Supplementary Imaging Tables

DOI: 10.15154/z563-zd24 (Release 5.1)


February 8, 2025

General Information

An overview of the ABCD Study® can be found at and detailed descriptions of the assessment protocols are available at ABCD Protocols. This page describes the contents of various instruments available for download. To understand the context of this information, refer to the release notes Start Page and Imaging Overview.

This supplementary material features region of interest (ROI) names and descriptions for subcortical regions (aseg), cortical parcels (Desikan, Destrieux and Gordon), and fiber tracts (AtlasTrack); task fMRI contrasts of conditions (MID, SST, and nBack); names and descriptions of RSI measures.

ROI names and descriptions

Desikan: Cortical regions defined by anatomical parcellation (aparc) of the Desikan atlas included in sMRI, dMRI, and fMRI analyses

Desikan, R.S., Segonne, F., Fischl, B., Quinn, B.T., Dickerson, B.C., Blacker, D., Buckner, R.L., Dale, A.M., Maguire, R.P., Hyman, B.T., Albert, M.S., Killiany, R.J. (2006) An automated labeling system for subdividing the human cerebral cortex on MRI scans into gyral based regions of interest. Neuroimage, 31:968-80.

ROI name Description
cortdesikan_banksstslh banks of superior temporal sulcus (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_caudalanteriorcingulatelh caudalanteriorcingulate (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_caudalmiddlefrontallh caudalmiddlefrontal (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_cuneuslh cuneus (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_entorhinallh entorhinal (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_fusiformlh fusiform (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_inferiorparietallh inferiorparietal (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_inferiortemporallh inferiortemporal (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_isthmuscingulatelh isthmuscingulate (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_lateraloccipitallh lateraloccipital (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_lateralorbitofrontallh lateralorbitofrontal (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_linguallh lingual (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_medialorbitofrontallh medialorbitofrontal (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_middletemporallh middletemporal (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_parahippocampallh parahippocampal (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_paracentrallh paracentral (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_parsopercularislh parsopercularis (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_parsorbitalislh parsorbitalis (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_parstriangularislh parstriangularis (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_pericalcarinelh pericalcarine (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_postcentrallh postcentral (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_posteriorcingulatelh posteriorcingulate (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_precentrallh precentral (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_precuneuslh precuneus (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_rostralanteriorcingulatelh rostralanteriorcingulate (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_rostralmiddlefrontallh rostralmiddlefrontal (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_superiorfrontallh superiorfrontal (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_superiorparietallh superiorparietal (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_superiortemporallh superiortemporal (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_supramarginallh supramarginal (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_frontalpolelh frontalpole (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_temporalpolelh temporalpole (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_transversetemporallh transversetemporal (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_insulalh insula (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_banksstsrh banks of superior temporal sulcus (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_caudalanteriorcingulaterh caudalanteriorcingulate (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_caudalmiddlefrontalrh caudalmiddlefrontal (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_cuneusrh cuneus (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_entorhinalrh entorhinal (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_fusiformrh fusiform (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_inferiorparietalrh inferiorparietal (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_inferiortemporalrh inferiortemporal (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_isthmuscingulaterh isthmuscingulate (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_lateraloccipitalrh lateraloccipital (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_lateralorbitofrontalrh lateralorbitofrontal (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_lingualrh lingual (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_medialorbitofrontalrh medialorbitofrontal (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_middletemporalrh middletemporal (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_parahippocampalrh parahippocampal (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_paracentralrh paracentral (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_parsopercularisrh parsopercularis (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_parsorbitalisrh parsorbitalis (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_parstriangularisrh parstriangularis (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_pericalcarinerh pericalcarine (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_postcentralrh postcentral (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_posteriorcingulaterh posteriorcingulate (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_precentralrh precentral (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_precuneusrh precuneus (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_rostralanteriorcingulaterh rostralanteriorcingulate (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_rostralmiddlefrontalrh rostralmiddlefrontal (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_superiorfrontalrh superiorfrontal (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_superiorparietalrh superiorparietal (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_superiortemporalrh superiortemporal (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_supramarginalrh supramarginal (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_frontalpolerh frontalpole (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_temporalpolerh temporalpole (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_transversetemporalrh transversetemporal (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_insularh insula (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_mean.lh mean (left hemisphere)
cortdesikan_mean.rh mean (right hemisphere)
cortdesikan_mean mean (bilateral)
cortdesikan_total.lh total (left hemisphere - area and volume)
cortdesikan_total.rh total (right hemisphere - area and volume)
cortdesikan_total total (bilateral - area and volume)

Destrieux: Cortical regions defined by anatomical parcellation (aparc2) of the Destrieux atlas included in sMRI, dMRI, and fMRI analyses

Destrieux C, Fischl B, Dale A, Halgren E. (2010) Automatic parcellation of human cortical gyri and sulci using standard anatomical nomenclature. Neuroimage. 2010 Oct 15;53(1):1-15.

ROI Name Description
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.frontomargin.lh fronto-marginal gyrus and sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.occipital.inf.lh inferior occipital gyrus and sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.paracentral.lh paracentral lobule and sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.subcentral.lh subcentral gyrus and sulci (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.transv.frontopol.lh transverse frontopolar gyri and sulci (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.ant.lh anterior part of the cingulate gyrus and sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.mid.ant.lh middle-anterior part of the cingulate gyrus and sulcus (left hemisphere) middle-posterior part of the cingulate gyrus and sulcus (left hemisphere) posterior-dorsal part of the cingulate gyrus (left hemisphere) posterior-ventral part of the cingulate gyrus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.cuneus.lh cuneus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.front.inf.opercular.lh opercular part of the inferior frontal gyrus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.front.inf.orbital.lh orbital part of the inferior frontal gyrus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.front.inf.triangul.lh triangular part of the inferior frontal gyrus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.front.middle.lh middle frontal gyrus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.front.sup.lh superior frontal gyrus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.ins.lg.and.s.cent.ins.lh long insular gyrus and central sulcus of the insula (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.insular.short.lh short insular gyri (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.occipital.middle.lh middle occipital gyrus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.occipital.sup.lh superior occipital gyrus (left hemisphere) lateral occipito-temporal gyrus (left hemisphere) lingual gyrus (left hemisphere) parahippocampal gyrus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.orbital.lh orbital gyri (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.pariet.inf.angular.lh angular gyrus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.pariet.inf.supramar.lh supramarginal gyrus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.parietal.sup.lh superior parietal lobule (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.postcentral.lh postcentral gyrus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.precentral.lh precentral gyrus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.precuneus.lh precuneus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.rectus.lh gyrus rectus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.subcallosal.lh subcallosal gyrus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.temp.sup.g.t.transv.lh anterior transverse temporal gyrus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.temp.sup.lateral.lh lateral aspect of the superior temporal gyrus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.temp.sup.plan.polar.lh planum polare of the superior temporal gyrus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.temp.sup.plan.tempo.lh planum temporale (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.temporal.inf.lh inferior temporal gyrus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.temporal.middle.lh middle temporal gyrus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_lat.fis.ant.horizont.lh horizontal ramus of the anterior segment of the lateral sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_lat.fis.ant.vertical.lh vertical ramus of the anterior segment of the lateral sulcus (left hemisphere) posterior ramus of the lateral sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_pole.occipital.lh occipital pole (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_pole.temporal.lh temporal pole (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.calcarine.lh calcarine sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.central.lh central sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.cingul.marginalis.lh marginal branch of the cingulate sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.circular.insula.ant.lh anterior segment of the circular sulcus of the insula (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.circular.insula.inf.lh inferior segment of the circular sulcus of the insula (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.circular.insula.sup.lh superior segment of the circular sulcus of the insula (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.collat.transv.ant.lh anterior transverse collateral sulcus (left hemisphere) posterior transverse collateral sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.front.inf.lh inferior frontal sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.front.middle.lh middle frontal sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.front.sup.lh superior frontal sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.interm.prim.jensen.lh sulcus intermedius primus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.intrapariet.and.p.trans.lh intraparietal sulcus and transverse parietal sulci (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.oc.middle.and.lunatus.lh middle occipital sulcus and lunatus sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.oc.sup.and.transversal.lh superior occipital sulcus and transverse occipital sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.occipital.ant.lh anterior occipital sulcus and preoccipital notch (left hemisphere) lateral occipito-temporal sulcus (left hemisphere) medial occipito-temporal sulcus and lingual sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.orbital.lateral.lh lateral orbital sulcus (left hemisphere) medial orbital sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.orbital.h.shaped.lh orbital sulci (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.parieto.occipital.lh parieto-occipital sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.pericallosal.lh s.pericallosal (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.postcentral.lh postcentral sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.precentral.inf.part.lh inferior part of the precentral sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.precentral.sup.part.lh superior part of the precentral sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.suborbital.lh suborbital sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.subparietal.lh subparietal sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.temporal.inf.lh inferior temporal sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.temporal.sup.lh superior temporal sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.temporal.transverse.lh transverse temporal sulcus (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.frontomargin.rh fronto-marginal gyrus and sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.occipital.inf.rh inferior occipital gyrus and sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.paracentral.rh paracentral lobule and sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.subcentral.rh subcentral gyrus and sulci (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.transv.frontopol.rh transverse frontopolar gyri and sulci (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.ant.rh anterior part of the cingulate gyrus and sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.and.s.cingul.mid.ant.rh middle-anterior part of the cingulate gyrus and sulcus (right hemisphere) middle-posterior part of the cingulate gyrus and sulcus (right hemisphere) posterior-dorsal part of the cingulate gyrus (right hemisphere) posterior-ventral part of the cingulate gyrus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.cuneus.rh cuneus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.front.inf.opercular.rh opercular part of the inferior frontal gyrus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.front.inf.orbital.rh orbital part of the inferior frontal gyrus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.front.inf.triangul.rh triangular part of the inferior frontal gyrus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.front.middle.rh middle frontal gyrus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.front.sup.rh superior frontal gyrus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.ins.lg.and.s.cent.ins.rh long insular gyrus and central sulcus of the insula (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.insular.short.rh short insular gyri (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.occipital.middle.rh middle occipital gyrus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.occipital.sup.rh superior occipital gyrus (right hemisphere) lateral occipito-temporal gyrus (right hemisphere) lingual gyrus (right hemisphere) parahippocampal gyrus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.orbital.rh orbital gyri (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.pariet.inf.angular.rh angular gyrus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.pariet.inf.supramar.rh supramarginal gyrus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.parietal.sup.rh superior parietal lobule (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.postcentral.rh postcentral gyrus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.precentral.rh precentral gyrus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.precuneus.rh precuneus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.rectus.rh gyrus rectus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.subcallosal.rh subcallosal gyrus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.temp.sup.g.t.transv.rh anterior transverse temporal gyrus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.temp.sup.lateral.rh lateral aspect of the superior temporal gyrus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.temp.sup.plan.polar.rh planum polare of the superior temporal gyrus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.temp.sup.plan.tempo.rh planum temporale (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.temporal.inf.rh inferior temporal gyrus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_g.temporal.middle.rh middle temporal gyrus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_lat.fis.ant.horizont.rh horizontal ramus of the anterior segment of the lateral sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_lat.fis.ant.vertical.rh vertical ramus of the anterior segment of the lateral sulcus (right hemisphere) posterior ramus of the lateral sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_pole.occipital.rh occipital pole (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_pole.temporal.rh temporal pole (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.calcarine.rh calcarine sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.central.rh central sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.cingul.marginalis.rh marginal branch of the cingulate sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.circular.insula.ant.rh anterior segment of the circular sulcus of the insula (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.circular.insula.inf.rh inferior segment of the circular sulcus of the insula (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.circular.insula.sup.rh superior segment of the circular sulcus of the insula (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.collat.transv.ant.rh anterior transverse collateral sulcus (right hemisphere) posterior transverse collateral sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.front.inf.rh inferior frontal sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.front.middle.rh middle frontal sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.front.sup.rh superior frontal sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.interm.prim.jensen.rh sulcus intermedius primus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.intrapariet.and.p.trans.rh intraparietal sulcus and transverse parietal sulci (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.oc.middle.and.lunatus.rh middle occipital sulcus and lunatus sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.oc.sup.and.transversal.rh superior occipital sulcus and transverse occipital sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.occipital.ant.rh anterior occipital sulcus and preoccipital notch (right hemisphere) lateral occipito-temporal sulcus (right hemisphere) medial occipito-temporal sulcus and lingual sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.orbital.lateral.rh lateral orbital sulcus (right hemisphere) medial orbital sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.orbital.h.shaped.rh orbital sulci (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.parieto.occipital.rh parieto-occipital sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.pericallosal.rh s.pericallosal (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.postcentral.rh postcentral sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.precentral.inf.part.rh inferior part of the precentral sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.precentral.sup.part.rh superior part of the precentral sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.suborbital.rh suborbital sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.subparietal.rh subparietal sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.temporal.inf.rh inferior temporal sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.temporal.sup.rh superior temporal sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_s.temporal.transverse.rh transverse temporal sulcus (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_mean.lh mean (left hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_mean.rh mean (right hemisphere)
cort.destrieux_mean mean (bilateral)
cort.destrieux_total.lh total (left hemisphere - area and volume)
cort.destrieux_total.rh total (right hemisphere - area and volume)
cort.destrieux_total total (bilateral - area and volume)

Subcortical: Subcortical regions labeled by automated segmentation (aseg) included in sMRI, dMRI, and fMRI analyses

Fischl, B., Salat, D.H., Busa, E., Albert, M., Dieterich, M., Haselgrove, C., van der Kouwe, A., Killiany, R., Kennedy, D., Klaveness, S., Montillo, A., Makris, N., Rosen, B., Dale, A.M. (2002) Whole brain segmentation: automated labeling of neuroanatomical structures in the human brain. Neuron, 33:341-55.

ROI name Description
subcortaseg_cerebralwhitematterlh cerebral white matter (left hemisphere)
subcortaseg_cerebralcortexlh cerebral cortex (left hemisphere)
subcortaseg_lateralventriclelh lateral ventricle (left hemisphere)
subcortaseg_inflatventlh inferior lateral ventricle (left hemisphere)
subcortaseg_cerebellumwhitematterlh cerebellum white matter (left hemisphere)
subcortaseg_cerebellumcortexlh cerebellum cortex (left hemisphere)
subcortaseg_thalamusproperlh thalamus proper (left hemisphere)
subcortaseg_caudatelh caudate (left hemisphere)
subcortaseg_putamenlh putamen (left hemisphere)
subcortaseg_pallidumlh pallidum (left hemisphere)
subcortaseg_hippocampuslh hippocampus (left hemisphere)
subcortaseg_amygdalalh amygdala (left hemisphere)
subcortaseg_lesionlh lesions (left hemisphere)
subcortaseg_accumbensarealh accumbens area (left hemisphere)
subcortaseg_ventraldclh ventral DC (left hemisphere)
subcortaseg_cerebralwhitematterrh cerebral white matter (right hemisphere)
subcortaseg_cerebralcortexrh cerebral cortex (right hemisphere)
subcortaseg_lateralventriclerh lateral ventricle (right hemisphere)
subcortaseg_inflatventrh inferior lateral ventricle (right hemisphere)
subcortaseg_cerebellumwhitematterrh cerebellum white matter (right hemisphere)
subcortaseg_cerebellumcortexrh cerebellum cortex (right hemisphere)
subcortaseg_thalamusproperrh thalamus proper (right hemisphere)
subcortaseg_caudaterh caudate (right hemisphere)
subcortaseg_putamenrh putamen (right hemisphere)
subcortaseg_pallidumrh pallidum (right hemisphere)
subcortaseg_hippocampusrh hippocampus (right hemisphere)
subcortaseg_amygdalarh amygdala (right hemisphere)
subcortaseg_lesionrh lesions (right hemisphere)
subcortaseg_accumbensarearh accumbens area (right hemisphere)
subcortaseg_ventraldcrh ventral DC (right hemisphere)
subcortaseg_wmhypointensities wm hypointensities
subcortaseg_wmhypointensitieslh wm hypointensities (right hemisphere)
subcortaseg_wmhypointensitiesrh wm hypointensities (right hemisphere)
subcortaseg_ccposterior CC Posterior
subcortaseg_ccmidposterior CC Mid_Posterior
subcortaseg_cccentral CC Central
subcortaseg_ccmidanterior CC Mid_Anterior
subcortaseg_ccanterior CC Anterior
subcortaseg_latventricles lateral ventricles
subcortaseg_3rdventricle 3rd ventricle
subcortaseg_4thventricle 4th ventricle
subcortaseg_allventricles all ventricles
subcortaseg_csf csf
subcortaseg_brainstem brain stem
subcortaseg_wholebrain whole brain
subcortaseg_brainmaskvolume brain mask volume
subcortaseg_brainsegmentationvolume brain segmentation volume *
subcortaseg_intracranialvolume intracranial volume
(i.e. estimated total intracranial volume) *
subcortaseg_supratentorialvolume supratentorial volume *
subcortaseg_subcorticalgrayvolume subcortical gray volume *

Fuzzy Clustering: Cortical regions defined by genetically derived parcellation (fuzzy) in sMRI, dMRI, and fMRI analyses

Chen CH, Gutierrez ED, Thompson W, Panizzon MS, Jernigan TL, Eyler LT, Fennema-Notestine C, Jak AJ, Neale MC, Franz CE, Lyons MJ, Grant MD, Fischl B, Seidman LJ, Tsuang MT, Kremen WS, Dale AM. (2012) Hierarchical genetic organization of human cortical surface area. Science. 2012 Mar 30;335(6076):1634-6.

ROI name Description
cortfuzzy2_frontallh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 2 clusters - frontal cortex (left hemisphere)
cortfuzzy2_posteriorlh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 2 clusters - posterior cortex (left hemisphere)
cortfuzzy4_frontallh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 4 clusters - frontal cortex (left hemisphere)
cortfuzzy4_occipitallh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 4 clusters - occipital cortex (left hemisphere)
cortfuzzy4_temporallh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 4 clusters - temporal cortex (left hemisphere)
cortfuzzy4_parietallh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 4 clusters - parietal cortex (left hemisphere)
cortfuzzy12_centrallh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - central cortex (left hemisphere)
cortfuzzy12_occipitallh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - occipital cortex (left hemisphere)
cortfuzzy12_posterolateraltemporallh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - posterolateraltemporal cortex (left hemisphere)
cortfuzzy12_superiorparietallh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - superiorparietal cortex (left hemisphere)
cortfuzzy12_orbitofrontallh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - orbitofrontal cortex (left hemisphere)
cortfuzzy12_superiortemporallh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - superiortemporal cortex (left hemisphere)
cortfuzzy12_inferiorparietallh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - inferiorparietal cortex (left hemisphere)
cortfuzzy12_dorsomedialfrontallh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - dorsomedialfrontal cortex (left hemisphere)
cortfuzzy12_anteromedialtemporallh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - anteromedialtemporal cortex (left hemisphere)
cortfuzzy12_precuneuslh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - precuneus cortex (left hemisphere)
cortfuzzy12_dorsolateralprefrontallh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - dorsolateralprefrontal cortex (left hemisphere)
cortfuzzy12_parsopercularislh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - parsopercularis cortex (left hemisphere)
cortfuzzy2_frontalrh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 2 clusters - frontal cortex (right hemisphere)
cortfuzzy2_posteriorrh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 2 clusters - posterior cortex (right hemisphere)
cortfuzzy4_frontalrh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 4 clusters - frontal cortex (right hemisphere)
cortfuzzy4_occipitalrh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 4 clusters - occipital cortex (right hemisphere)
cortfuzzy4_temporalrh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 4 clusters - temporal cortex (right hemisphere)
cortfuzzy4_parietalrh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 4 clusters - parietal cortex (right hemisphere)
cortfuzzy12_centralrh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - central cortex (right hemisphere)
cortfuzzy12_occipitalrh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - occipital cortex (right hemisphere)
cortfuzzy12_posterolateraltemporalrh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - posterolateraltemporal cortex (right hemisphere)
cortfuzzy12_superiorparietalrh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - superiorparietal cortex (right hemisphere)
cortfuzzy12_orbitofrontalrh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - orbitofrontal cortex (right hemisphere)
cortfuzzy12_superiortemporalrh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - superiortemporal cortex (right hemisphere)
cortfuzzy12_inferiorparietalrh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - inferiorparietal cortex (right hemisphere)
cortfuzzy12_dorsomedialfrontalrh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - dorsomedialfrontal cortex (right hemisphere)
cortfuzzy12_anteromedialtemporalrh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - anteromedialtemporal cortex (right hemisphere)
cortfuzzy12_precuneusrh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - precuneus cortex (right hemisphere)
cortfuzzy12_dorsolateralprefrontalrh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - dorsolateralprefrontal cortex (right hemisphere)
cortfuzzy12_parsopercularisrh Weighted average for genetically derived parcellation with 12 clusters - parsopercularis cortex (right hemisphere)

AtlasTrack: Fiber tracts automatically labeled by AtlasTrack

Note: Except for Fmaj, Fmin, and CC, all tracts are separately labeled for left and right hemispheres.

Hagler, D.J., Jr., Ahmadi, M.E., Kuperman, J., Holland, D., McDonald, C.R., Halgren, E., Dale, A.M. (2009) Automated white-matter tractography using a probabilistic diffusion tensor atlas: Application to temporal lobe epilepsy. Hum Brain Mapp, 30:1535-47.

Abbrev Fiber Name Connected Brain Regions
Fx fornix hippocampus & mammillary nuclei of hypothalamus
CgC cingulate cingulum cingulate gyrus & entorhinal cortex (cingulate portion)
CgH parahippocampal cingulum cingulate gyrus & entorhinal cortex (parahippocampal portion)
CST corticospinal tract (pyramidal tract) motor cortex & spinal cord
ATR anterior thalamic radiations thalamus & frontal lobe
UNC uncinate inferior frontal lobe & anterior temporal lobe
ILF inferior longitudinal fasciculus occipital lobe & temporal lobe
IFO inferior frontal occipital fasciculus occipital lobe & frontal lobe
Fmaj forceps major left occipital cortex & right occipital cortex
Fmin forceps minor left prefrontal cortex & right prefrontal cortex
CC corpus callosum left cortex & right cortex
SLF superior longitudinal fasciculus temporal and parietal lobes & frontal lobe
tSLF temporal superior longitudinal fasciculus (arcuate fasciculus) temporal lobe & frontal lobe
pSLF parietal superior longitudinal fasciculus parietal lobe & frontal lobe
SCS superior corticostriate superior cortex & striatum
fSCS frontal superior corticostriate superior frontal cortex & striatum
pSCS parietal superior corticostriate superior parietal cortex & striatum
SIFC striatal inferior frontal cortex tract inferior frontal cortex & striatum
IFSFC inferior frontal to superior frontal cortical tract inferior frontal cortex & superior frontal cortex

Gordon parcels: ROI labels and network membership of cortical parcels defined based on resting-state functional connectivity

Gordon, E.M., Laumann, T.O., Adeyemo, B., Huckins, J.F., Kelley, W.M., Petersen, S.E. (2016) Generation and Evaluation of a Cortical Area Parcellation from Resting-State Correlations. Cereb Cortex. 2016 Jan;26(1):288-303. Epub 2014 Oct 14.

ROI label Community Surface area (mm2) Centroid (MNI) Nearest Destrieux Parcel
ctx-lh-gp1 Default 1412 -11.2 -52.4 36.5 S_subparietal
ctx-lh-gp2 SMhand 377 -18.8 -48.7 65 G_parietal_sup
ctx-lh-gp3 SMmouth 437 -51.8 -7.8 38.5 G_precentral
ctx-lh-gp4 Default 369 -11.7 26.7 57 G_front_sup
ctx-lh-gp5 Visual 871 -18.4 -85.5 21.6 S_oc_sup_and_transversal
ctx-lh-gp6 Default 1084 -47.2 -58 30.8 S_temporal_sup
ctx-lh-gp7 FrontoParietal 91 -38.1 48.8 10.5 G_front_middle
ctx-lh-gp8 Visual 487 -16.8 -60.1 -5.4 G_oc-temp_med-Lingual
ctx-lh-gp9 FrontoParietal 95 -55.9 -47.7 -9.3 S_temporal_inf
ctx-lh-gp10 Auditory 180 -32 -29.3 15.6 Lat_Fis-post
ctx-lh-gp11 None 125 -29.3 5.3 -27.4 G_temp_sup-Plan_polar
ctx-lh-gp12 CinguloParietal 134 -6.1 -26 28.5 S_pericallosal
ctx-lh-gp13 RetrosplenialTemporal 267 -14.4 -57.8 18.4 S_parieto_occipital
ctx-lh-gp14 RetrosplenialTemporal 247 -8.8 -49.8 4.2 S_calcarine
ctx-lh-gp15 Visual 1660 -11.3 -83.2 3.9 S_calcarine
ctx-lh-gp16 Visual 89 -22 -58.1 1.5 S_calcarine
ctx-lh-gp17 Visual 44 -9.6 -58 3 G_oc-temp_med-Lingual
ctx-lh-gp18 None 128 -29 -35.9 -8.3 Unknown
ctx-lh-gp19 None 60 -18.5 -39.2 -1.1 Unknown
ctx-lh-gp20 Visual 142 -16.7 -46 -3.7 S_calcarine
ctx-lh-gp21 CinguloOperc 551 -16.6 -36.1 42.7 S_cingul-Marginalis
ctx-lh-gp22 CinguloOperc 508 -9.4 -0.1 42.9 G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post
ctx-lh-gp23 VentralAttn 272 -3.8 12.1 64.6 G_front_sup
ctx-lh-gp24 FrontoParietal 282 -5.5 29.3 44 G_front_sup
ctx-lh-gp25 Default 201 -5.6 42.2 35.1 G_front_sup
ctx-lh-gp26 Default 121 -1.7 -17.7 39.1 G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post
ctx-lh-gp27 CinguloOperc 293 -8.4 14.6 33.8 G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant
ctx-lh-gp28 CinguloOperc 68 -9 25.3 27.7 G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant
ctx-lh-gp29 Salience 105 -10 33.9 21.5 G_and_S_cingul-Ant
ctx-lh-gp30 SMhand 49 -10.7 -47.5 60.3 G_precuneus
ctx-lh-gp31 SMhand 344 -15.6 -33.1 66.1 S_central
ctx-lh-gp32 SMhand 116 -10.9 -29.3 69.5 S_central
ctx-lh-gp33 SMhand 60 -6.6 -20.4 74.2 G_and_S_paracentral
ctx-lh-gp34 CinguloOperc 268 -8 -8.7 62.9 G_front_sup
ctx-lh-gp35 SMhand 241 -10.8 -41.1 64.9 G_and_S_paracentral
ctx-lh-gp36 SMhand 349 -5 -28.2 60.4 G_and_S_paracentral
ctx-lh-gp37 SMhand 150 -5.4 -15.9 48.8 G_front_sup
ctx-lh-gp38 SMhand 517 -35.8 -29.7 54.5 S_central
ctx-lh-gp39 SMmouth 142 -41.5 -12.5 50.4 S_central
ctx-lh-gp40 CinguloOperc 98 -42.1 -4.5 47.3 S_precentral-sup-part
ctx-lh-gp41 DorsalAttn 346 -27.3 -6.8 46.3 S_precentral-sup-part
ctx-lh-gp42 DorsalAttn 95 -27.3 1.9 52.9 S_front_sup
ctx-lh-gp43 DorsalAttn 114 -19.8 6.4 55.7 S_front_sup
ctx-lh-gp44 Default 519 -19.5 30.1 45.5 S_front_sup
ctx-lh-gp45 SMhand 388 -36.8 -22.8 61.9 G_precentral
ctx-lh-gp46 SMhand 111 -20.5 -24.9 64.5 S_central
ctx-lh-gp47 SMhand 320 -23.4 -13.8 64.2 S_precentral-sup-part
ctx-lh-gp48 SMhand 125 -17.2 -8.6 67.9 G_front_sup
ctx-lh-gp49 DorsalAttn 137 -21.3 -0.2 62.7 S_front_sup
ctx-lh-gp50 SMhand 177 -28.6 -44.7 61.7 S_postcentral
ctx-lh-gp51 DorsalAttn 317 -31.1 -48.9 47.1 S_intrapariet_and_P_trans
ctx-lh-gp52 DorsalAttn 181 -42.9 -45 43 S_intrapariet_and_P_trans
ctx-lh-gp53 SMmouth 855 -51.5 -11.9 29.7 S_central
ctx-lh-gp54 SMhand 94 -54.1 -21.3 40.8 S_postcentral
ctx-lh-gp55 DorsalAttn 189 -51.7 -30.9 39.9 S_postcentral
ctx-lh-gp56 SMhand 319 -35.2 -35.3 42 S_postcentral
ctx-lh-gp57 SMhand 206 -27.5 -37.2 61.4 S_postcentral
ctx-lh-gp58 SMhand 228 -47.2 -31.4 54.8 G_postcentral
ctx-lh-gp59 SMmouth 108 -46.1 -17.8 52.7 G_postcentral
ctx-lh-gp60 VentralAttn 51 -44.8 -54 14.6 S_temporal_sup
ctx-lh-gp61 VentralAttn 72 -51.6 -55.9 11.4 S_temporal_sup
ctx-lh-gp62 VentralAttn 1211 -48.1 -40 2.4 S_temporal_sup
ctx-lh-gp63 CinguloOperc 401 -57.7 -40.6 35.8 G_pariet_inf-Supramar
ctx-lh-gp64 Auditory 70 -46.3 -41.4 25.9 Lat_Fis-post
ctx-lh-gp65 Auditory 58 -35.8 -33.5 19.9 Lat_Fis-post
ctx-lh-gp66 Auditory 318 -52.7 -20.6 5.4 S_temporal_transverse
ctx-lh-gp67 Auditory 134 -59.6 -38.5 16.5 G_temp_sup-Plan_tempo
ctx-lh-gp68 Auditory 185 -58.7 -29.9 11.1 G_temp_sup-Plan_tempo
ctx-lh-gp69 Auditory 88 -40.6 -38.3 14.5 Lat_Fis-post
ctx-lh-gp70 Auditory 78 -33.7 -21.8 9.9 S_circular_insula_inf
ctx-lh-gp71 CinguloOperc 258 -38.7 -16 -5.3 S_circular_insula_inf
ctx-lh-gp72 CinguloOperc 314 -39.1 -1.6 -12.2 S_circular_insula_inf
ctx-lh-gp73 None 435 -33.6 17.2 -31.5 Pole_temporal
ctx-lh-gp74 DorsalAttn 213 -43.6 36.3 8.5 S_front_inf
ctx-lh-gp75 VentralAttn 231 -50 20.8 10.6 Lat_Fis-ant-Vertical
ctx-lh-gp76 CinguloOperc 406 -37.7 2.9 11.7 S_circular_insula_sup
ctx-lh-gp77 Auditory 178 -37.2 -14 19.4 S_circular_insula_sup
ctx-lh-gp78 FrontoParietal 388 -40.3 50.4 -4.8 G_orbital
ctx-lh-gp79 VentralAttn 139 -47.2 39 -9.1 G_front_inf-Triangul
ctx-lh-gp80 VentralAttn 558 -29.1 20.5 -14 G_orbital
ctx-lh-gp81 CinguloOperc 114 -36.6 1.4 6.4 S_circular_insula_sup
ctx-lh-gp82 CinguloOperc 97 -37.3 8.9 -0.9 G_insular_short
ctx-lh-gp83 Salience 78 -32.5 17.2 -7.8 S_circular_insula_ant
ctx-lh-gp84 CinguloOperc 421 -28.8 23.7 8.4 S_circular_insula_sup
ctx-lh-gp85 VentralAttn 119 -44.3 33.2 -7.2 Lat_Fis-ant-Horizont
ctx-lh-gp86 VentralAttn 111 -45.4 28.8 0.8 G_front_inf-Triangul
ctx-lh-gp87 DorsalAttn 429 -20.4 -64.6 51.4 G_parietal_sup
ctx-lh-gp88 DorsalAttn 260 -25.8 -65 32.2 S_intrapariet_and_P_trans
ctx-lh-gp89 CinguloParietal 118 -12.7 -64.9 31.8 S_parieto_occipital
ctx-lh-gp90 Visual 187 -13.7 -77.4 26.6 S_parieto_occipital
ctx-lh-gp91 DorsalAttn 259 -9.9 -56.9 59.8 G_precuneus
ctx-lh-gp92 DorsalAttn 81 -7.1 -63.7 54.9 G_precuneus
ctx-lh-gp93 CinguloParietal 215 -10.9 -73.4 42.9 G_parietal_sup
ctx-lh-gp94 Default 486 -39.3 -73.9 38.3 G_pariet_inf-Angular
ctx-lh-gp95 DorsalAttn 112 -30 -74.1 36.1 G_pariet_inf-Angular
ctx-lh-gp96 FrontoParietal 195 -34.1 -61 42.4 S_intrapariet_and_P_trans
ctx-lh-gp97 Visual 619 -31.3 -84.2 9 S_oc_middle_and_Lunatus
ctx-lh-gp98 Visual 200 -34.2 -86.6 -0.5 G_occipital_middle
ctx-lh-gp99 Visual 344 -43.4 -67.6 9.7 S_occipital_ant
ctx-lh-gp100 DorsalAttn 1019 -46.2 -57.7 -7.9 G_temporal_inf
ctx-lh-gp101 CinguloOperc 130 -59.8 -4.1 8.8 G_and_S_subcentral
ctx-lh-gp102 Auditory 84 -52.2 -14.1 15.2 G_and_S_subcentral
ctx-lh-gp103 CinguloOperc 219 -55.1 -32.3 23 G_pariet_inf-Supramar
ctx-lh-gp104 Auditory 235 -50.6 -22.4 19.2 G_and_S_subcentral
ctx-lh-gp105 CinguloOperc 317 -58.8 -23.9 31 G_pariet_inf-Supramar
ctx-lh-gp106 DorsalAttn 494 -45.2 2.7 32.4 S_precentral-inf-part
ctx-lh-gp107 DorsalAttn 76 -34.7 5.6 34 S_precentral-inf-part
ctx-lh-gp108 FrontoParietal 87 -43 19.4 33.5 G_front_middle
ctx-lh-gp109 FrontoParietal 275 -40.2 23.6 23.3 S_front_inf
ctx-lh-gp110 DorsalAttn 179 -37.6 38.4 17.2 S_front_inf
ctx-lh-gp111 CinguloOperc 190 -51.8 -0.6 5 G_front_inf-Opercular
ctx-lh-gp112 CinguloOperc 375 -48.6 7.5 11.1 S_precentral-inf-part
ctx-lh-gp113 DorsalAttn 80 -41.6 8.7 22.2 S_precentral-inf-part
ctx-lh-gp114 Default 86 -27.5 53.6 0 G_and_S_frontomargin
ctx-lh-gp115 None 110 -23.4 61 -6.8 G_and_S_frontomargin
ctx-lh-gp116 Default 539 -5.9 54.8 -11.3 G_rectus
ctx-lh-gp117 Default 308 -6.8 38.2 -9.4 G_and_S_cingul-Ant
ctx-lh-gp118 None 45 -31.8 2.6 -16.8 G_insular_short
ctx-lh-gp119 None 111 -34.7 35.6 -9.6 S_orbital-H_Shaped
ctx-lh-gp120 None 348 -22.5 32.1 -13.6 S_orbital-H_Shaped
ctx-lh-gp121 None 122 -23.8 52.2 -12.8 S_orbital-H_Shaped
ctx-lh-gp122 None 236 -17.3 46.6 -17.9 G_orbital
ctx-lh-gp123 None 212 -13.3 24 -16.4 S_orbital_med-olfact
ctx-lh-gp124 None 111 -8.9 45.5 -20.8 S_orbital_med-olfact
ctx-lh-gp125 None 87 -2.5 33.8 -26.2 G_rectus
ctx-lh-gp126 Default 142 -63.2 -28.7 -7.2 G_temporal_middle
ctx-lh-gp127 Default 776 -53.1 -11.4 -16 S_temporal_sup
ctx-lh-gp128 None 500 -53.2 -13 -29.2 G_temporal_inf
ctx-lh-gp129 None 538 -44.6 9 -37 Pole_temporal
ctx-lh-gp130 RetrosplenialTemporal 376 -33.8 -33.2 -15.4 S_oc- temp_med_and_Lingual
ctx-lh-gp131 Visual 297 -28.8 -58.8 -9.1 S_oc- temp_med_and_Lingual
ctx-lh-gp132 Visual 201 -34.4 -63.9 -15.7 G_oc-temp_lat-fusifor
ctx-lh-gp133 None 155 -55.1 -39.6 -16.2 G_temporal_inf
ctx-lh-gp134 None 142 -32 -3.9 -45.2 Pole_temporal
ctx-lh-gp135 None 176 -38.6 -13 -26.9 S_collat_transv_ant
ctx-lh-gp136 Visual 314 -34.3 -43.8 -21.6 G_oc-temp_lat-fusifor
ctx-lh-gp137 Visual 483 -5.4 -88 18.6 G_cuneus
ctx-lh-gp138 Visual 142 -8.6 -77.5 -3.5 G_oc-temp_med-Lingual
ctx-lh-gp139 Visual 230 -41.2 -72.1 -5.9 G_and_S_occipital_inf
ctx-lh-gp140 Visual 353 -25.2 -97.2 -7.9 Pole_occipital
ctx-lh-gp141 Visual 541 -22.6 -81.7 -11.7 G_and_S_occipital_inf
ctx-lh-gp142 None 221 -20.5 -12.6 -23.7 Unknown
ctx-lh-gp143 RetrosplenialTemporal 156 -22.5 -37.1 -15 G_oc-temp_med-Parahip
ctx-lh-gp144 None 205 -22 -21.9 -17.4 Unknown
ctx-lh-gp145 Default 178 -15.9 48.6 37.2 G_front_sup
ctx-lh-gp146 Default 273 -19.5 56.3 27.5 G_front_middle
ctx-lh-gp147 CinguloOperc 55 -26.6 46.8 20.9 S_front_middle
ctx-lh-gp148 FrontoParietal 194 -21.3 63.1 1.9 G_and_S_transv_frontopol
ctx-lh-gp149 FrontoParietal 106 -28.6 50.9 10.1 S_front_middle
ctx-lh-gp150 Default 685 -6.5 54.7 18.1 G_front_sup
ctx-lh-gp151 Default 151 -15.7 64.7 13.7 G_front_sup
ctx-lh-gp152 Default 177 -6 44.9 6.3 G_and_S_cingul-Ant
ctx-lh-gp153 CinguloOperc 162 -28.8 38.3 28.2 S_front_middle
ctx-lh-gp154 Default 105 -26.2 26.6 38.8 S_front_sup
ctx-lh-gp155 DorsalAttn 151 -35.7 33.1 32 G_front_middle
ctx-lh-gp156 Default 139 -29.3 16.8 50.7 G_front_middle
ctx-lh-gp157 Default 352 -41.7 16.1 47.5 G_front_middle
ctx-lh-gp158 VentralAttn 113 -38.7 4.8 48.4 S_precentral-inf-part
ctx-lh-gp159 None 242 -50.8 6.9 -20.1 G_temp_sup-Lateral
ctx-lh-gp160 Auditory 388 -54.4 -1.4 -0.7 G_temp_sup-Lateral
ctx-lh-gp161 VentralAttn 95 -59 -18 -3 S_temporal_sup
ctx-rh-gp162 Default 1286 12.3 -51.6 34.5 S_subparietal
ctx-rh-gp163 SMhand 422 20.8 -48.2 66.1 G_parietal_sup
ctx-rh-gp164 SMmouth 303 49.6 -7.4 36.1 S_central
ctx-rh-gp165 Default 445 11.9 21.9 59.9 G_front_sup
ctx-rh-gp166 Visual 594 22 -84.6 23.7 S_oc_sup_and_transversal
ctx-rh-gp167 FrontoParietal 154 47.9 -42.5 41.5 G_pariet_inf-Supramar
ctx-rh-gp168 FrontoParietal 157 38.1 45.9 7.7 S_front_inf
ctx-rh-gp169 Visual 102 22.3 -46.5 -9.9 S_oc- temp_med_and_Lingual
ctx-rh-gp170 FrontoParietal 259 59.7 -41 -10.9 S_temporal_inf
ctx-rh-gp171 Auditory 169 33.6 -22.3 13 Lat_Fis-post
ctx-rh-gp172 None 253 32.5 13.6 -30.5 G_temp_sup-Plan_polar
ctx-rh-gp173 CinguloParietal 138 7.6 -27 28.4 S_pericallosal
ctx-rh-gp174 RetrosplenialTemporal 514 13.8 -54.1 10.9 S_parieto_occipital
ctx-rh-gp175 Visual 1935 15.5 -74.1 9.4 S_calcarine
ctx-rh-gp176 Visual 272 19.6 -45.3 -4.4 S_calcarine
ctx-rh-gp177 Visual 249 15.6 -59.6 -5 G_oc-temp_med-Lingual
ctx-rh-gp178 None 95 24.9 -35.9 -4.8 Unknown
ctx-rh-gp179 None 93 19.4 -29.9 -9.7 Unknown
ctx-rh-gp180 CinguloOperc 698 16.2 -33.1 43.2 S_cingul-Marginalis
ctx-rh-gp181 CinguloOperc 87 6.7 5 55.9 G_front_sup
ctx-rh-gp182 FrontoParietal 260 7 25.7 47.3 G_front_sup
ctx-rh-gp183 Salience 104 8.4 34.7 22.6 G_and_S_cingul-Ant
ctx-rh-gp184 Default 375 7.7 44.1 5.5 G_and_S_cingul-Ant
ctx-rh-gp185 CinguloOperc 495 8.6 4.2 40.1 G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant
ctx-rh-gp186 Default 86 3 -19.6 37.9 G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post
ctx-rh-gp187 CinguloOperc 81 8.8 10.8 45.9 G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant
ctx-rh-gp188 CinguloOperc 176 6 21.8 32.4 G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant
ctx-rh-gp189 DorsalAttn 381 10.3 -57.3 58.3 G_precuneus
ctx-rh-gp190 SMhand 373 16.5 -32.8 67.7 S_central
ctx-rh-gp191 SMhand 479 4.8 -27.1 64.8 G_and_S_paracentral
ctx-rh-gp192 CinguloOperc 118 16.2 0.8 67.5 G_front_sup
ctx-rh-gp193 SMhand 183 11.9 -40.7 67 G_and_S_paracentral
ctx-rh-gp194 SMhand 64 5.1 -17.1 51.6 G_front_sup
ctx-rh-gp195 SMhand 124 6.8 -8.1 50.9 G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post
ctx-rh-gp196 CinguloOperc 213 8 -6.2 63.7 G_front_sup
ctx-rh-gp197 SMmouth 225 42.3 -11 47.3 S_central
ctx-rh-gp198 CinguloOperc 154 42.5 -2.3 47.2 S_precentral-sup-part
ctx-rh-gp199 DorsalAttn 125 29.2 1.9 52.4 S_front_sup
ctx-rh-gp200 Default 368 21.9 21 46.2 S_front_sup
ctx-rh-gp201 SMhand 359 38.1 -22.4 60.3 G_precentral
ctx-rh-gp202 SMhand 141 19.7 -25 65.2 S_central
ctx-rh-gp203 DorsalAttn 252 29.9 -7.8 47.4 S_precentral-sup-part
ctx-rh-gp204 SMhand 70 12.4 -28.3 69.6 G_precentral
ctx-rh-gp205 SMhand 193 29.2 -13.5 64.2 S_precentral-sup-part
ctx-rh-gp206 SMhand 82 17 -16.9 70.9 G_precentral
ctx-rh-gp207 SMhand 144 20.9 -6.4 65 G_front_sup
ctx-rh-gp208 DorsalAttn 162 22.6 5.6 57.6 S_front_sup
ctx-rh-gp209 SMhand 118 29.5 -42.5 60.4 G_parietal_sup
ctx-rh-gp210 SMhand 43 34.2 -40.6 51.6 S_intrapariet_and_P_trans
ctx-rh-gp211 DorsalAttn 140 38.8 -42.6 40.4 S_intrapariet_and_P_trans
ctx-rh-gp212 SMmouth 814 53.9 -8.3 26.1 S_central
ctx-rh-gp213 SMhand 326 39.6 -31.5 39.7 S_postcentral
ctx-rh-gp214 SMhand 222 28 -34.8 63.1 S_postcentral
ctx-rh-gp215 SMhand 95 39.2 -34.6 57.5 G_postcentral
ctx-rh-gp216 SMhand 550 37.3 -25.9 50.9 S_central
ctx-rh-gp217 SMhand 209 48.7 -26.1 52.2 G_postcentral
ctx-rh-gp218 SMmouth 134 47.8 -15.1 49.3 G_postcentral
ctx-rh-gp219 CinguloOperc 301 57.5 -40.3 34.7 G_pariet_inf-Supramar
ctx-rh-gp220 Default 659 48.9 -53 28.6 S_temporal_sup
ctx-rh-gp221 VentralAttn 127 57.5 -45.3 9 S_temporal_sup
ctx-rh-gp222 VentralAttn 147 60.9 -38.7 1.7 G_temporal_middle
ctx-rh-gp223 CinguloOperc 1237 54.9 -27 29.6 G_pariet_inf-Supramar
ctx-rh-gp224 Auditory 179 36.4 -30.7 19.4 Lat_Fis-post
ctx-rh-gp225 Default 259 62.5 -25.6 -5.5 G_temporal_middle
ctx-rh-gp226 VentralAttn 135 57.1 -17 -2.6 S_temporal_sup
ctx-rh-gp227 Auditory 350 53.8 -15.8 5.2 S_temporal_transverse
ctx-rh-gp228 VentralAttn 83 47.4 -39.6 13.2 S_temporal_sup
ctx-rh-gp229 VentralAttn 171 45.5 -37.3 3.4 S_temporal_sup
ctx-rh-gp230 Auditory 117 59.2 -38.6 14.6 S_temporal_sup
ctx-rh-gp231 VentralAttn 187 48.5 -26.5 -0.1 S_temporal_sup
ctx-rh-gp232 Auditory 98 61.7 -24 1.3 G_temp_sup-Lateral
ctx-rh-gp233 Auditory 238 60 -25.2 10.2 G_temp_sup-Plan_tempo
ctx-rh-gp234 CinguloOperc 297 38.8 -14.4 -5 S_circular_insula_inf
ctx-rh-gp235 CinguloOperc 277 39.7 1.2 -13.1 S_circular_insula_inf
ctx-rh-gp236 DorsalAttn 243 36.8 37.8 13.1 S_front_inf
ctx-rh-gp237 VentralAttn 121 52.5 23.7 10.3 G_front_inf-Triangul
ctx-rh-gp238 CinguloOperc 206 36.7 5.2 12.7 S_circular_insula_sup
ctx-rh-gp239 Auditory 113 38.4 -12.2 20 Lat_Fis-post
ctx-rh-gp240 FrontoParietal 307 42.8 48.3 -5.1 G_orbital
ctx-rh-gp241 VentralAttn 93 48.1 38.3 -9.2 G_orbital
ctx-rh-gp242 VentralAttn 269 45.2 30.7 -5.6 G_orbital
ctx-rh-gp243 VentralAttn 272 27.4 19.7 -14.9 S_circular_insula_ant
ctx-rh-gp244 Auditory 61 36.6 -10 12.4 S_circular_insula_sup
ctx-rh-gp245 CinguloOperc 160 39.6 10.4 -1.6 G_insular_short
ctx-rh-gp246 CinguloOperc 134 36.5 5.7 6 S_circular_insula_sup
ctx-rh-gp247 Salience 109 30.6 22.8 -4.7 S_circular_insula_ant
ctx-rh-gp248 CinguloOperc 88 33.7 22.6 3.7 G_insular_short
ctx-rh-gp249 CinguloOperc 317 34 24.4 10 S_circular_insula_sup
ctx-rh-gp250 DorsalAttn 94 48.1 38.4 2.4 G_front_inf-Triangul
ctx-rh-gp251 Visual 225 26.8 -55 54.2 S_intrapariet_and_P_trans
ctx-rh-gp252 DorsalAttn 362 23 -66.4 51.8 G_parietal_sup
ctx-rh-gp253 DorsalAttn 266 32.3 -63.6 33.8 S_intrapariet_and_P_trans
ctx-rh-gp254 CinguloParietal 288 15.6 -69.5 39.6 S_parieto_occipital
ctx-rh-gp255 Visual 161 17.6 -78.3 34 S_parieto_occipital
ctx-rh-gp256 Visual 100 7.7 -85.6 31.6 G_cuneus
ctx-rh-gp257 Default 53 7.4 -69.3 49.9 G_precuneus
ctx-rh-gp258 Visual 197 35.4 -77.1 21.1 S_oc_sup_and_transversal
ctx-rh-gp259 Default 710 46.5 -67.3 36.2 G_pariet_inf-Angular
ctx-rh-gp260 FrontoParietal 60 41.5 -53.5 44 S_intrapariet_and_P_trans
ctx-rh-gp261 FrontoParietal 40 35.7 -56.7 45.2 S_intrapariet_and_P_trans
ctx-rh-gp262 DorsalAttn 157 33.5 -48.2 49.4 S_intrapariet_and_P_trans
ctx-rh-gp263 Visual 1230 31.7 -85.7 2.4 S_oc_middle_and_Lunatus
ctx-rh-gp264 Visual 434 43.8 -67.2 2 S_occipital_ant
ctx-rh-gp265 Visual 732 47.3 -52.4 -11.7 S_oc-temp_lat
ctx-rh-gp266 DorsalAttn 80 57 -53.8 -1.1 G_temporal_middle
ctx-rh-gp267 Visual 156 49 -54.5 8.8 S_temporal_sup
ctx-rh-gp268 Auditory 131 60.9 -2.2 10.7 G_and_S_subcentral
ctx-rh-gp269 Auditory 159 54.2 -13.6 16.9 G_and_S_subcentral
ctx-rh-gp270 SMhand 163 53 -22.7 39.1 S_postcentral
ctx-rh-gp271 DorsalAttn 232 47.3 2 37.6 S_precentral-inf-part
ctx-rh-gp272 FrontoParietal 169 37.8 28.7 35.6 G_front_middle
ctx-rh-gp273 FrontoParietal 357 41.8 29.1 21.6 S_front_inf
ctx-rh-gp274 CinguloOperc 289 50.1 3 3.9 G_front_inf-Opercular
ctx-rh-gp275 DorsalAttn 847 46.6 7.8 19.3 S_precentral-inf-part
ctx-rh-gp276 FrontoParietal 59 38.6 18.8 25.5 S_front_inf
ctx-rh-gp277 FrontoParietal 328 28.4 57 -5.1 G_and_S_frontomargin
ctx-rh-gp278 Default 280 4.8 65.1 -7.1 G_front_sup
ctx-rh-gp279 Default 423 7.2 48.4 -10.1 G_and_S_cingul-Ant
ctx-rh-gp280 None 237 2.9 18.7 -23.2 G_rectus
ctx-rh-gp281 None 219 35.1 37.3 -8.4 S_orbital-H_Shaped
ctx-rh-gp282 None 76 25.4 8.9 -15.7 G_oc-temp_med-Parahip
ctx-rh-gp283 None 297 21.2 30.3 -15.2 S_orbital-H_Shaped
ctx-rh-gp284 None 288 21.6 51.1 -14.1 S_orbital-H_Shaped
ctx-rh-gp285 None 39 11.9 25.7 -24.8 G_orbital
ctx-rh-gp286 None 94 13.5 20.3 -15.2 S_orbital_med-olfact
ctx-rh-gp287 None 288 10.9 39.1 -19.7 S_orbital_med-olfact
ctx-rh-gp288 None 109 2.2 39 -25.6 G_rectus
ctx-rh-gp289 None 77 62.3 -26.4 -16 G_temporal_middle
ctx-rh-gp290 Default 711 57.5 -7.4 -16.4 S_temporal_sup
ctx-rh-gp291 None 160 54.7 -7.8 -26.9 G_temporal_middle
ctx-rh-gp292 None 800 45.2 13.6 -30.1 Pole_temporal
ctx-rh-gp293 Visual 72 31.2 -45.6 -5.8 S_oc- temp_med_and_Lingual
ctx-rh-gp294 RetrosplenialTemporal 86 34.6 -35.6 -12.3 S_oc- temp_med_and_Lingual
ctx-rh-gp295 RetrosplenialTemporal 197 34.6 -23.9 -20.4 S_oc- temp_med_and_Lingual
ctx-rh-gp296 None 182 20.1 -21.4 -21.5 G_oc-temp_med-Parahip
ctx-rh-gp297 None 97 28 -0.4 -37.3 G_oc-temp_med-Parahip
ctx-rh-gp298 Visual 938 26.9 -69.1 -6.6 S_oc- temp_med_and_Lingual
ctx-rh-gp299 Visual 569 34.9 -44 -20 G_oc-temp_lat-fusifor
ctx-rh-gp300 None 162 36.8 7.7 -37.9 Pole_temporal
ctx-rh-gp301 None 283 54.5 -9.6 -37 G_temporal_inf
ctx-rh-gp302 None 71 56.4 -27 -19.4 S_temporal_inf
ctx-rh-gp303 None 183 31.1 2.2 -46.1 Pole_temporal
ctx-rh-gp304 None 162 39.5 -11.9 -29.7 S_collat_transv_ant
ctx-rh-gp305 None 73 31.6 -9.4 -35.5 G_oc-temp_med-Parahip
ctx-rh-gp306 None 106 43.4 -24.1 -20.8 S_collat_transv_ant
ctx-rh-gp307 Visual 188 13.8 -92.3 14.7 G_cuneus
ctx-rh-gp308 Visual 210 10.5 -73.8 -1.5 G_oc-temp_med-Lingual
ctx-rh-gp309 Visual 142 20.4 -87.3 -6.6 Pole_occipital
ctx-rh-gp310 Visual 161 5.1 -80.2 23.1 G_cuneus
ctx-rh-gp311 Visual 132 14.6 -70.3 23.3 S_parieto_occipital
ctx-rh-gp312 None 218 19.5 -10.8 -24.9 Unknown
ctx-rh-gp313 RetrosplenialTemporal 110 24.5 -36.2 -13.2 S_oc- temp_med_and_Lingual
ctx-rh-gp314 None 66 30.4 -18.8 -19.4 Unknown
ctx-rh-gp315 Default 200 21 32.8 42.1 S_front_sup
ctx-rh-gp316 Default 111 21.4 42.8 35.1 S_front_sup
ctx-rh-gp317 CinguloOperc 119 24.4 50.8 24.3 S_front_middle
ctx-rh-gp318 CinguloOperc 300 31.3 39.7 25.6 S_front_middle
ctx-rh-gp319 FrontoParietal 255 23.5 59.1 4.9 S_front_middle
ctx-rh-gp320 FrontoParietal 96 30.9 52.2 9.9 S_front_middle
ctx-rh-gp321 Default 285 16 61 19.8 G_front_sup
ctx-rh-gp322 Default 494 8.2 53.8 14 G_front_sup
ctx-rh-gp323 Default 118 5.9 54.9 29.4 G_front_sup
ctx-rh-gp324 Default 202 13.8 46.7 42.1 G_front_sup
ctx-rh-gp325 Default 252 6.8 44.5 34.8 G_front_sup
ctx-rh-gp326 Default 84 30.6 18.9 48.7 S_front_sup
ctx-rh-gp327 FrontoParietal 384 42.4 19.5 48.2 G_front_middle
ctx-rh-gp328 FrontoParietal 142 38.9 9.6 42.7 S_precentral-inf-part
ctx-rh-gp329 Auditory 16 39.7 -22.5 2.6 S_circular_insula_inf
ctx-rh-gp330 Auditory 415 55.8 2 -2 G_temp_sup-Lateral
ctx-rh-gp331 Default 101 54.4 1.1 -12.9 G_temp_sup-Lateral
ctx-rh-gp332 VentralAttn 130 57.1 -6.3 -7.7 S_temporal_sup
ctx-rh-gp333 VentralAttn 67 46.6 -21.5 -8.5 S_temporal_sup

Task fMRI contrasts

MID task contrasts of conditions

Contrast Condition A Condition B
antic_reward_vs_neutral large_reward_antic small_reward_antic neutral_antic
antic_loss_vs_neutral large_loss_antic small_loss_antic neutral_antic
reward_pos_vs_neg_feedback large_reward_pos_feedback small_reward_pos_feedback large_reward_neg_feedback small_reward_neg_feedback
loss_pos_vs_neg_feedback large_loss_pos_feedback large_loss_neg_feedback
small_loss_pos_feedback small_loss_neg_feedback
antic_large_reward_vs_neutral large_reward_antic neutral_antic
antic_small_reward_vs_neutral small_reward_antic neutral_antic
antic_large_vs_small_reward large_reward_antic small_reward_antic
antic_large_loss_vs_neutral large_loss_antic neutral_antic
antic_small_loss_vs_neutral small_loss_antic neutral_antic
antic_large_vs_small_loss large_loss_antic small_loss_antic

SST task contrasts of conditions

Contrast Condition A Condition B
correct_go_vs_fixation correct_go
correct_stop_vs_correct_go correct_stop correct_go
incorrect_stop_vs_correct_go incorrect_stop correct_go



correct_stop_vs_incorrect_stop correct_stop incorrect_stop
incorrect_go_vs_correct_go incorrect_go correct_go
incorrect_go_vs_incorrect_stop incorrect_go incorrect_stop

nBack task contrasts of conditions

Contrast Condition A Condition B























2_back_posface 0_back_posface

























Restriction Spectrum Imaging (RSI) measures

White, N.S., Leergaard, T.B., D’Arceuil, H., Bjaalie, J.G., Dale, A.M. (2013) Probing tissue microstructure with restriction spectrum imaging: Histological and theoretical validation. Hum Brain Mapp, 34:327-46.

White, N.S., McDonald, C., Farid, N., Kuperman, J., Karow, D., Schenker-Ahmed, N.M., Bartsch, H., Rakow-Penner, R., Holland, D., Shabaik, A., Bjornerud, A., Hope, T., Hattangadi-Gluth, J., Liss, M., Parsons, J.K., Chen, C.C., Raman, S., Margolis, D., Reiter, R.E., Marks, L., Kesari, S., Mundt, A.J., Kane, C.J., Carter, B.S., Bradley, W.G., Dale, A.M. (2014) Diffusion-weighted imaging in cancer: physical foundations and applications of restriction spectrum imaging. Cancer Res, 74:4638-52.

Name Alias Description Size scale Notes
RNI N0 0th order FOD parameter divided by Euclidean norm of all parameters restricted isotropic
RND ND norm of directional FOD components (2nd and 4th order) divided by norm of all parameters restricted directional
RNT NT norm of all FOD parameters (0th, 2nd, and 4th order) divided by norm of all parameters restricted total
HNI N0_s2 0th order FOD parameter divided by norm of all parameters hindered isotropic
HND ND_s2 norm of directional FOD components (2nd and 4th order) divided by norm of all parameters hindered directional
HNT NT_s2 norm of all FOD parameters (0th, 2nd, and 4th order) divided by norm of all parameters hindered total
FNI NIf isotroptic freewater component divided by norm of all parameters free isotropic