113 | -38.7 4.8 48.4 | S_precentral-inf-part |
ctx-lh-gp159 | None | 242 | -50.8 6.9 -20.1 | G_temp_sup-Lateral |
ctx-lh-gp160 | Auditory | 388 | -54.4 -1.4 -0.7 | G_temp_sup-Lateral |
ctx-lh-gp161 | VentralAttn | 95 | -59 -18 -3 | S_temporal_sup |
ctx-rh-gp162 | Default | 1286 | 12.3 -51.6 34.5 | S_subparietal |
ctx-rh-gp163 | SMhand | 422 | 20.8 -48.2 66.1 | G_parietal_sup |
ctx-rh-gp164 | SMmouth | 303 | 49.6 -7.4 36.1 | S_central |
ctx-rh-gp165 | Default | 445 | 11.9 21.9 59.9 | G_front_sup |
ctx-rh-gp166 | Visual | 594 | 22 -84.6 23.7 | S_oc_sup_and_transversal |
ctx-rh-gp167 | FrontoParietal | 154 | 47.9 -42.5 41.5 | G_pariet_inf-Supramar |
ctx-rh-gp168 | FrontoParietal | 157 | 38.1 45.9 7.7 | S_front_inf |
ctx-rh-gp169 | Visual | 102 | 22.3 -46.5 -9.9 | S_oc- temp_med_and_Lingual |
ctx-rh-gp170 | FrontoParietal | 259 | 59.7 -41 -10.9 | S_temporal_inf |
ctx-rh-gp171 | Auditory | 169 | 33.6 -22.3 13 | Lat_Fis-post |
ctx-rh-gp172 | None | 253 | 32.5 13.6 -30.5 | G_temp_sup-Plan_polar |
ctx-rh-gp173 | CinguloParietal | 138 | 7.6 -27 28.4 | S_pericallosal |
ctx-rh-gp174 | RetrosplenialTemporal | 514 | 13.8 -54.1 10.9 | S_parieto_occipital |
ctx-rh-gp175 | Visual | 1935 | 15.5 -74.1 9.4 | S_calcarine |
ctx-rh-gp176 | Visual | 272 | 19.6 -45.3 -4.4 | S_calcarine |
ctx-rh-gp177 | Visual | 249 | 15.6 -59.6 -5 | G_oc-temp_med-Lingual |
ctx-rh-gp178 | None | 95 | 24.9 -35.9 -4.8 | Unknown |
ctx-rh-gp179 | None | 93 | 19.4 -29.9 -9.7 | Unknown |
ctx-rh-gp180 | CinguloOperc | 698 | 16.2 -33.1 43.2 | S_cingul-Marginalis |
ctx-rh-gp181 | CinguloOperc | 87 | 6.7 5 55.9 | G_front_sup |
ctx-rh-gp182 | FrontoParietal | 260 | 7 25.7 47.3 | G_front_sup |
ctx-rh-gp183 | Salience | 104 | 8.4 34.7 22.6 | G_and_S_cingul-Ant |
ctx-rh-gp184 | Default | 375 | 7.7 44.1 5.5 | G_and_S_cingul-Ant |
ctx-rh-gp185 | CinguloOperc | 495 | 8.6 4.2 40.1 | G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant |
ctx-rh-gp186 | Default | 86 | 3 -19.6 37.9 | G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post |
ctx-rh-gp187 | CinguloOperc | 81 | 8.8 10.8 45.9 | G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant |
ctx-rh-gp188 | CinguloOperc | 176 | 6 21.8 32.4 | G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant |
ctx-rh-gp189 | DorsalAttn | 381 | 10.3 -57.3 58.3 | G_precuneus |
ctx-rh-gp190 | SMhand | 373 | 16.5 -32.8 67.7 | S_central |
ctx-rh-gp191 | SMhand | 479 | 4.8 -27.1 64.8 | G_and_S_paracentral |
ctx-rh-gp192 | CinguloOperc | 118 | 16.2 0.8 67.5 | G_front_sup |
ctx-rh-gp193 | SMhand | 183 | 11.9 -40.7 67 | G_and_S_paracentral |
ctx-rh-gp194 | SMhand | 64 | 5.1 -17.1 51.6 | G_front_sup |
ctx-rh-gp195 | SMhand | 124 | 6.8 -8.1 50.9 | G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post |
ctx-rh-gp196 | CinguloOperc | 213 | 8 -6.2 63.7 | G_front_sup |
ctx-rh-gp197 | SMmouth | 225 | 42.3 -11 47.3 | S_central |
ctx-rh-gp198 | CinguloOperc | 154 | 42.5 -2.3 47.2 | S_precentral-sup-part |
ctx-rh-gp199 | DorsalAttn | 125 | 29.2 1.9 52.4 | S_front_sup |
ctx-rh-gp200 | Default | 368 | 21.9 21 46.2 | S_front_sup |
ctx-rh-gp201 | SMhand | 359 | 38.1 -22.4 60.3 | G_precentral |
ctx-rh-gp202 | SMhand | 141 | 19.7 -25 65.2 | S_central |
ctx-rh-gp203 | DorsalAttn | 252 | 29.9 -7.8 47.4 | S_precentral-sup-part |
ctx-rh-gp204 | SMhand | 70 | 12.4 -28.3 69.6 | G_precentral |
ctx-rh-gp205 | SMhand | 193 | 29.2 -13.5 64.2 | S_precentral-sup-part |
ctx-rh-gp206 | SMhand | 82 | 17 -16.9 70.9 | G_precentral |
ctx-rh-gp207 | SMhand | 144 | 20.9 -6.4 65 | G_front_sup |
ctx-rh-gp208 | DorsalAttn | 162 | 22.6 5.6 57.6 | S_front_sup |
ctx-rh-gp209 | SMhand | 118 | 29.5 -42.5 60.4 | G_parietal_sup |
ctx-rh-gp210 | SMhand | 43 | 34.2 -40.6 51.6 | S_intrapariet_and_P_trans |
ctx-rh-gp211 | DorsalAttn | 140 | 38.8 -42.6 40.4 | S_intrapariet_and_P_trans |
ctx-rh-gp212 | SMmouth | 814 | 53.9 -8.3 26.1 | S_central |
ctx-rh-gp213 | SMhand | 326 | 39.6 -31.5 39.7 | S_postcentral |
ctx-rh-gp214 | SMhand | 222 | 28 -34.8 63.1 | S_postcentral |
ctx-rh-gp215 | SMhand | 95 | 39.2 -34.6 57.5 | G_postcentral |
ctx-rh-gp216 | SMhand | 550 | 37.3 -25.9 50.9 | S_central |
ctx-rh-gp217 | SMhand | 209 | 48.7 -26.1 52.2 | G_postcentral |
ctx-rh-gp218 | SMmouth | 134 | 47.8 -15.1 49.3 | G_postcentral |
ctx-rh-gp219 | CinguloOperc | 301 | 57.5 -40.3 34.7 | G_pariet_inf-Supramar |
ctx-rh-gp220 | Default | 659 | 48.9 -53 28.6 | S_temporal_sup |
ctx-rh-gp221 | VentralAttn | 127 | 57.5 -45.3 9 | S_temporal_sup |
ctx-rh-gp222 | VentralAttn | 147 | 60.9 -38.7 1.7 | G_temporal_middle |
ctx-rh-gp223 | CinguloOperc | 1237 | 54.9 -27 29.6 | G_pariet_inf-Supramar |
ctx-rh-gp224 | Auditory | 179 | 36.4 -30.7 19.4 | Lat_Fis-post |
ctx-rh-gp225 | Default | 259 | 62.5 -25.6 -5.5 | G_temporal_middle |
ctx-rh-gp226 | VentralAttn | 135 | 57.1 -17 -2.6 | S_temporal_sup |
ctx-rh-gp227 | Auditory | 350 | 53.8 -15.8 5.2 | S_temporal_transverse |
ctx-rh-gp228 | VentralAttn | 83 | 47.4 -39.6 13.2 | S_temporal_sup |
ctx-rh-gp229 | VentralAttn | 171 | 45.5 -37.3 3.4 | S_temporal_sup |
ctx-rh-gp230 | Auditory | 117 | 59.2 -38.6 14.6 | S_temporal_sup |
ctx-rh-gp231 | VentralAttn | 187 | 48.5 -26.5 -0.1 | S_temporal_sup |
ctx-rh-gp232 | Auditory | 98 | 61.7 -24 1.3 | G_temp_sup-Lateral |
ctx-rh-gp233 | Auditory | 238 | 60 -25.2 10.2 | G_temp_sup-Plan_tempo |
ctx-rh-gp234 | CinguloOperc | 297 | 38.8 -14.4 -5 | S_circular_insula_inf |
ctx-rh-gp235 | CinguloOperc | 277 | 39.7 1.2 -13.1 | S_circular_insula_inf |
ctx-rh-gp236 | DorsalAttn | 243 | 36.8 37.8 13.1 | S_front_inf |
ctx-rh-gp237 | VentralAttn | 121 | 52.5 23.7 10.3 | G_front_inf-Triangul |
ctx-rh-gp238 | CinguloOperc | 206 | 36.7 5.2 12.7 | S_circular_insula_sup |
ctx-rh-gp239 | Auditory | 113 | 38.4 -12.2 20 | Lat_Fis-post |
ctx-rh-gp240 | FrontoParietal | 307 | 42.8 48.3 -5.1 | G_orbital |
ctx-rh-gp241 | VentralAttn | 93 | 48.1 38.3 -9.2 | G_orbital |
ctx-rh-gp242 | VentralAttn | 269 | 45.2 30.7 -5.6 | G_orbital |
ctx-rh-gp243 | VentralAttn | 272 | 27.4 19.7 -14.9 | S_circular_insula_ant |
ctx-rh-gp244 | Auditory | 61 | 36.6 -10 12.4 | S_circular_insula_sup |
ctx-rh-gp245 | CinguloOperc | 160 | 39.6 10.4 -1.6 | G_insular_short |
ctx-rh-gp246 | CinguloOperc | 134 | 36.5 5.7 6 | S_circular_insula_sup |
ctx-rh-gp247 | Salience | 109 | 30.6 22.8 -4.7 | S_circular_insula_ant |
ctx-rh-gp248 | CinguloOperc | 88 | 33.7 22.6 3.7 | G_insular_short |
ctx-rh-gp249 | CinguloOperc | 317 | 34 24.4 10 | S_circular_insula_sup |
ctx-rh-gp250 | DorsalAttn | 94 | 48.1 38.4 2.4 | G_front_inf-Triangul |
ctx-rh-gp251 | Visual | 225 | 26.8 -55 54.2 | S_intrapariet_and_P_trans |
ctx-rh-gp252 | DorsalAttn | 362 | 23 -66.4 51.8 | G_parietal_sup |
ctx-rh-gp253 | DorsalAttn | 266 | 32.3 -63.6 33.8 | S_intrapariet_and_P_trans |
ctx-rh-gp254 | CinguloParietal | 288 | 15.6 -69.5 39.6 | S_parieto_occipital |
ctx-rh-gp255 | Visual | 161 | 17.6 -78.3 34 | S_parieto_occipital |
ctx-rh-gp256 | Visual | 100 | 7.7 -85.6 31.6 | G_cuneus |
ctx-rh-gp257 | Default | 53 | 7.4 -69.3 49.9 | G_precuneus |
ctx-rh-gp258 | Visual | 197 | 35.4 -77.1 21.1 | S_oc_sup_and_transversal |
ctx-rh-gp259 | Default | 710 | 46.5 -67.3 36.2 | G_pariet_inf-Angular |
ctx-rh-gp260 | FrontoParietal | 60 | 41.5 -53.5 44 | S_intrapariet_and_P_trans |
ctx-rh-gp261 | FrontoParietal | 40 | 35.7 -56.7 45.2 | S_intrapariet_and_P_trans |
ctx-rh-gp262 | DorsalAttn | 157 | 33.5 -48.2 49.4 | S_intrapariet_and_P_trans |
ctx-rh-gp263 | Visual | 1230 | 31.7 -85.7 2.4 | S_oc_middle_and_Lunatus |
ctx-rh-gp264 | Visual | 434 | 43.8 -67.2 2 | S_occipital_ant |
ctx-rh-gp265 | Visual | 732 | 47.3 -52.4 -11.7 | S_oc-temp_lat |
ctx-rh-gp266 | DorsalAttn | 80 | 57 -53.8 -1.1 | G_temporal_middle |
ctx-rh-gp267 | Visual | 156 | 49 -54.5 8.8 | S_temporal_sup |
ctx-rh-gp268 | Auditory | 131 | 60.9 -2.2 10.7 | G_and_S_subcentral |
ctx-rh-gp269 | Auditory | 159 | 54.2 -13.6 16.9 | G_and_S_subcentral |
ctx-rh-gp270 | SMhand | 163 | 53 -22.7 39.1 | S_postcentral |
ctx-rh-gp271 | DorsalAttn | 232 | 47.3 2 37.6 | S_precentral-inf-part |
ctx-rh-gp272 | FrontoParietal | 169 | 37.8 28.7 35.6 | G_front_middle |
ctx-rh-gp273 | FrontoParietal | 357 | 41.8 29.1 21.6 | S_front_inf |
ctx-rh-gp274 | CinguloOperc | 289 | 50.1 3 3.9 | G_front_inf-Opercular |
ctx-rh-gp275 | DorsalAttn | 847 | 46.6 7.8 19.3 | S_precentral-inf-part |
ctx-rh-gp276 | FrontoParietal | 59 | 38.6 18.8 25.5 | S_front_inf |
ctx-rh-gp277 | FrontoParietal | 328 | 28.4 57 -5.1 | G_and_S_frontomargin |
ctx-rh-gp278 | Default | 280 | 4.8 65.1 -7.1 | G_front_sup |
ctx-rh-gp279 | Default | 423 | 7.2 48.4 -10.1 | G_and_S_cingul-Ant |
ctx-rh-gp280 | None | 237 | 2.9 18.7 -23.2 | G_rectus |
ctx-rh-gp281 | None | 219 | 35.1 37.3 -8.4 | S_orbital-H_Shaped |
ctx-rh-gp282 | None | 76 | 25.4 8.9 -15.7 | G_oc-temp_med-Parahip |
ctx-rh-gp283 | None | 297 | 21.2 30.3 -15.2 | S_orbital-H_Shaped |
ctx-rh-gp284 | None | 288 | 21.6 51.1 -14.1 | S_orbital-H_Shaped |
ctx-rh-gp285 | None | 39 | 11.9 25.7 -24.8 | G_orbital |
ctx-rh-gp286 | None | 94 | 13.5 20.3 -15.2 | S_orbital_med-olfact |
ctx-rh-gp287 | None | 288 | 10.9 39.1 -19.7 | S_orbital_med-olfact |
ctx-rh-gp288 | None | 109 | 2.2 39 -25.6 | G_rectus |
ctx-rh-gp289 | None | 77 | 62.3 -26.4 -16 | G_temporal_middle |
ctx-rh-gp290 | Default | 711 | 57.5 -7.4 -16.4 | S_temporal_sup |
ctx-rh-gp291 | None | 160 | 54.7 -7.8 -26.9 | G_temporal_middle |
ctx-rh-gp292 | None | 800 | 45.2 13.6 -30.1 | Pole_temporal |
ctx-rh-gp293 | Visual | 72 | 31.2 -45.6 -5.8 | S_oc- temp_med_and_Lingual |
ctx-rh-gp294 | RetrosplenialTemporal | 86 | 34.6 -35.6 -12.3 | S_oc- temp_med_and_Lingual |
ctx-rh-gp295 | RetrosplenialTemporal | 197 | 34.6 -23.9 -20.4 | S_oc- temp_med_and_Lingual |
ctx-rh-gp296 | None | 182 | 20.1 -21.4 -21.5 | G_oc-temp_med-Parahip |
ctx-rh-gp297 | None | 97 | 28 -0.4 -37.3 | G_oc-temp_med-Parahip |
ctx-rh-gp298 | Visual | 938 | 26.9 -69.1 -6.6 | S_oc- temp_med_and_Lingual |
ctx-rh-gp299 | Visual | 569 | 34.9 -44 -20 | G_oc-temp_lat-fusifor |
ctx-rh-gp300 | None | 162 | 36.8 7.7 -37.9 | Pole_temporal |
ctx-rh-gp301 | None | 283 | 54.5 -9.6 -37 | G_temporal_inf |
ctx-rh-gp302 | None | 71 | 56.4 -27 -19.4 | S_temporal_inf |
ctx-rh-gp303 | None | 183 | 31.1 2.2 -46.1 | Pole_temporal |
ctx-rh-gp304 | None | 162 | 39.5 -11.9 -29.7 | S_collat_transv_ant |
ctx-rh-gp305 | None | 73 | 31.6 -9.4 -35.5 | G_oc-temp_med-Parahip |
ctx-rh-gp306 | None | 106 | 43.4 -24.1 -20.8 | S_collat_transv_ant |
ctx-rh-gp307 | Visual | 188 | 13.8 -92.3 14.7 | G_cuneus |
ctx-rh-gp308 | Visual | 210 | 10.5 -73.8 -1.5 | G_oc-temp_med-Lingual |
ctx-rh-gp309 | Visual | 142 | 20.4 -87.3 -6.6 | Pole_occipital |
ctx-rh-gp310 | Visual | 161 | 5.1 -80.2 23.1 | G_cuneus |
ctx-rh-gp311 | Visual | 132 | 14.6 -70.3 23.3 | S_parieto_occipital |
ctx-rh-gp312 | None | 218 | 19.5 -10.8 -24.9 | Unknown |
ctx-rh-gp313 | RetrosplenialTemporal | 110 | 24.5 -36.2 -13.2 | S_oc- temp_med_and_Lingual |
ctx-rh-gp314 | None | 66 | 30.4 -18.8 -19.4 | Unknown |
ctx-rh-gp315 | Default | 200 | 21 32.8 42.1 | S_front_sup |
ctx-rh-gp316 | Default | 111 | 21.4 42.8 35.1 | S_front_sup |
ctx-rh-gp317 | CinguloOperc | 119 | 24.4 50.8 24.3 | S_front_middle |
ctx-rh-gp318 | CinguloOperc | 300 | 31.3 39.7 25.6 | S_front_middle |
ctx-rh-gp319 | FrontoParietal | 255 | 23.5 59.1 4.9 | S_front_middle |
ctx-rh-gp320 | FrontoParietal | 96 | 30.9 52.2 9.9 | S_front_middle |
ctx-rh-gp321 | Default | 285 | 16 61 19.8 | G_front_sup |
ctx-rh-gp322 | Default | 494 | 8.2 53.8 14 | G_front_sup |
ctx-rh-gp323 | Default | 118 | 5.9 54.9 29.4 | G_front_sup |
ctx-rh-gp324 | Default | 202 | 13.8 46.7 42.1 | G_front_sup |
ctx-rh-gp325 | Default | 252 | 6.8 44.5 34.8 | G_front_sup |
ctx-rh-gp326 | Default | 84 | 30.6 18.9 48.7 | S_front_sup |
ctx-rh-gp327 | FrontoParietal | 384 | 42.4 19.5 48.2 | G_front_middle |
ctx-rh-gp328 | FrontoParietal | 142 | 38.9 9.6 42.7 | S_precentral-inf-part |
ctx-rh-gp329 | Auditory | 16 | 39.7 -22.5 2.6 | S_circular_insula_inf |
ctx-rh-gp330 | Auditory | 415 | 55.8 2 -2 | G_temp_sup-Lateral |
ctx-rh-gp331 | Default | 101 | 54.4 1.1 -12.9 | G_temp_sup-Lateral |
ctx-rh-gp332 | VentralAttn | 130 | 57.1 -6.3 -7.7 | S_temporal_sup |
ctx-rh-gp333 | VentralAttn | 67 | 46.6 -21.5 -8.5 | S_temporal_sup |
Task fMRI contrasts
MID task contrasts of conditions
Contrast | Condition A | Condition B |
antic_reward_vs_neutral | large_reward_antic small_reward_antic | neutral_antic |
antic_loss_vs_neutral | large_loss_antic small_loss_antic | neutral_antic |
reward_pos_vs_neg_feedback | large_reward_pos_feedback small_reward_pos_feedback | large_reward_neg_feedback small_reward_neg_feedback |
loss_pos_vs_neg_feedback | large_loss_pos_feedback | large_loss_neg_feedback |
small_loss_pos_feedback | small_loss_neg_feedback | |
antic_large_reward_vs_neutral | large_reward_antic | neutral_antic |
antic_small_reward_vs_neutral | small_reward_antic | neutral_antic |
antic_large_vs_small_reward | large_reward_antic | small_reward_antic |
antic_large_loss_vs_neutral | large_loss_antic | neutral_antic |
antic_small_loss_vs_neutral | small_loss_antic | neutral_antic |
antic_large_vs_small_loss | large_loss_antic | small_loss_antic |
SST task contrasts of conditions
Contrast | Condition A | Condition B |
correct_go_vs_fixation | correct_go | |
correct_stop_vs_correct_go | correct_stop | correct_go |
incorrect_stop_vs_correct_go | incorrect_stop | correct_go |
any_stop_vs_correct_go | correct_stop incorrect_stop |
correct_go |
correct_stop_vs_incorrect_stop | correct_stop | incorrect_stop |
incorrect_go_vs_correct_go | incorrect_go | correct_go |
incorrect_go_vs_incorrect_stop | incorrect_go | incorrect_stop |
nBack task contrasts of conditions
Contrast | Condition A | Condition B |
0_back_vs_fixation | 0_back_place 0_back_negface |
0_back_neutface 0_back_posface |
2_back_vs_fixation | 2_back_place 2_back_negface 2_back_neutface |
2_back_posface | ||
place_vs_fixation | 0_back_place 2_back_place |
emotion_vs_fixation | 0_back_negface 2_back_negface 0_back_posface |
2_back_posface | ||
2_back_vs_0_back | 2_back_place 2_back_negface 2_back_neutface |
0_back_place 0_back_negface 0_back_neutface |
2_back_posface | 0_back_posface | |
face_vs_place | 0_back_negface 2_back_negface 0_back_neutface 2_back_neutface |
0_back_place 2_back_place |
0_back_posface 2_back_posface |
emotion_vs_neutface | 0_back_negface 2_back_negface 0_back_posface |
0_back_neutface 2_back_neutface |
2_back_posface | ||
negface_vs_neutface | 0_back_negface 2_back_negface |
0_back_neutface 2_back_neutface |
posface_vs_neutface | 0_back_posface 2_back_posface |
0_back_neutface 2_back_neutface |
Restriction Spectrum Imaging (RSI) measures
White, N.S., Leergaard, T.B., D’Arceuil, H., Bjaalie, J.G., Dale, A.M. (2013) Probing tissue microstructure with restriction spectrum imaging: Histological and theoretical validation. Hum Brain Mapp, 34:327-46.
White, N.S., McDonald, C., Farid, N., Kuperman, J., Karow, D., Schenker-Ahmed, N.M., Bartsch, H., Rakow-Penner, R., Holland, D., Shabaik, A., Bjornerud, A., Hope, T., Hattangadi-Gluth, J., Liss, M., Parsons, J.K., Chen, C.C., Raman, S., Margolis, D., Reiter, R.E., Marks, L., Kesari, S., Mundt, A.J., Kane, C.J., Carter, B.S., Bradley, W.G., Dale, A.M. (2014) Diffusion-weighted imaging in cancer: physical foundations and applications of restriction spectrum imaging. Cancer Res, 74:4638-52.
Name | Alias | Description | Size scale | Notes |
RNI | N0 | 0th order FOD parameter divided by Euclidean norm of all parameters | restricted | isotropic |
RND | ND | norm of directional FOD components (2nd and 4th order) divided by norm of all parameters | restricted | directional |
RNT | NT | norm of all FOD parameters (0th, 2nd, and 4th order) divided by norm of all parameters | restricted | total |
HNI | N0_s2 | 0th order FOD parameter divided by norm of all parameters | hindered | isotropic |
HND | ND_s2 | norm of directional FOD components (2nd and 4th order) divided by norm of all parameters | hindered | directional |
HNT | NT_s2 | norm of all FOD parameters (0th, 2nd, and 4th order) divided by norm of all parameters | hindered | total |
FNI | NIf | isotroptic freewater component divided by norm of all parameters | free | isotropic |