Here is the log of the changes to the Wiki:
Under Known Issues, added note regarding Scanner 15.
Added non-imaging known issues: Some of the Culture & Environment summary scores (e.g. MNBS) have some errors (i.e. 777’s were not coded as missing), so please note this in analysis.
Under the Culture & Environment Wills Problem Solving Scale, added note: “Note that some values in the early years for wps_q(1-6)_y have 0’s, which do not map to the data dictionary and need to be filtered out.”
Under Mental Health CBCL measure, added note: “Based on ASEBA scoring,the DSM and subscale measures have a range >= 50. The three CBCL Internalizing, Externalizing, and Total Problem scales have a full T-score range with a mean = 50 and SD = 10.”
Added notes to the Imaging Overview: dMRI gradient tables section
Under FAQ, updated section on Biospecimen collection
Under FAQ, added section “Can I use ChatGPT or another AI generative tool to create figures and graphs representing ABCD data?”
Under FAQ, added section “How can I download the abcd_fastqc01.csv file?”
Under FAQ, added section “Where can I download the ABCD raw data?”
Under Neurocognition NIH Toolbox section, added in Notes and special considerations: In cases with remote administration of the NIH Toolbox (see variable X that indicates remote or in person), the Crystallized Cognition Composite Score is not calculated.
Under Culture and Environment Parental Monitoring measure, added in Notes and special considerations: Item 8 (parental_monitor_q8_p) asks, “Do you know which places your child visits when they are out with friends at night?”. A notably larger percentage of parents choose “decline to answer” as their response to this question than the percentage of parents who do so for other items on this scale. The percentage of “decline to answer” responses on item 8 decreases longitudinally, which might indicate that parents were selecting “decline to answer” because they do not allow their parents to be out with friends at night at younger ages - in other words, they see the question as inapplicable. We cannot confirm this possibility, but bring the larger percentage of “decline to answer” responses on item 8 to users’ attention when considering a summary score.
Under Task-based fMRI, updated “GE DV26 and subsequent GE software versions” for number of initial volumes to be removed
Under Novel Technologies, updated Youth Screen Usage Table.
Under Linked External Documents, added Known Issues section.
Under Mental Health CBCL measures, added in Notes and special considerations: ASEBA recommends not using summary scores for participants with more than 8 missing items.
Under FAQ, added: How can we download the ABCD 4.0 data?: Go to the ABCD Annual Releases page: Click on ABCD 4.0 (Study 1299): Click on Measures Type measure of interest in search box Click on measure – brings you to query page Click Add to Filter Cart in lower left corner Click Create Data Package - upper right Click Create Data Package on next page Name your package, include associated files Click Create Data Package and navigate to download manager dashboard
Under Genetics, added “For extraction….” below “Non-tabulated Genetic Data”, before the “Smokescreen Binarized PLINK Files” section.
Under Mental Health UPPS sum scores, added in Notes and special considerations: There are a small number of cases where 1 or 2 items were missing and a score was computed without compensation. The number of items missing are in the output, so users can recompute the value as an average of the number of items answered if they would like.